
 Y Andromache Mourning Hector < by Jacques-Louis David
 Y the Bewitched Man < Francisco Goya painting
 Y Blue Nude IV -> 1952 work by Henri Matisse
 Y the Boating Party - painting by Mary Cassatt(disambig from painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir)
 Y Butcher's Stall with the Flight into Egypt < Pieter Aertsen work
 Y Christ at the Sea of Galilee < work by Jacopo Tintoretto
 Y Claude Monet Painting in His Garden at Argenteuil -> 1873 painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
 Y Claudio and Isabella < work by William Holman Hunt
 Y Fall Plowing - painting by Grant Wood
 Y Dressed Ballet Dancer Study in the Nude for the Dressed Ballet Dancer < Edgar Degas work
 Y Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash < Giacomo Balla artwork
 Y Hermes and Dionysus -> considered one of the only surviving sculptures of Praxiteles
 Y Hercules and Antaeus < Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi sculpture
 Y Portrait of Captain Thomas Coram by William Hogarth
 Y Prelude to a Broken Arm < Marcel Duchamp work
 Y Sarah Siddons as the Tragic Muse, Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse
 Y Self-Portrait. Between the Clock and the Bed - painting by Edward Munch
 Y Snap the Whip < painting by Winslow Homer
 Y The Architect's Dream - landscape painting by Thomas Cole
 Y The Dance Class by Degas
 Y The Knife-Grinder -> 1912 work by Kasimir Malevich
 Y The Man with the Broken Nose, Masque de l'homme au nez casse
 Y The Old King, Le vieux roi < Georges Rouault painting
 Y The Slaughtered Ox < work by Rembrandt
 Y The Two Fridas -> painting by Frida Kahlo
 Y The Woman with a Gambling Mania -> painting by Theodore Gericault
 Y Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus - painting by J.W.M. Turner
 Y Valentine Rescuing Sylvia from Proteus by William Holman Hunt
 Y The Wounded Cuirassier, Le Cuirassier blessé quittant le feu < 1814 painting by Théodore Géricault
 YMeisho-E, Meisho-e -> traditional type of Japanese painting.
 YMorbidezza - This is the blending of tones in painting or the rounding of edges in sculpture
 YSamson Betrayed by Delilah < Samson Betrayed By Delilah by Rembrandt
 YTriptych of Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation -> work by Hans Memling see "Memling Vanity and Salvation.jpg"

  1. Diana and Apollo -> sculpture(s)? by Jean-Antoine Houdon
  2. Dying Niobid -> 5th Century BC statue by Palazzo Massimo
  3. Elegy to the Spanish, Elegy to the Spanish Republic, Elegies to the Spanish, Elegies to the Spanish Republic - cycle of paintings by Robert Motherwell
  4. Frieze of Life --> Goes to author, can be own article?
  5. Mise en Page - Watteau is considered the master of what technique, literally meaning "placement on page" that concerns the arrangement of figures within a painting? [1][2]
  6. Retinal art < Marcel Duchamp term for nonconceptual art appealing only to the eye, see Readymades of Marcel Duchamp
  7. Shade and Darkness < work by J. M. W. Turner [3], the Evening of the Deluge, Shade and Darkness: The Evening of the Deluge, Shade and Darkness, The Evening of the Deluge, Shade and Darkness. The Evening of the Deluge< work by J. M. W. Turner [4]
  8. Still Life Fete Gloanec, Nature Morte Fete Gloanec -> 1888 work by Paul Gauguin
  9. the Beginning of the World -> work by Constantin Brancusi Sculpture for the Blind [5]
  10. the Capture of Major Andre by A.C. Warren
  11. The Delights of Life < 1718 painting Les Charmes de la vie by Antoine Watteau or 1974 film Delícias da Vida
  12. the Frieze of Life < Edvard Munch series
  13. Woman Series < Willem de Kooning paintings



 Y An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation -> 1789 publication by Jeremy Bentham
 Y Battles in the Desert, Las Batallas en el Desierto -> Battles in the desert & other stories by José Emilio Pacheco. Spanish Wikipedia
 Y Blinding Light -> 2006 novel by Paul Theroux
 Y Cannibals and Missionaries -> Novel by Mary McCarthy
 Y Children of Violence -> series of books by Doris Lessing, including Martha Quest, A Proper Marriage, A Ripple From the Storm, Landlocked (novel), and The Four-Gated City  Y Delta Wedding
 Y the Ginger Tree < Oswald Wynd novel
 Y the Golden Apples < Eudora Welty book
 Y Go Tell Eddie < JD Salinger work
 Y the Hornet's Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War by Jimmy Carter
 Y the Infinite Plan - novel by Isabel Allende
 Y Jagua Nana -> novel by Cyprian Ekwensi
 Y Jean Santeuil < posthumous Marcel Proust novel
 Y Jonah's Gourd Vine < novel by Zora Neale Hurston
 Y Love and Garbage -> 1986 novel by Ivan Klima
 Y the Practice and theory of Individual Psychology < Alfred Adler book; see Individual Psychology
 Y The Transposed Heads by Thomas Mann
 Y Sajo and Her Beaver People -> book by Grey Owl
 Y Une Vie (Accept A Woman's Life < Guy de Maupassant work
 Y Unfashionable Observations < unpublished Friedrich Nietzsche works
 Y Veranilda -> novel by George Gissing
 Y When I Was One and Twenty < poem XIII in A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman - needs standalone
 Y Where Three Roads Meet by John Barth
 Y While My Pretty One Sleeps -> Mary Higgins Clark novel
 Y Why I Live At the P.O. short story by Eudora Welty
 Y Windy Mcpherson's Son - novel by Sherwood Anderson
 Y a Scientific Theory of Culture < Bronislaw Malinowski work
 Y DragonCrown War -> series of books by Michael A. Stackpole
 Y Droll Stories, Les Cent Contes drolatiques < collected tales by Honoré de Balzac
 Y Holy Sonnet XIV by John Donne
 Y Hymns to the Night, Hymnen an die Nacht -> German work by Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg)
 Y In Darkest England and the Way Out -> 1890 work by William Booth
 Y Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College < Thomas Gray poem
 Y the Sacred Wood, The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism by T.S. Eliot
 Y Ward Number Six -> Short Story by Anton Chekhov

