User:Seefooddiet/Romanization of Korean on Wikipedia

This essay serves as a companion to Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Korea-related articles and Wikipedia:Naming conventions (Korean). It provides detailed explanations of the choices related to romanization made in those guidelines (namely for when the explanations would be too lengthy), and also serves as an FAQ page.

The arguments in this page should not be interpreted as authoritative; this page just explains the current community consensus. When the MOS:KO or WP:NCKO change, this page should be updated to reflect the new consensus. This article should also ideally contain references for claims made, be discussed, and be challenged in order to improve robustness and usefulness.



Basic principles


Our guidelines should abide by Wikipedia's standards, including the Wikipedia:Manual of Style and Wikipedia:Article titles. We prioritize the reflection of current (not past or predicted future) romanization practices used in the majority of recent Wikipedia:Reliable sources, particularly sources that deal specifically with Korea and have significant impact (WP:COMMONNAME, WP:DIVIDEDUSE).

Also, we try to minimize how complicated our guidelines are. Unfortunately, the situation is fundamentally complicated.

Romanization systems in use on Wikipedia


We use the following romanization systems on Wikipedia:

Why not use one romanization system for everything?


While tempting, this wouldn't reflect what's actually done in the real world. Per our § Basic principles, one of our main goals is to represent current practice.

Why not use other systems?


We try to balance reflecting common practice and reducing complication. The systems we currently recommend are more than sufficient for most cases; asking users to learn more systems adds significant complication without adding much understanding.

Why use MR for pre-1945 topics?


International academic journals almost universally use MR when writing about Korean history.[1][2] Practice in books seems to be more divided but still leaning MR, per § Romanizations used in books.

Why use 1945 as a dividing line for using RR?


Mid/late August 1945 was when the division of Korea occurred.

Other possible lines:

  • 1948 (the establishment of North/South Korea)
    • Arguably less significant than the 1945 division. Little changed between 1947 and 1949, but 1944 to 1946 was a seismic change.
    • Similarly, dividing spellings for terms relating to the United States Army Military Government in Korea (1945–1948) and South Korea (1948–) seems relatively arbitrary. There was relatively clear continuity between both these entities.
  • 2000 (the enactment of RR)
    • Without a doubt, less significant than the division of Korea.
    • Some recent writings use MR when talking about post-division South Korea (example).[verification needed]

In favor of 1945:

  • Unified romanizations between all USAMGIK and South Korea topics.
  • If we used 1948 or 2000, we would have to make a value judgement on when a person's primary notability was using a relatively arbitrary dividing line. This is hard to do; people who were relevant in 1999 were probably still relevant in 2001, and same for 1947 and 1949. On the other hand, people who were relevant in 1944 were often significantly different from those in 1946.

Why use RR for South Korea?


RR is now widely used by the international and domestic English-language press for coverage of South Korea. South Korea's popular culture and soft power have boosted the use of the system. Books on contemporary South Korea also often employ the system.[citation needed][a]

Why use Yale romanization?


The international linguistics community still seems to widely use Yale.[verification needed] Restricting its use would mean asking our editors to convert Yale text in sources to either MR or RR; this is difficult to enforce, would be misrepresenting current practice (and possibly what the sources themselves are saying), and adds complication.

Why not use North Korea's romanization for North Korean articles?


NK's romanization is used by the North Korean government and state media. It is also recommended by the AP Stylebook for people names and by NK News for general cases (see #Other style guidelines).

Arguments against using North Korean romanization:

  • The international academic community widely uses MR when writing on North Korea.[verification needed]
  • It is based on MR,[2] which it is also reasonably similar to.
  • Minimizing the number of systems in use on Wikipedia.
    • This is currently weighted highly.
  • Using MR has been the status quo since the first version of the MOS in 2004, and seemingly nobody has disputed it until 2024.



Why use the 1961 version of MR?


This version appears to be the most widely used. It has some small updates from the original 1939 version to reflect more recent Korean phonology and spelling. The 1961 paper is effectively a summary (with minor updates) of the 1939 version, and is missing some details that the original had (as it is a summary). We assume those details still apply.

How strictly the specifications of MR are followed seems to vary;[verification needed] some authors claim to use the system but romanize in ways that are either incorrect or recommended against in the original 1939 and 1961 papers.

Is "" not rendered as "shi"?


should be romanized "si", per the original MR. "Sh" only appears when romanizing "" ("shwi").[3]

Revised Romanization of Korean




In RR, hyphens can be either optional or mandatory.

