Guardian Angels. The Guardian Angels[1] are all around us all the time. Our Guardians are always looking for good ways to communicate with us and to show us that they are here and willing to help. This web page is their tool, and it permits them to communicate with you directly. They can manipulate the randomness of the over 800 messages available for that little quotation box above and choose the exact and appropriate words for you right now and at this moment.

The Guardian Angels are always willing to help you and guide you. All you have to do is ask so that they can do their magic.

Understand that the Guardian Angels will not make your choices for you. Only you can make your life decisions. What they can do is help you discover what’s in your heart and lead you closer toward your life force so that your choice is exactly right for you and no one else.

I also want you to know that what is right for you is not necessarily right for someone else. Believe in your journey, love those in your path now and in the future, and do not harm. When trying to help others talk about yourself and how you feel about the subject, that way, you are not preaching or ordering someone to “Do what I did” or “This is how you must do it.” Sharing your experiences will also allow others to have an “AHAA” moment and move forward themselves.

Elevating your consciousness so you can perceive in the higher realms of spirit and know your guardian angels is an essential step on your path of spiritual development. You've probably already had many signs that angels are here to help you reconnect with your highest path and with what is most important for you in your life. Now, it’s just about tuning in!

According to Christian tradition, every one of us has a guardian angel, who accompanies us from the moment we’re born until the moment of our death, and stays at our side at every moment of our life. The idea of ​​a spirit, of a supernatural entity that follows and supervises every human being, was already present in other religions and in Greek philosophy. In the Old Testament, we can read that God is surrounded by a genuine court of heavenly figures who worship Him and perform actions in His name. Even in these ancient books, there are frequent references to angels sent by God as protectors of people and individuals, as well as messengers. In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to respect even the smallest and humble, in a reference to their angels, who watch over them from heaven and contemplate the face of God at every moment.

So make sure to make the right decision And you never know good luck will come to you.

God[2] will always be watching you and Jesus[3], and your guardian Angels so make the right decision not the bad decision god bless you in Jesus name I pray amen.

Love god,

  1. ^ "guardian angel - Google Search". Retrieved 2021-04-29.
  2. ^ "god - Google Search". Retrieved 2021-04-29.
  3. ^ "jesus - Google Search". Retrieved 2021-04-29.