  1. A Defence of the Doctrine Touching the Spring and Weight of the Air -> 1669 Physical treatise by Robert Boyle
  2. A Duel < Guy de Maupassant short story
  3. a Fool's Errand -> work by Albion Tourgee
  4. A Fragment on Government -> 1776 publication by Jeremy Bentham
  5. A Mother of Five—short story by Bret Harte
  6. A Portrait of Bascom Hawke -> work by Thomas Wolfe
  7. A Postcard from the Volcano < Wallace Stevens poem
  8. a Short History of Financial Euphoria < John Kenneth Galbraith book
  9. A Thing of State A Novel A Thing of State: A Novel < Allen Drury
  10. A Winter Eden < Robert Frost poem
  11. Age of Roosevelt -> three volume biography of Franklin Roosevelt by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Volumes include
  1. Among School Children < William Butler Yeats poem
  2. An Essay on the Intellectual Powers of Man < work by Thomas Reid
  3. An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision < George Berkeley treatise
  4. Anarchical Fallacies -> 1816 publication by Jeremy Bentham
  5. Audessus de la Melee -> Au-dessus de la Mêlée, novel by Romain Rolland
  6. Batter My Heart Three-Personed God -> John Donne work
  7. Beat! Beat! Drums—poem by Walt Whitman
  8. Black Profiles in Courage: A Legacy of African-American -> book written by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  9. Blazing Icicles < notable Benjamin Whorf article
  10. Bombing To Win - currently a redirect. Should be its own article?
  11. Border music -> novel by James Waller
  12. Channel Firing -> work by Thomas Hardy
  13. Chrestomathia, Chrestomathia Aethiopica < Jeremy Bentham work
  14. Comedy: American Style; Comedy, American Style < novel by Jessie Redmon Fauset
  15. Country Full of Swedes -> "Possibly Erskine Caldwell’s best known story, the narrator Stan describes the devastation on Jim Frost’s farm that occurs when hard times drive workers from the sawmill towns of Maine into the countryside."
  16. Dave Barry's Complete Guide To Guys -> book by columnist Dave Barry
  17. Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need -> book by columnist Dave Barry
  18. Death Constant Beyond Love -> short story by Gabriel García Márquez
  19. Defense et Illustration de la Langue Francaise, Defense And Illustration of the French Language, Joachim du Bellay -> "La Pleiade asserted themselves with the publication of this treatise by du Bellay that argued for a poetic interpretation of the mother tongue infused by the influence of Greek and Roman writers."
  20. Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican -> 1630 work by Gallileo
  21. Die Anweisungzum Seligen Leben Oder Auch Die Religionslehre or The Way Towards The Blessed Life Die Anweisung zum seligen Leben oder auch die Religionslehre < work by Johann Gottlieb Fichte (see German Wikipedia)
  22. Doctor Brodie's Report < Jorge Luis Borges short collection
  23. Does It Matter - Siegfried Sassoon poem
  24. Dream Variations - poem by Langston Hughes
  25. Dynamo and the Virgin - Henry Adams poem [6]
  26. Eatonville Anthology -> work by Zora Neale Hurston
  27. El Arco y la Lira < Octavio Paz work
  28. Elegy for Jane by Theodore Roethke
  29. Elemental Structures of Kinship -> Book by Claude Lévi-Strauss
  30. Elementary Structures of Kinship -> book by Claude Levi Strauss
  31. Elvis Shrugged - This 1991 parody, with art by Dave Webber, imagines a future in which only one record company exists. Chased by the floating head of Col. Parker, artists led by (*) Madonna break with the stifling monopoly and join forces with Elvis, who faked his own death, and others in exile to innovate. The plot and dialogue are hilariously true to the original, featuring the catch-question “"Is Elvis alive?”" For 10 points -- For 10 points--name this Revolutionary Comics spoof of Ayn Rand’'s best-known novel. [7]
  32. Epistemology Naturalized < work by W. V. O. Quine
  33. Espana en el Corazon -> book by Pablo Neruda
  34. Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision -> book by George Berkeley
  35. Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision -> essay by George Berkeley. Currently in wikisource
  36. Families of Fortune < Alexis Gregory book
  37. Flowering Judas -> short story by Katherine Anne Porter
  38. Flying Home and Other Short Stories < Ralph Ellison collection
  39. Fortress Draconis -> book by Michael A. Stackpole
  40. Foundations of Instrumentation -> treatise by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov published post-humously in 1913
  41. Four Meetings -> book by Henry James
  42. Fragment on Government < Jeremy Bentham work
  43. Frames of Mind - book by Howard Gardner, currently redirect to author
  44. General Review of the Sex Situation < poem by Dorothy Parker
  45. George and Arthur -> novel by Julian Barnes
  46. Giants in the Earth: A Saga of the Prairie < Rølvaag novel
  47. Go Catch a Falling Star, Go and Catch a Falling Star, Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star, Song (Go and Catch a Falling Star) < 1633 work by John Donne
  48. God's Grandeur - poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins redirects to author
  49. Headbirths, Headbirths: or the Germans are Dying Out, Kopfgeburten, Kopfgeburten oder Die Deutschen sterben aus < Günter Grass work
  50. Her Privates We by Frederic Manning
  51. How I Grew -> Novel by Mary McCarthy
  52. How I Play Golf - Book by Tiger Woods
  53. How My Parents Learned to Eat -> book by Ina Friedman
  54. How to Catch a Lion in the Sahara Desert < Objective written by H. Pétard
  55. How to Make Our Ideas Clear by Charles Sanders Peirce
  56. How to Travel With a Salmon - Umberto Eco book
  57. I Ain't Got Time to Bleed by Jesse Ventura
  58. I Hear america Singing < Walt Whitman poem in Leaves of Grass collection
  59. In the Clap Shack -> book by William Styron
  60. In the Mecca -> book by Gwendolyn Brooks
  61. Interpretation of Cultures -> 1977 compilation of essays by Clifford Geertz
  62. Irregular ode < Pindaric ode, Horatian ode, and irregular odes may merit separate articles
  63. Isle of Joy - novel by Don Winslow
  64. Klosterheim, Klosterheim; Or, The Masque Klosterheim, Or, The Masque < Thomas De Quincey book
  65. Laocoon: On the Limits of Painting and Poetry < work by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
  66. Laokoon oder Über die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie < work by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
  67. Las Cosmicomicas - work by Italo Calvino
  68. Las Peras del Olmo < Octavio Paz work
  69. Lawd Today -> 1963 work by Richard Wright
  70. Lecture Upon the Shadow < 1635 work by John Donne
  71. Les Heures Claires < work by Émile Verhaeren
  72. Letter to Washington -> publishing by Thomas Paine
  73. Letter to Washington by Thomas Paine
  74. Leutnant Gustl, Lieutenant Gustl, Lt. Gustl, None but the Brave (1900) < Arthur Schnitzler short story
  75. Luke Havergal < poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson
  76. Lyrics of Lowly Life by Paul Laurence Dunbar
  77. Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher who won't Eat Meat -> book by Howard Lyman
  78. Masculine Protest, der Männliche Protest, Männliche Protest, Männlicher Protest, Verdrangung und Mannlicher Protest Verdrangung < 1911 article/concept by Alfred Adler
  79. Maximes, maxims -> work by François de La Rochefoucauld
  80. Mechanism of Mendelian heredity, The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity -> Thomas Hunt Morgan book
  81. Mediocrity in Love Rejected -> poem by Thomas Carew
  82. Meditations Poetiques -> See article on French Wikipedia
  83. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter - book by Simone De Beauvoir
  84. Men of the Last Frontier -> first book published by Archie Belaney under the name "Grey Owl"
  85. Modern Rural Sports -> by O. Henry
  86. Mon Coeur Mis à Nu -> 1897 work by Charles Baudelaire
  87. Moral Equivalent of War -> 1906 work by William James. See here
  88. More Now Again: A Memoir Of Addiction < memoir by Elizabeth Wurtzel
  89. Mr. Flood's Party - poem by Edward Arlington Robinson - Redirects to author