  • Optional hyphens are used in two scenarios:
    1. Disambiguating pronunciation (e.g. 해운대; Hae-undae)
    2. Between syllables of a given name (e.g. 홍길동; Hong Gil-dong)
  • Mandatory hyphens are for separating an administrative unit (e.g. 평창군; Pyeongchang-gun)

In general, we recommend against the use of hyphens for disambiguating pronunciation. This seems to align with the opinions of members of the National Institute of Korean Language.[4][5][6] One of its members wrote the following:

There are good reasons for why hyphens are not mandated even though there are scenarios where a romanization can be pronounced in two different ways. Firstly, hyphens are visually intrusive symbols. For "강원", "Gangwon" is visually more comfortable [to read] than "Gang-won". [The fact of the matter] is that spellings and pronunciations do not exactly match. This is true for all languages. Even for Korean, 말 (horse) uses a short vowel, and 말 (speech; words) uses a long vowel, but we render them both in Hangul in the same way. In English, "lead" (as in "to lead") is pronounced [li:d], but "lead" (as in the element lead) is pronounced [led], but they're spelled identically. Romanization is no exception. We must abandon the idea that romanization must exactly show pronunciation. If someone pronounces "Gangwon" as "Gan-gwon" (간권), then they should just be corrected as needed. Spelling does not perfectly show pronunciation and parts of pronunciation will need to be learned separately anyway. This is why even though we permit you to write "아에" as "a-e", we recommend you write "ae" instead.[5][b]

Also, mixed use of hyphens can be confusing. For example, in Hae-undae-gu, the first hyphen is for disambiguation in pronunciation, but the second one is for separating an administrative unit. Consistently excluding optional hyphens (i.e. Haeundae-gu) makes names more immediately recognizable.

For hyphenation in people names, see § RR names.

Letter-by-letter transliteration


When reversibility is desired (namely in academic articles), RR officially allows for a letter-by-letter transcription. For example, 가곡 would be rendered as gagog in the letter-by-letter transcription, whereas by its normal pronunciation spelling it'd be gagok.[7]

In general, we discourage the use of such transcriptions; they are an alternate form of RR and less commonly used (thus making them less useful and recognizable to the majority of people). Also, while it is tempting to try and advocate for our consistent use of this system because of its reversibility with Hangul and ease of use for people who know Hangul, remember our § Basic principles; we're trying to match what is commonly done and not recommend what should be done or advocate for what is "better".

Romanization of people names


If no WP:COMMONNAME or personal preference are known for people, we romanize their names depending on the following criteria:

MR names


The 1939 MR paper says this about people names:

In both two character surnames and two character given names the general rules of euphonic changes should be observed, and the two syllables should be written together... [For assimilating between surnames and given names,] disregard euphonic changes between surnames and given names or titles... [For ], it is pronounced in the standard dialect and should be Romanized I, but some may prefer to retain the older Romanization, Yi, because that is already the familiar form.[8]

We recommend following the above guidance; it also appears to be commonly followed in academia. Also, "Yi" is more likely to be the WP:COMMONNAME spelling, and is also arguably more readable than "I".

For hyphenation in names, note that some authors insert hyphens into MR names anyway. Hyphenation in given names was the common practice before the introduction of MR, and the practice appears to have stuck afterwards.[citation needed]

RR names


Assimilated sound changes are not reflected in names.[7]

For personal names, hyphens are officially discouraged by the National Institute of Korean Language.[7] However, the English-language press widely uses them for people names.[citation needed]

North Korean romanization


Spaces are given between the first and second names of a person and the first sounds of the names are written in capital letters and in the names of Chinese character origin, spaces are given between each letter. When the first sound of the second syllable becomes vocal, it is transcribed in a relevant voiceless letter.


  • 김꽃분이 Kim KKotpuni
  • 박동구 Pak Tong Gu
  • 안복철 An Pok Chŏl[9]

Romanization of titles of works


Per MOS:NONENGTITLE, capitalization practices vary. For works with Korean titles, it is widely recommended to use sentence case. This is the common practice from The Chicago Manual of Style,[2] which itself is widely used by Korean studies journals (see § List of style guidelines for Korean studies journals). For which romanization to use, we break with the practice of journals (which widely use MR) and recommend the use of whichever romanization system is otherwise used in the article.


  1. ^ Some recent authors even employ RR when writing on North Korea, although it appears unlikely this is a dominant practice.
  2. ^ 붙임표를 생략하면 한 로마자 표기가 두 가지로 발음될 수 있는데도 붙임표 사용을 강제하지 않은 데는 그만한 이유가 있다. 우선 붙임표는 대단히 눈에 거슬리는 기호라는 점이다. ‘강원’을 Gang-won으로 하기보다는 Gangwon으로 하는 것이 시각적으로 더 편안하다. 그러나 더 중요한 것은 표기와 발음은 완벽하게 일치하지 않는다는 사실이다. 어떤 언어든지 표기가 발음을 정확하게 반영하지는 않는다. 국어의 ‘말〔馬〕’은 모음이 짧고 ‘말〔言〕’은 모음이 길지만 똑같이 ‘말’로 적는다. 영어에서 lead(이끌다)는 발음이 [li:d]이고 lead(납)은 [led]이지만 표기는 같다. 로마자 표기라고 예외는 아니다. 로마자 표기로 발음을 완벽하게 보여 주어야 한다는 생각은 버려야 한다. Gangwon을 ‘간권’으로 발음하는 사람이 있다면 ‘강원’으로 바로잡아 주면 된다. 표기가 발음을 완벽하게 다 보여 주는 것은 아니며 발음은 어차피 따로 익혀야 할 부분이 있다. ‘아에’를 a-e로 쓰는 것을 허용하지만 ae로 쓰기를 더 권장한 까닭이 여기에 있다.


