Imago - A welcome place

In the early 2000s, screenprinting made a comeback with the advent of newly developed water-based inks that were easier to work with and less toxic than the industry standard. At the time, Moncton had already been established as an important printing center through the Atelier "d’estampe" Imago, a member-based print studio founded in 1986. However, the studio had never been set up for screenprinting, and the medium had evolved so much since the 1980s that no one in the community could teach it to younger artists.

In 2003, the wheels were set in motion through Imago’s residency exchange program when Acadian artist Jean-Denis Boudreau went to Atelier Graff in Montreal to learn screenprinting and Graff member Dominique Pétrin came to Moncton to share the foundations of the process. Imago is a production centre devoted to the continued development and dissemination of print. As a laboratory for creation and experimentation, Imago recruits and entices artists from other disciplines to explore the many facets of contemporary printmaking through workshops, conferences, artist residencies and interdisciplinary creation initiatives. The centre offers members, guests, and visiting artists a research facility as well as a functional studio all the while maintaining programming which reflects the ever-changing world of contemporary printmaking.