  90. Musica des Beaux-Arts -> poem by W. H. Auden
  91. My Lost Youth < poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  92. My Own Life -> posthumously published autobiography of David Hume
  93. New Orleans Sketches - William Faulkner collection
  94. Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction -> Wallace Stevens poem
  95. Ode to Melancholy - poem by John Keats
  96. Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax, Cabbages and Kings and Aspirin As Needed -> book by George Conklin
  97. Old Creole Days < George Washington Cable book (redirects to author)
  98. Old Gumbie Cat < poem by T S Eliot
  99. On Argentina - book by Jorge Luis Borges
  100. On Seeing the Elgin Marbles -poem by John Keats
  101. On the Concept of Number, Uber Den Begriff Der Zahl -> 1887 work by Edmund Husserl
  102. On the Concept of Truth in Formal Languages < Alfred Tarski treatise
  103. On the Methods and Studies of Our Time -> philosophical work by Giambattista Vico
  104. One art < poem by Elizabeth Bishop
  105. Our America, Nuestra America < disambig, José Martí essay
  106. Palata No 6 -> Short story by Anton Chekhov
  107. People of the Lake - by Richard Leakey
  108. Point and Line to Plane -> 1926 book by Wassily Kandinsky
  109. Powers of Mind -> book by George Goodman
  110. Praeterita -> autobiography of John Ruskin
  111. Pragmatism: a New Name For Old Ways of Thinking < William James treatise
  112. Pragmatism: A New Name For Some Old Ways of Thinking < William James treatise
  113. Profane Hymns and Other Poems, Prosas Profanas y Otros Poemas by Rubén Darío
  114. Science and Human Behavior - B.F. Skinner book
  115. Song of the Chattahoochee < Sidney Lanier poem
  116. Spain in My Heart -> collection published by Pablo Neruda in 1937
  117. Stillwatch -> Mary Higgins Clark novel
  118. Structure of Social Action -> Collection of papers on conversational analysis. See here
  119. Studies In Logic - Charles Sanders Pierce hammered out the ethical and practical forms of pragmatism as a definition of meaning in sensu strictu in this 1883 collection of essays that also extended the title subject to mathematics via pragmatism. [8]
  120. Subliminal Seduction -> book by Wilson Bryan key
  121. Terence This is Stupid Stuff < poem LXII in A Shropshire Lad A. E. Housman - needs standalone
  122. Ternura, Tenderness -> poem collection by Gabriela Mistral
  123. Thao Hung Thao Cheuang Epic -> national epic of Laos
  124. The Address to the People of Great Britain < work by John Jay
  125. the Ancient Child < N. Scott Momaday novel
  126. The Baseball encyclopedia Macmillan Publishing, also versions by ESPN and others
  127. The Biglow Papers < work by James Russell Lowell
  128. the Cloud Chamber by Joyce Maynard
  129. the Colonel and Little Missie -> 2005 work by Larry McMurtry
  130. The Colossus History < Sylvia Plath poem
  131. the Company She Keeps -> Mary McCarthy's first novel
  132. the Concept of the Guardian Spirit In North America -> dissertation by Ruth Benedict
  133. The Cow In Apple-Time < work by Robert Frost
  134. the Demiurge's Laugh - poem by Robert Frost
  135. the Discouragers of Hesitancy < Frank R. Stockton story
  136. the Dolliver Romance -> book by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  137. The End of the Tether -> 1902 novel by Joseph Conrad
  138. The Figure in the Doorway < Robert Frost poem
  139. the Fire and the Sun < Iris Murdoch book
  140. The Fixation of Belief by Charles Sanders Peirce
  141. the Flesh and the Spirit - poem by Anne Bradstreet
  142. the Fruit of the Tree < Edith Wharton novel
  143. the Furnished Room or Furnished Room < O. Henry work
  144. the Good Society: the Humane Agenda < John Kenneth Galbraith book
  145. the Gull's Hornbook -> Book by Thomas Dekker
  146. The Life of Jonathan Wild the Great, The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great -> book by Henry Fielding
  147. the Lightning-Rod Man -> story by Herman Melville
  148. the Lightning-Rod Man < Herman Melville work
  149. the Man Who Lived Underground < Richard Wright short story
  150. The Narrative Of The Captivity And Release Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson < 1692 book by Mary Rowlandson
  151. the Nausea - “Something has happened to me, I can’t doubt it anymore. It came as an illness does, not like an ordinary certainty, not like anything evident.” The last sentence is an entry of Antoine Roquentin’s journal, the first time he describes the feeling which is also the title of this 1938 novel. For ten points, name this work by Jean-Paul Sartre which introduces in fiction form his conception of existentialism.
  152. The Ocean to Cynthia -> poem by Sir Walter Raleigh
  153. the Petrified Man -> Short story featured in Eudora Welty's collection "A Curtain of Green"
  154. the Player Queen by W. B. Yeats
  155. the Prince of India The Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople Fell < work by Lew Wallace
  156. The Rule of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict< work by Pope Gregory
  157. The Social Destiny of Man, The Theory of the Four Movements, The social destiny of man: or, Theory of the four movements, Theorie des Quatre Mouvements et des Destinees Generales < Charles Fourier work
  158. the Social Meanings of Suicide < work by Jack Douglas (sociologist) - both could use articles
  159. the Structure of American Industry -> book by James Brock
  160. the Theory of Sound -> 2 volume work by Lord Rayleigh, the cornerstone of modern acoustics
  161. the Two Drovers < Sir Walter Scott short story
  162. The Vision of Sir Launfal < work by James Russell Lowell
  163. the Witch of Coos - A mother and son tell a traveler a story of how a skeleton made its way from the cellar, through the kitchen, up to the bedroom and finally up into the attic, where it still resides behind the door and the headboard of the mother's bed. FTP, this action takes place in what poem by Robert Frost? [9]
  164. The Woman from Andros -> Either a novel by Thornton Wilder or a Roman comedy named Andria
  165. the World and the Individual < Josiah Royce book
  166. The Zen Doctrine of No-Thought, The Zen Doctrine of No-Mind -> work by D. T. Suzuki
  167. Theme For English B - poem by Langston Hughes
  168. Thoughts on Death and Immortality, Gedanken Uber Tod Und Unsterblichkeit, Gedanken uber Tod und Unsterblichkeit < Ludwig Feuerbach
  169. Thrones Dominions -> novel by Lord Peter Wimsey, finished by Jill Paton Walsh in 1998
  170. To Renew America -> 1996 book written by Newt Gingrich
  171. Torquemada en el purgatorio (1894) novel by Benito Pérez Galdós
  172. Torquemada en la Cruz -> (1893) novel by Benito Pérez Galdós
  173. Torquemada en la hoguera -> (1889) novel by Benito Pérez Galdós
  174. Torquemada y San Pedro (1895) novel by Benito Pérez Galdós
  175. Totemism and Exogamy < anthropology treatise by Sir James George Frazer
  176. Two Tramps in Mud Time by Robert Frost
  177. Uber den nervosen Charakter, Über den nervösen Charakter, The Neurotic Constitution, About Nervous Temprament, The Neurotic Character < 1912 work by Alfred Adler
  178. Uber Die Weiber, On Women, of Women -> 1851 essay by Arthur Schopenhauer
  179. Virgin Soil Upturned < work by Mikhail Sholokhov
  180. Virtue (poem) by George Herbert poem here
  181. Vision of Sir Launfal - poem by James Russell Lowell
  182. What Do People Do All Day -> book about division of labor by Richard Scarry
  183. What If a Much of a Which of a Wind < e.e. cummings poem
  184. What Should I Do with My Life?: The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question, What Should I Do with My Life?, What Should I Do with My Life -> book by Po Bronson
  185. When You Are Old < William Butler Yeats poem
  186. You Andrew Marvell, You, Andrew Marvell -> Archibald MacLeish poem. See also You, Andrew Marvell
  187. Mtv's Beavis and Butthead: This Book Sucks, This Book Sucks -> book about Beavis and Butthead by Mike Judge
  188. the One-Eyed Porter The One-Eyed Porter The Blind Porter The One-eyed Street Porter Le Crocheteur borgne < 1774 story by Voltaire, written 1715



