Hi! My name is Satan Rocker.

Dan the Man's Dancer Master Series



Name Release date Stages Battle Zone
1st Generation 12 No
2nd Generation 15 No
3rd Generation December 31, 2017 18 Yes
4th Generation 21 Yes
5th Generation Yes


Stage Difficulty Name Song BPM Song Name Level Requirement
Prologue 1 Trouble in the Town! 130 Doin - Removable Disk0 1
Prologue 2 Use the Force! 130 Doin - Removable Disk0 1
Prologue 3 Grand Battle 183 SANY-ON - BEDLAM 1
Dance 8-1-1 And So It Begins 130 Doin - Removable Disk0 1
Dance 8-1-2 The Army Is Hiring 2
Dance 8-1-3 Angelkeeper's Caves 183 SANY-ON - BEDLAM 3
Dance 8-2-1 4
Dance 8-2-2 5
Dance 8-2-3 6
Dance 8-3-1 7
Dance 8-3-2 8
Dance 8-3-3 9
Dance 8-4-1 Get Ready For That! 10
Dance 8-4-2 Not in Korea anymore 11
Dance 8-4-3 The J-Core is Here 12
Dance 8-5-1 13
Dance 8-5-2 14
Dance 8-5-3 15
Dance 8-6-1 16
Dance 8-6-2 The Finger Of Red/Blue 160 Brandy - Cross Time 17
Dance 8-6-3 The Final Battle 160 18
Battle Stage Difficulty Battle Name Golden Crystal Jewels Required Level Requirement
B1-1 1 And So It Begins Free 1
B1-2 2 The Villager Towns 2
B1-3 3 Who Is Hiring? 3
B1-4 4 Armykeeper's Bizzare Maze 4
B2-1 5 5
B2-2 6 6
B2-3 7 Race to The Top 7
B2-4 8 Icamator's Robot Castle 8
B3-1 9 Pyrothon Valley 9
B3-2 10 10
B3-3 11 11
B3-4 12 Pyrokeeper's Palace 12
B4-1 13 The Bearmen Islands 13
B4-2 14 The Bearmen Caves 14
B4-3 15 Into The Bowels of the Beast 15
B4-4 16 The Wicked Garagoyle Castle 16
B5-1 17 Armykeeper Returns 17
B5-2 18 Icamator Returns 18
B5-3 19 Pyrokeeper Strikes Back 19
B5-4 20 The Black Garagoyle Zone 20
B6-H 40 One Night Stand/The Final Battle 100 36

Stage Song Composer
Stage 1 CTS
Stage 3
Stage 4 Caesar Remix 3 CTS
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7

Song BPM
Caesar Remix 1 140 Plant Island
Caesar Remix 2 140 Cold Island
Caesar Remix 3 140 Air Island
Caesar Remix 4 140 Water Island
Caesar Remix 5 140 Earth Island
Caesar Remix 6 140 Fire Haven


  • The requirement for battle level B6-H is 100 golden crystal jewels, unlike the previous 20 battle levels.
    • Also, this level requirement is 36, same does as Dance Stage 9-6-3.

Here is my PSR 275/273 Voice List:

001—120: Panel

121—480: XGLite