Mohammad Salem Wahdat

Mohammad Salem Wahdat is a Senior Diplomat. Mr. Wahdat has been Writer,Journalist and translator for international Media. Wahdat has obtained his Master Degree in Analysis and Evaluation of Intelligence Information from Rey Juan Carlos Unversity Madrid.

Mohammad Salem wahdat was appointed as Afghanistan Consul General in Vancouver _Canada in March 2017.

He joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan in 2007 and served in the department of Information and Communication, Fourth and Fifth political division. On his first abroad assignment, he was posted as First Secretary at the Embassy of Afghanistan in Madrid, Spain. After that, he served as Director General of Communication and Archive Department at Ministry of Foreign Affairs for three years. Salem Wahdat has obtained his Master Degree in Analysis and Evaluation of Intelligence Information from Rey Juan Carlos and Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain.

Salem Wahdat is married and has four kids.