 Y the Four Ages of Poetry < Thomas Love Peacock work
 Y A Song for St. Cecilia's Day -> poem by John Dryden
 Y Anarchiad -> 1787 poem by Humphreys, Barlow, Trumbull, and Hopkins
 Y Fifine at the Fair < Robert Browning poem

  1. a Vision of Judgement -> poem written by Robert Southey about the death of King George III
  2. Archaic Torso of Apollo, Archaischer Torso Apollos < Rainer Maria Rilke poem
  3. as Kingfishers Catch Fire Dragonflies Draw Flame -> Poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins
  4. Cliff Klingenhagen < Edwin Arlington Robinson poem
  5. Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes
  6. Elegy for Jane -> Theodore Roethke poem
  7. First Fig by Edna St. Vincent Millay
  8. Gatomaquia -> 1634 poem by Lope de Vega written under the pseudonym "Tomé de Burguillos"
  9. General William Booth Enters Into Heaven -> Poem by Vachel Lindsay
  10. Heights of Macchu Pichu, alturas De Macchu Pichu -> poem by Pablo Neruda, in his epic Canto General
  11. Homage to Mistress Bradstreet < John Berryman poem
  12. Homage to Mistress Bradstreet < John Berryman poem
  13. Homage To Mistress Bradstreet < John Berryman poem
  14. Hymn to Adversity -> poem by Thomas Gray
  15. Justice Denied in Massachusetts -> Poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay
  16. La Figlia Che Piange, The Tears of the Girl -> work by Edward T. Cone
  17. Luke Havergal -> 1897 poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson
  18. Luke Havergal < E.A. Robinson poem
  19. More Light! More Light! -> poem by Anthony Hecht
  20. Mr. Flood < Edwin Arlington Robinson poem Mr. Flood's Party
  21. Nobodaddy, To Nobodaddy < William Blake poem
  22. Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction < Wallace Stevens poem
  23. Ode On a Distant Prospect of Eton College < Thomas Gray poem
  24. Ode to a Skylark -> Poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  25. On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again < John Keats poem
  26. Rhapsody on a Windy Night -> poem by T. S. Eliot
  27. Solomon On the Vanity of the World < Matthew Prior poem
  28. Song to the Men of England -> poem by P.B. Shelley
  29. Sonnet: On the Death of Mr. Richard West, Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Richard West, Sonnet on the Death of Mr Richard West, Sonnet (on the Death of Mr. Richard West), On the Death of Mr Richard West < poem by Thomas Gray
  30. Terence This Is Stupid Stuff -> poem by Alfred Edward Housman
  31. the Argument of His Book < Robert Herrick poem
  32. The Ballad of the Brown Girl -> 1927 work by Countee Cullen
  33. The Black Christ -> 1927 work by Countee Cullen
  34. The Bow and the Lyre, the Pears of the Elm -> poems by Octavio Paz
  35. The Deacon's Masterpiece or the Wonderful One-Hoss Shay -> Poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  36. the Fallacies of Hope -> Poem by J. M. W. Turner
  37. the Time You Won Your Town the Race -> poem by Alfred Edward Housman
  38. To My Dear and Loving Husband -> poem by Anne Bradstreet
  39. Whoroscope -> work by Samuel Beckett



 Y Anfinsen cage, Anfinsen's Cage -> named after Christian B. Anfinsen, a proposed model for chaperone-assisted protein folding in which a chaperone, GroEL for instance, provides an environment in which a denatured protein can unfold and correctly refold. See also Anfinsen's dogma
 Y acrotism -> the absence / imperceptibility of a pulse (heartbeat)
 Y Alpha-Aminolevulinate, Alpha-Aminolevulinic acid -> "Porphyrin rings are synthesized by assembling eight of these subunits together. In animals, they are created by by their namesake synthase from succinyl-CoA and glycine."
 Y architeuthus dux -> species of giant squid
 Y Cantlie line -> used in liver anatomy, an imaginary line that runs from the inferior vena cava to the base of the gall bladder
 Y C4 photosynthesis -> alternative photosynthetic pathway that allows for spatial separation of the light and dark reactions