  1. ^ Huh, Sun (2017-08-16). "How to romanize Korean characters in international journals". Science Editing. 4 (2): 80–85. doi:10.6087/kcse.100. ISSN 2288-8063.
  2. ^ a b c The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff 2024, 11.95.
  3. ^ McCune & Reischauer 1939, p. 39.
  4. ^ 정희원 (2000). "새 로마자 표기법의 특징". National Institute of Korean Language. Archived from the original on 2016-04-04.
  5. ^ a b 김세중 (金世中). "로마자 표기와 붙임표(-)". National Institute of Korean Language.
  6. ^ "국어의 로마자 표기법 해설 – 제1장 표기의 기본 원칙". National Institute of Korean Language. 2001-10-08. p. 6. Retrieved 2024-09-05.
  7. ^ a b c "Romanization of Korean". National Institute of Korean Language. Retrieved 2024-09-04.
  8. ^ McCune & Reischauer 1939, pp. 52–53.
  9. ^ North Korea 2012, pp. 7–8.





List of style guidelines for Korean studies journals


Other style guidelines

  • The Chicago Manual of Style (paywall)
    • 11.95

      McCune–Reischauer, however, in addition to being found in older sources, is also used as the basis of the Korean romanization table from the US Library of Congress and is the most widely used system in North America. A version of McCune–Reischauer is used as the official system in North Korea.

    • 11.96

      Hyphens are often inserted between two combined syllables to clarify pronunciation, as in the word jung-ang (중앙, “center/central”); however, this type of hyphen is rarely used in place-names, as can be seen in the name of the Jungang railway line. Hyphens are commonly used between syllables in Korean given names, as in Chang Wang-rok (장왕록), the name of the South Korean writer, whose given name would be strictly romanized as Wangrok (see also 8.18).

    • 11.97

      Although capital letters do not exist in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, they are introduced in romanized versions of these languages where they would normally be used in English. In hyphenated names, only the first element is capitalized in romanized Chinese, though both elements may be capitalized in Japanese (and are sometimes capitalized in Korean).

    • 11.98

      As in English, titles of books and periodicals are italicized, and titles of articles are set in roman and enclosed in quotation marks. The first word of a romanized title is always capitalized, as are many proper nouns (especially in Japanese and Korean)...
      [e.g.] Cho Nam-joo, 82 nyeonsaeng Gim Jiyeong [Kim Ji-young, born 1982]

  • AP Stylebook (paywall)
    • The style and spelling of names in North Korea and South Korea follow each government’s standard policy for transliterations unless the subject has a personal preference. North Korean names are written as three separate words, each starting with a capital letter: Kim Jong Un. Use Kim on second reference. South Korean names are written as two names, with the given name hyphenated and a lowercase letter after the hyphen: Moon Jae-in. Use Moon on second reference. For South Korean place names, use the revised Romanization spellings introduced by the South Korean government in 2000: Incheon (formerly Inchon), Busan (formerly Pusan). In both Koreas, the family name comes first.

      — AP Stylebook, 55th edition (2020–2022)
    • Note: Its guidance for North Korean names is partly incorrect. North Korean names do not always use spaces (namely when the names are native Korean names).
    • Note: verified that, for names, hyphenation for SK and spacing for NK has existed since at latest 1996. The SK practice carried over, even past the promulgation of RR (in which hyphenation is discouraged).
  • NK News
    • User:Seefooddiet emailed NKR and confirmed that their style guidelines ask for the use of North Korean romanization.

      We use North Korea's official romanization system for North Korean words and names (ex. Kim Jong Un), and South Korea's official romanization (revised romanization) for South Korean words (ex. Busan, not Pusan). However, we make exceptions to account for individuals' preferred way of romanizing their names, as well as for cases where a non-standard spelling is well established (ex. Syngman Rhee).

Romanizations used in books

  • From Stalin to Kim Il Sung, The Formation of North Korea, 1945-1960 (2002) by Andrei Lankov
  • Crisis in North Korea (2005) by Andrei Lankov
  • The War for Korea, 1945-1950 (2005)
    • No diacritics
  • Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea (2009) by Mark Caprio
  • The Real North Korea (2013) by Andrei Lankov
  • Fighting for the Enemy: Koreans in Japan's War, 1937-1945 (2013) by Brandon Palmer
    • names with hyphens and assimilation
  • Brief Encounters: Early Reports of Korea by Westerners (2016) by Brother Anthony and Robert Neff
    • Names with hyphens
  • Reading North Korea (2020) by Sonia Ryang
    • Names with hyphens
  • Samsung Rising (2020) by Geoffrey Cain
  • Passcode to the Third Floor (2024) by Thae Yong-ho, translated by Robert Lauler
    • Even for NK topics.