Satya Gopal Dey - a veteran Child Protection and Child Rights Activist in India. Dey Initiated his carrer as reported in news paper and later shifted to development sector. In this sector Satya Gopal started his journey in 1987 and was posted in a field Programme of Lutheran World service ( India) an organisation having its hQ in Geneva. In Lutheran World Service he worked closely with tribal and sceduled caste people and was part of overall development and empowerment. In 1990 Satya Gopal Dey Joined Ramkrishna Mission Lokashiksha Parishad as Programme officer and was responsible for training of the motivators for a Health and Sanitation Programme funded by UNICEF , keeping in mind health by 2000Ad for all. In 1992 Satya Gopal Dey Joined CRY- Relief An You later renamed as Child Rights And You a leading Child Rights Organisation of India and superannuated as Head of Programmes - West Bengal State. during long 25 years tenure with CRY - he was instrumental to intialte CRY's intervention in Manipur. Dey was nominated as Jury and special observer in several public hearing conducted by National commission for Protection of Child Rights. After Dey's Superannuation from CRY Satya Gopal Joined Vikramshila Education Resource Society - A national level organisation working in 10 state. He is heading Child Protection , Advocacy and Human Resource there.


Satya Gopal Dey, is a leading Child Protection Specialist of India and and well conversant with Child Rights legislations, policies and Programming. During his tenure with CRY he has garnered several advocacy mechanism to position CRY in Policy domain. He was part Nationaal Policy for children Review at the National level and ensured CRY's presence in the process. He witnessed parliamentary debate in regards to 86th constitutional amendment to make education a fundamental rights. A regular talker of all India Radio - Kolkata Since 1977 and regular invitee guest of Television Talk shows on Child rights. Regular contributor of Editorial in several leading dailies. Recipient of State level award of Government of West Bengal through West Bengal Commission for Child Rights in 2018 Sishusree Award - for consistently writing on Child rights in Print Media.

Writing Poetry is passion of Satya Gopal.