  1. areas of Cohnheim -> "muscular fiber is divided into these polyhedral areas made up of transversely divided sarcostyles and surrounded by sarcoplasm."
  2. Cluster determinant -> Cluster of antigens that antibodies react with that make up a cell surface marker.
  3. Convergent circuit - type of neuron pathway
  4. Divergent circuit - type of neuron pathway
  5. Ghosh's mechanism -> mechanism that regulated development of mammalian brains discovered by Anirvan Ghosh
  6. Guanine Nucleophile Binding proteins -> heterotrimeric signal involved in second messenger cascades that transducing molecules using the exchange of guanosine diphosphate for guanosine triphosphate as a signaling mechanism.
  7. Heterophils -> most common type of granulocyte in bird species.
  8. Inducible system Inducible regulation The type of operon regulation in which the repressor binds to the operator, forming a barrier that prevents RNA polymerase from transcribing the structural genes. [10]
  9. Little bags theory -> set of evolutionary theories, proposing that life evolved from the mixtures of organic chemicals that became trapped in tiny vesicles
  10. Lyon principle -> also known as Lyon hypothesis, became Lyon law in 2011. Could either redirect to X-inactivation or could have its own article.
  11. Open juncture -> (from a transition between successive sounds marked by a break in articulatory continuity, as by a pause or the modification of a preceding or following sound, and often indicating a division between words
  12. Orycteropus capensis < species of aardvark
  13. Reverberating circuit - type of neuron pathway
  14. Sclerenchyma sheath -> thick sclerenchymal fibers that surround the vascular bundle of dicots
  15. Simple schizophrenia, Hebephrenic schizophrenia, Catatonic schizophrenia, Paranoid schizophrenia, Acute schizophrenia, Chronic schizophrenia -> specific types of schizophrenia
  16. Stasipatric speciation -> section needs to be added to speciation



 Y Birge-Sponer plot, Birge-Sponer extrapolation -> Physical Chemistry method for calculating dissocation limits
 Y Born-Mayer equation < equation for the cohesive energy of an ionic crystal which is deduced.
 Y Law of Isomorphism -> Chemistry law created by Eilhard Mitscherlich
 Y Corey-Pauling rules -> Set of rules governing peptide structure. See here. Not to be confused with Pauling's rules
 Y Iron perchlorate < Fe(ClO4)2
 Y Sicilian method -> method of extracting sulfur from the surface. The ores are piled in a mound and ignited,from which the sulfur is collected in gaseous form.

  1. Arrhenius Theory-> Could be referring to his formula for temperature dependence of the reaction rate constant,representing those layers. [
  2. Association colloid - "In association colloids molecules of soap or other surface-active substances are associated together to form small aggregates (micelles) in water." [11]
  3. Buffering domain -> region during titration near the equivalence point when the titration curve slowly slopes before a sudden increase in slope.
  4. Circular reaction -> 3 types of movements or actions that create their own repetition,and states that fugacity of each species in an ideal solution is proportional to the mole fraction of the species.
  5. Cyclic ethers < could use a separate article
  6. Fossil magnetism -> process where molten rock,called primary,from the vapor pressure can be computed."
  7. Gate voltage (Reluctantly Accept: Base voltage
  8. Goldschmidt process,thermite -> thermite reaction
  9. KLL process - A process in which the vacancy
  10. Hicks decomposition,orients with Earth's current magnetic field before solidifying its orientation. This is how scientists know Earth's magnetic field has changed directions in the past.
  11. Hot-spark spectroscopy -> type of elemental spectroscopy done by Robert Andrews Millikan that explores the spectrum between ultraviolet and X-rays.
  12. Hydroscopic nuclei,and tertiary. They occur during the sensorimotor stage. Could redirect there,but I think they deserve their own article.
  13. Intrepid class shipy is in the innermost electron shell and the relaxing and ejected electron come from the second-innermost shell is named by these three letters,Hicksian decomposition,Hydroscopic nucleus,Hygroscopic nuclei,Hygroscopic nucleus<Meteorology]: Condensation nuclei which are hygroscopic [12]
  14. Isocratic elution -> type of elution where solvent composition doesn't change. Other types include gradient elution
  15. Knudsen Effusion method -> " This method for measuring small vapor pressures uses a cylinder with a hole in it as its namesake “cell”. The rate of effusion through the orifice is measured,and combinations.
  16. Lewis rule,or his theory of ionic dissociation.
  17. Randall rule -> This simple law is the analog of Raoult’s Law for fugacity,stepwise elution,Sublimation nucleus < Meteorology: Any particle upon which an ice crystal may grow by the process of sublimation
  18. Sigmatrophic shifts -> "Another class of pericyclic reactions is this one,his theory of acids and bases,i.e. which tend to attract and condense ambient water vapour.
  19. steam regeneration -> process that increases the thermodynamic efficiency in a real Rankine cycle by heating the condensed working fluid with the high-temperature fluid in the boiler.
  20. Sublimation nuclei,often resulting in high paramagnetism. [13]
  21. Weak field - This is the term for ligands which result in less splitting between the HOMO and LUMO energies in the complex,secondary,usually continuing iron,which involves migration of a sigma bond that is flanked at either or both ends by conjugated pi-systems"



 Y Sganarelle, Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire - play by Molière
 Y Loaves and Fishes < Loaves and Fishes: A Comedy in Four Acts by W. Somerset Maugham
 Y Urvasi Won By Valor, Vikramorvasi -> Kalidasa drama about a nymph who is loved by King pururavas.

  1. A Shower of Gold - play by Donald Barthelme
  2. Ah Sin < 1877 play by Bret Harte and Mark Twain
  3. Bound East for Cardiff -> Play by Eugene O'Neill
  4. El Astrologo Fingido < Pedro Calderón de la Barca work
  5. George Lucius Salton -> See Jewish Foundation
  6. Le Pas d'acier -> 1925 ballet by Sergei Prokofiev about industrialism in the Soviet Union. Also called "Age of Steel"
  7. My Children! My Africa! - by play Athol Fugard
  8. Red Oleanders -> Play by Rabindranath Tagore
  9. The Filling Station -> ballet by Virgil Thomson that centers on Mack, the attendant, who is visited by a golfer and his family, two truck drivers, a gangster, and a state trooper.
  10. The Lightning-Rod Man < Herman Meliville play
  11. the Lost Lady < The Lost Lady: A Tragy Comedy, 1637 play by William Berkeley (governor)
  12. the Sheep Well -> Play by Lope de Vega: See Fuente Ovejuna?
  13. the Thousand Cranes -> play adapted from the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
  14. The Woman from Andros -> Either a novel by Thornton Wilder or a Roman comedy named Andria



 Y Davis-Moore thesis -> Theory that says job positions near the top require more investment in time, money, and education and therefore should have higher rewards.
 Y Lucas wedge < Aggregate amount of loss in output for economy, resulting from slowdown in growth rate of real gross domestic product.

