About Me


Welcome to anybody interested in learning a little bit about me! I'm currently enrolled in both high school and community college here in the United States and have been tasked to make a Wikipedia bio about myself for my English class. Since I'm a student I think it's good to know which academics I'm interested in; currently, I'm pursuing an undergraduate bachelor's degree in either Biology or Zoology and then hopefully will move up to a graduate school where I can get my Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine. As for why I want to pursue this path there are a few reasons. For one, I've grown up around a multitude of animals my entire life and they hold a very special place in my heart. Also, science has always been my favorite subject in school, and I thought, "well if I really like science, and I really like animals, why not be a vet?" (also they earn quite a lot of money). As of writing this short bio about myself my pets include a Miniature Australian Shepherd, a Bengal cat, a Tabby, and a Box Turtle that is older than me! Aside from school though I do have other interests such as art, biking, camping, and video games. For art, I typically just like doing pencil drawings or sketches, and I'm also currently enrolled in an art class at my high school which is teaching me a lot of new techniques and ways to express artwork. Some of my favorite video games include but aren't limited to, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Dead by Daylight, Genshin Impact, the entirety of the Mario and Luigi RPG series, and Subnautica. This is only a small scope of my interests and who I am, and now that I told you a little about myself we can move on to my goals for my Wikipedia endeavors.

My Wikipedia interests


Wikipedia is an open canvas, especially for a student such as myself. With that in mind comes what I would like to do with my time on this site. First things first, I would absolutely love to create a simple-moderately complex article on something animal related since I'm going down that academic pathway. It would be a good learning experience overall and give me a chance to start my "self portfolio" you might call it. Additionally, adding to my user page over time could be a fun way to log my experiences within my English class, and my experience of dual-enrollment as a whole.

Final Notes


I'm excited to begin my time on this website and am looking forward to what the Wikipedia community and I will create in the future. Thank you for visiting my user page!

Article Evaluation


Lopez Island


Located in the San Juan Islands of Washington (state), Lopez Island has always been an important location for my family and I to visit during the summer for camping and other activities. This is what sparked my interest to critique the current Wikipedia article for the topic. I visited the Lopez Island article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: each source was correctly cited and referenced, the article retains a neutral tone, and it had a lack of specific details about the island's notable businesses.

During my evaluation of the Lopez Island article there were found to be no errors made in terms of unusable or outdated links. Additionally, the refences cited all used correct MLA format and were from reliable sources such as the National Park Service and Seattle Times. The incorporation of correct links can be shown when the article references Spencer Spit State Park in the "Parks" section, the link takes you directly to that specific Wikipedia article and is a prime example of this article's good use of citing sources.

While reading through the Lopez Island article, the words and phrasing used supported the information for having a neutral tone and keeping things in the realm of non-bias. An example of this would be when the article states, "The island is known for the longstanding custom of waving at every motorist, bicyclist, or pedestrian encountered on the island's roads", which manages to use neutral words like "custom" to convey something as traditional without deviating from the words implied intent. This is just a small example of how the article maintains neutral tone, there are quite a few more and I am positive that the entire article remains neutral.

So far the evaluation has gone over the Lopez Island's article's strengths so now we'll look at one of its weaknesses: a lack of specific content about the many popular businesses within the Lopez Village. One of the main things I do when going to Lopez Island every summer is stop by the Lopez Island Creamery[1] where they sell fudge, Italian soda, and some famous ice cream. Furthermore, places like the [marina] allow for tourists and island inhabitants to rent paddle boards or launch their boats to and from other islands in the sound. There's still quite a few more businesses I could name, but the information thus far seems suitable for evaluation.

To conclude, the Lopez Island article had mainly pros over cons but its not without its downsides. Adding more detail on things to do while visiting the island would be a very good improvement to the informational aspects of the article, because I'd imagine people looking into the island would like to visit and experience many of the wonderful things there. I can't dock too many points though, the use of citations and references as well as neutral tone helped this article be very informative for what it is and for now makes it a very sufficient and useful source of information.


  1. ^ https://lopezislandcreamery.com/. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)