How lemon and garlic help in reducing cholesterol level?

Lemons are high in vitamin C, fiber, and various beneficial plant compounds. The fiber content in the lemons could also significantly lower some risk factors for heart disease. Lemons are truly a nutritional powerhouse. Researchers are exploring whether there are many positive properties present in lemon. Recent studies show that lemon juice can have a positive effect on the blood lipid levels of a person.

As per the research, consuming about 24 grams of citrus fiber extract daily for a month helps in reducing total blood cholesterol levels.
How does lemon juice help to reduce Cholesterol Levels?

According to research, lemon juice may help lower cholesterol levels and promote cardiovascular health. The presence of vitamin C in it helps in various problems. A study published in the journal Nutrients has found that high vitamin C levels in the bloodstream leads to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels –and also increases our metabolic health. Lemon juice seems to work best when used along with garlic or honey.

 According to a 2016 study, hyper lipidemic patients who received 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 20 grams of garlic daily experienced a greater reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure compared to those who either ate garlic or drank lemon juice.

The lower our cholesterol levels are, the better is our cardiovascular health. You can drink lemon juice in a natural way to keep your heart functioning optimally and to add more vitamin C into your diet. It also helps your skin to look younger and your skin glow. It also helps in weight loss. This natural beverage also contains limonene, potassium and antioxidants that may further lower your risk of heart disease.

A study suggests that fasting with honey and lemon juice for as less as four days may reduce body weight, body mass index, fat mass  ,and triglycerides.

Depending on your preferences, you can drink lemon juice first thing in the morning or anytime during the day. In a study, group one got 20 grams of garlic along with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. The second group got garlic only. Third lemon juice only, and the control group received neither. Activity levels and diet were taken into account, with blood samples taken before and after 8 weeks of the program. The lemon juice + garlic group experienced what the researchers called a “significant decrease” in total cholesterol, including LDL, and fibrinogen. That group also showed a reduction in blood pressure, and also helped in weight loss. Lemon juice also helps in enhancing other flavors and improves the absorption of key nutrients from your food. Now, it seems to also enhance the cholesterol-reducing properties of other foods. This is good news for lemon lovers.