  1. Hicks decomposition, Hicksian decomposition, Hicksian decomposition of demand -> concept in economics. See Slutsky equation and Hicksian demand function
  2. Gains from production, Gains from specialization -> This is the term for the benefits that occur due to the shift in supply after trade takes place [14]
  3. Product approach (Production approach), income approach, and expenditure approach -> three ways of measuring Gross Domestic Product
  4. Regressive -> A tax system that charges a greater proportion of one's income as one becomes poorer. Ofter misuses to describe a flat tax. [15]
  5. Welfare Loss triangle, Welfare Gain triangle, Welfare Benefit triangle, Welfare triangle < a triangle representing the net welfare benefit or loss from a policy or other change
  6. Flight from cash < moving wealth from cash into interest-bearing assets; either because of expectations of price increases or a fall in interest rates
  7. Adverse selection inefficiency -> economics
  8. Prepaid asset and Deferred asset -> expenditures for future costs or expenses, such as incurance, interest, or rent that are set up as assets to be amortized over an applicable period. (that's the definition from, by the way, so don't use those exact words when writing an article)
  9. Fundamental class process -> in Marxian economics, the process by which workers transfer surplus product to capitalists
  10. Reciprocal exchange -> an group formed so that its members can participate in reciprocal insurance. See Reciprocal inter-insurance exchange
  11. Life cycle model -> This model explains personal savings as an attempt to maintain constant consumption levels, despite fluctuations in income.



 Y Steinmetz's equation, Steinmetz equation, Steinmetz' equation -> In ferromagnetism, this equation allows for the calculation of the loss of the loss of energy per magnetization cycle per volume.
 Y Mascheroni construction -> "It is a geometric construction done solely with a movable compass. Its namesake proved that all constructions possible with a compass and a straightedge were possible with a movable compass alone. His name is also paired with Euler in identifying the Euler constant."
 Y Velocity function -> mathematical function used to calculate the velocity, usually found by getting the first derivative of the position function. Questionable notability.

  1. Analytical calculus
  2. Biased notation - This convention is call biased notation with the bias being the number subtracted from the normal, unsigned representation. - [16]
  3. Bohemian dome -> quartic surface given by the parametric equation x=a*cos(u), y=b*cos(v) + a*sin(u), z=c*sin(v) where v is between 0 and 2*pi
  4. Existence and Uniqueness Theorem -> A mathematical theorem that can prove that a solution to a given problem is both possible (existent) and / or there is only one, zero, or multiple solutions (uniqueness). Used mostly in differential equations
  5. Fermat pair -> specific type of amicable numbers, as opposed to a Pythagoras pair
  6. Heaviside transform - "Incredibly useful in solving an ordinary differential equation with homogeneous coefficients, this transform involves guessing a general solution of an exponential raised to the negative [kt] power." - [17]
  7. Lhuilier Equation < L'huilier Equation L'huilier's Equation not Euler Equation "An equation used in the solution of a spherical triangle, involving tangents of various functions of its angles and sides
  8. Matchstick construction -> "It states that every point that can be constructed with a straightedge and compass, and no other points, can be constructed using identical movable line segments. The nickname for the movable line segments gives this construction its name."
  9. Power series transform -> Integral transform used to solve differential equations. Counterpart of the Laplace transform.
  10. Sum of the nonconservative forces -> "In a general one dimensional system, it is the difference between the time derivative of the derivative of the lagrangian with respect to velocity and the derivative of the lagrangian with respect to position (that is, d/dt(dL/dq)-dL/dq)"
  11. Viral system -> algorithm to solve steiner trees
  12. Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function - The function itself is defined as S (1, „) b^n cos[(a^n)px] where n is any odd integer, and it has the property of being continuous but nowhere differentiable. The secondary author of the function is better known for his work in fractals, and he developed an influential function in that field as well, and the primary developer of this function was a man who in college was said to have majored in "fencing and beer drinking", though even with that shortcoming he managed to develop Abelian Function theory with Riemann and emerge as the father of modern analysis, as well as, ftp, providing a handy substitution function for future calculus students along the way. [18]



 Y Sweet Seasons -> Carole King song
 Y Short Symphony -> 1933 Aaron Copland Symphony also called "Symphony Number 2"
 Y The Hymn of Jesus < Gustav Holst choral symphony

  1. alborada del Gracioso -> 4th movement of Miroirs
  2. American Festival Overture -> 1939 overture by William Schuman
  3. Anthem chorus -> "The first chorus of Messiah, And the Glory of the Lord, also has lyrics taken from Isaiah 40. It is an example of this kind of chorus in which each specific line of text is represented by a particular line of music."
  4. As Kosher As they Want to Be -> debut album of 2 Live Jews (homage to 2 Live Crew)
  5. Beethoven String Quartets -> "The second movement of the first one was thought to have been inspired by the tomb scene from Romeo and Juliet. A section of the Cavatina movement of the 13th one is marked Beklemnt, and the finale of the seventh is based on a Russian folk theme. The finale of the last one is marked with an epigraph that reads "The difficult resolution," while the Molto Adagio of the 15th one is a song of thanksgiving in the Lydian mode. The original finale of the 13th is now known as the Grosse Fugue. FTP, name this group of sixteen works, with subtitles such as "Serioso," "the Harp" and "Razumovsky." "
  6. Birdman Kicked My Ass -> Song by Wesley Willis
  7. Brazilian impression -> Composition by Ottorino Respighi
  8. Can I Touch You There -> Michael Bolton song
  9. Cut the Mullet -> Wesley Wilis song
  10. Fade to Bluegrass: Tribute to Metallica -> album by Iron Horse that plays classical Metallica songs in bluegrass style
  11. Incidental Music to Athalie - Mendelssohn opus #74, see List of compositions by Felix Mendelssohn
  12. Last String Quartets -> needs disambig for Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
  13. Nine Coronas -> parody of My Sharona by John Cougar Mammoser
  14. On the Trail - This is perhaps the best known movement of the Grand Canyon Suite. Its theme recurs in the final movement, Cloudburst. [19]
  15. Symphony No. 3 In E Major < Max Bruch work (E flat is Beethoven)
  16. The School of Velocity < Carl Czerny work for piano
  17. Toward the Unknown Region -> work by Ralph Vaughan Williams



 Y Damysos - was the swiftest of Gigantes who waged war on the gods. The speed of his feet was extracted by Kheiron and placed in the heel of Akhilleus. - [20] fr:Damysos



 Y Lemuel Hopkins -> One of the Hartford Wits- the only one without an article
 Y Martay Jenkins -> Arizona Cardinals player who set a record for most kickoff returns in a season
 Y Michael Rogin -> historian, Berkeley professor. Wrote Blackface, White Noise: Jewish Immigrants in the Hollywood Melting Pot; Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjugation of the American Indian; 'Ronald Reagan,' the Movie, and Other Episodes in Political Demonology
 Y Ogodei Khan -> son of Genghis Khan
 Y Rose Winslow -> American women's suffrage activist
 Y Tony Sands of Kansas - NCAA all-division recorder holder for rushing yards in a single game from 1991-1993
 Y Vivian Villarreal -> professional billiards player, the Texas Tornado
 Y Victor Barna, Angelica Rozeanu, Chuang Tse-Tung -> famous table tennis players
 Y Wladzui Valentino Liberace, Walter Valentino Liberace -> American pianist (1919-1987)

  1. Damon Shelton - After playing the entire season, the loss of this fullback to steroid suspension just before the playoffs may have been a factor in the Bears' poor running game against the Eagles. [21]
  2. Alexander Snegiryov, Ivan Snegiryov, or Captain Nikolai Ilyich Snegiryov of The Brothers Karamazov
  3. Blue Four -> artist's group that consisted of Lyonel Feininger, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Alexej Jawlensky.
  4. Thomas Loudamy, (pseudonym: Mya Barnett -> corresponded with many serial killers, including Robert Pickton
  5. J.A.A. Lovink -> Canadian politician
  6. Manuel Gual -> Venezuelan military and political leader (See Manuel Gaul in Spanish Wikipedia)
  7. Jose Maria Espinosa -> See José María España in Spanish Wikipedia
  8. Jamaspa -> successor of Zoroaster
  9. James Yin Shi Young -> author of "The Rape of Nanking"
  10. Iron Shield, American Horse -> "This cousin of Red Cloud fought alongside him at the Fetterman Massacre and throughout the campaigns in and around the Bozeman trail. But he was captured at the battle of Slim Buttes in 1876 and executed."
  11. Michael Tell < Patty Duke husband in 1970 for 13 days, father of Sean Astin
  12. Kathy Mitchell (columnist) and Marcy Sugar -> editors for Esther Lederer's column Ask Ann Landers - Annie's Mailbox
  13. Deletha Word -> "In the early morning hours of August 19, in Detroit, Michigan, a 33-year old lady jumped off the Belle Isle Bridge in an attempt to escape from her alleged assailants as dozens of bystanders looked on."
  14. Emir Al-Momineen - "Leader of the Believers", title used by Mullah Omar, but possibly others.
  15. Gloria Gilbert -> actress. Appeared in "Vogues of 1938" and "A Musical Operation"; original reference probably F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and Damned
  16. George Fiege -> "He took the work of Peano and extended it in his work Foundations of Arithmetic and in such defined the concept of numbers by means of purely mathematical concepts."
  17. Manheim group -> "These composers were court musicians to Karl Theodor of Germany. They expanded orchestral music to the form which we know today, adding brass and woodwinds. The group included Franz Beck, Karl Stamitz, Franz Richter, and Ignaz Holzbauer. FTP name this group from whom the Classical period stems."
  18. Robert v. Rota < Postmaster of the United States House of Representatives 1973-1992 Robert Rota Bob Rota
  19. Diana McGowin < author, Living in the Labyrinth, adapted into Forget Me Never (film)
  20. Siddig Ibrahim Siddig ali, Siddig Siddig Ali, Ibrahim Siddig Siddig Ali, Siddig Ali < leader of the Beta Cell, group responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
  21. Marcus Belfry < author, Apocalypse of the Heart etc.
  22. Ralph Holinshed < father of Raphael Holinshed, alt spelling for Raphael
  23. Stephen Keener - This president of Little League Baseball said that Almonte and the other boys had been treated in a “contemptible and despicable way.” [22]
  24. P.G. Carnahan Daniel Dravot George Babbitt Elmer Gantry Pierre Bezuhov Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -> all are freemasons
  25. John Kitchener and Hector Macdonald - see Kitchener: The Road to Omdurman by John Pollock
  26. Darly Alves da Silva -> accused killer of Chico Mendes
  27. Issihak II -> Last ruler of the Songhai Empire, defeated in 1591 by the Moroccans
  28. Ferdinand III of Aragon -> not listed in Ferdinand III disambig- may be Ferdinand of Aragón, Duke of Calabria
  29. Charles Montbrun, Charles Dupuy-Montbrun, Charles Dupuy de Montbrun - fr:Charles Dupuy de Montbrun
  30. Hugh Hartsthorne, Hugh Hartshorne < American psychologist
  31. Carolyn Edwards, Carolyn Pope Edwards < American anthropologist
  32. R.C. Suggs < anthropologist, historian, sexologist: The Island Civilisations of Polynesia, Human sexual behavior
  33. Charles Du Puy de Montbrun, Du Puy -> "After the death of Coligny, this ruthless warlord took up arms at the head of the Dauphinese forces, laying waste to much of the countryside, even going so far as to throw the Catholic men, women and children from the city walls of Mornas (mor-nah) after its taking. He was largely responsible for the virtual eradication of Catholics within the province of Dauphiné, for which he was captured and publicly beheaded him in Grenoble on August 13, 1575." < French Wikipedia 1530 - 1575
  34. Daniel Goldreyer < art restorer - restored the entry above (Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue)
  35. Fernando Paer < 19th c. French composer
  36. Society of Five Authors, Les Cinq Auteurs -> literary group by Richelieu including Pierre Corneille
  37. Robert Kiely -> "In this writer’s essay on Northanger Abbey, a close parallel is drawn between Austen’s Gothic parody and her epistolary parody in Love and Freindship. His major work is Reverse Tradition: Postmodern Fictions and the Nineteenth Century Novel."
  38. John Metzger -> "The white supremacist who swung the chair, hitting Geraldo Rivera in the face. He is President of the White Aryan Resistance Youth, and was also featured in a Rolling Stone article"
  39. Gustavus Theodore -> Gustavus Holst
  40. Tohami, Rising Moose -> Mdewakanton chief who sided with the US in the War of 1812
  41. Robert Burpee < 2: head of National Hurricane Center; president of Knott's Berry Farm
  42. Mohammad Shams Od-Din Hafez, Mohammad Shams Od-Din Hafiz -> Quran scholar who wrote the Divan and modern collections of his works include The Gift and Fifty Poems
  43. Henry Cabot Lodge Sr. (the First Bill Was the Lodge-Hoar Lodge-Hoar Bill Lodge Hoar Bill


  1. Mikulski Commission - also known as the Commission on Delegate Selection and Party Structure, it was created following the Democratic loss in the 1972 to re-evaluate the processes by which candidates were nominated. Named for Barbara Mikulski.
  2. Symbolic analysts < concept in The Work of Nations by Robert Reich
  3. Operation Blast Furnace < 1986 military action; Bolivia – United States relations needs standalone
  4. Abolition of Private Property -> Idea from Engels and Marx's Communist Manifesto
  5. Treaty of Chateau-Cambresis -> Treaty signed during Italian War of 1551–1559
  6. Ex parte Yarbrough -> 1884 law case
  7. Vassi Dominici < Government of the Carolingian Empire
  8. Council of Magdeberg, Council of Magdeburg < needs standalone; see Magdeburg rights and German town law
  9. Costigan-Wagner Act Wagner-Costigan Act (Names May Be Reversed < 1935 anti-lynching initiative; should be a standalone at Costigan-Wagner Bill (currently redirect to Costigan bio)
  10. Fence mending - The term originated in 1879 when Ohio senator John Sherman made a trip home. It is what politicians do when they visit their electoral districts to explain an unpopular action. [23]
  11. Separating equilibrium - Some adverse selection problems can be reduced by the insurer offering two kinds of policies, one attractive to high-risk individuals and one attractive to lower-risk individuals. What kind of equilibrium does this produce? [24]
  12. Emergency Congress -> also known as "Hundred days congress", special session of congress that met March 9 to June 16, 1933 to discuss many issues in FDR's New Deal
  13. Statutes of Vizcaya -> system of laws issued in Spanish Basque Country, revoked in 1839 at the end of the First Carlist War
  14. Crime Victims Rights -> See here
  15. Shomrei Torah Sephardim-Sephardi Torah Guardians -> Israeli political party
  16. William Barloon And David Daliberti < Daliberti v. Iraq, Daliberti v. Republic of Iraq



 Y Al-Khassa - largest sect in Shia Islam Also known as Twelvers
 Y Sab'Iya - Sect in Shia Islam. Also Known as Seveners

  1. Destruction of the Temples - action commemorated during Tisha B'Av
  2. Spiritualists and Conventualists
  3. Finite God -> belief system advocated by Ralph Barton Perry stating that God Himself is distinct from the universe and is in the process of achieving fulfillment
  4. albigenes -> "A sect of reformers opposed to the church of Rome in the 12th centuries." Eventually defeated by the inquisition and the crusades.
  5. Place of Fright -> The underworld in Mayan beliefs. Cold, damp place where souls go after death.

TV and Film


 Y Adorenarin doraibu Or Adrenaline drive - Directed by Shinobu Yaguchi, this parody of popular Japanese teenage romances uses slapstick to tell the not-so-classic “robbers versus robbers” story. An explosion at a Yakuza nest (*) puts a timid nurse and a rental car clerk in possession of a briefcase of blood-soaked money. The rest is a wild ride as the nurse is transformed into a glamorous heroine and outsmarts the gangsters out to recover the loot. For 10 points--name this 1999 movie starring Masanobu Ando and Hikari Ishida. [25]
 Y the Snake Pit and the Pendulum -> 1967 German horror film directed by Harald Reinl. Also goes by "The Blood Demon", "Castle of the Walking Dead", "Pendulum", "The Snake Pit and the Pendulum", "The Snake Pit", "The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism", "The Torture Room", and "Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel", none of which have an article.

  1. Cry for Cindy -> 1976 film
  2. the Merry Cavalier < 1926 film by Noel Mason or Laughing Cavalier
  3. Sweet Young Foxes -> 1983 film
  4. Todd TV < 2004 TV show produced by Endemol
  5. Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered 2004-2005 PBS show hosted by Tucker Carlson



 Y american Micro Devices -> Technology company
 Y Chocolate easter bunny, chocolate bunny -> Easter gift / treat
 Y Doctor's Riot -> 1788 riot in New York against body-snatching/ See History Box article
 Y Kemusuk Argamulja - city in Java, birthplace of Suharto
 Y little slick -> nickname for Texas Hold em starting hand of Ace-Queen
 YSavoy theater -> Theater in Europe- the first building in the world to be lit with incandescent electric lights. May or may not be related to Savoy Company
 Y Schwartzchild limit -> 2 times the product of the mass and gravitational constant divided by the speed of light squared, this limit defines the radius for a body of particular mass inside which light cannot escape.

  1. International Quiet Sun Year, IQSY (International Year of the Quiet Sun) -> An international cooperative effort, similar to the International Geophysical Year, extending through 1964 and 1965, to study the sun and its terrestrial and planetary effects during the minimum of the 11-year cycle of solar activity.
  2. Dhuleti -> "This Indian holiday immediately after Holi marks the ushering in of warmer spring and is also a day of celebration."
  3. Kalakun < place/creek in Guyana
  4. Crime against Kansas Speech -> speech made by charles Sumner
  5. altieri chapel -> in San Francesco a Ripa
  6. Hsing-Ming, (Hsing-Ming) < Legalist school of thought and Lao-tzu: literally "form and names", see Huang-lo, Tao-te
  7. Citadel of Mycenae -> ancient Greek structure. See Lion Gate or Mycenae
  8. Bradley-Morris, Inc. -> largest military placement firm in the United States
  9. Steady-state error -> type of error in control systems. See steady state errors
  10. Seringueiro -> a person who collect rubber sap, especially in Brazil
  11. pseudo steady-state -> might need its own article
  12. Miss Somerset -> New Jersey beauty pageant
  13. Ten Coronas -> Australian race horse. see racing stats
  14. Nunc lento sonitu dicunt morieris -> John Donne work, also known as "Meditation 17" ; see Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
  15. Unix Domain Protocol -> see Unix Domain Protocols
  16. Fujiwara period -> Japanese period from 900 to 1200ad. Ruling of the Fujiwara clan during the Heian period.
  17. Cirque basin -> a steep, semicircular hollow formed high on a mountain slope by the erosive action of a glacier. They usually fill up and become lakes called tarns
  18. Via Antonio da Canal -> area in Venice; Via Antonio Canal, named for Canaletto
  19. Devarata -> something of Indian origin
  20. International Hydrological Decade < "research program on water problems that began on Jan. 1, 1965"
  21. Crist-all -> "Created especially for Alexander II, P. Diddy is rumored to be the world’s largest purchaser of this drink, which is mentioned in the opening lines of Jay Z’s Excuse Me Miss."
  22. Chicago group -> "literary group dealing with western themes operating from 1912 to 1925. Included Carl Sandburg, Ben Hecht, Edgar Lee Masters, and Theodore Dreiser."
  23. Myth of the Metals -> In Plato's Republic, this “noble lie” is Plato’s attempt to justify the class system inherent in his state. It claims that people are predestined for certain roles by their physical makeup.
  24. Daemonic character -> "Many of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's works, including “Gotz von Berlichingen” and “Egmont”, concern this character type possessing a powerful personality which sweeps others along in its violent destiny.
  25. Iwaki Daira Revolt < 1739 tax revolt. See History of tax resistance#18th century
  26. the American Caravan -> "This poetry and fiction magazine started in 1927 with Van Wyck Brooks and Lewis Mumford as its first editors. It featured works by Hemingway, Steinbeck, and Caldwell before ending its run in 1936"
  27. Street of the Dead, Avenue of the Dead, Calle de los Muertos - a street in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
    File:Iew from Pyramide de la luna.jpg
    View of the Avenue of the Dead and the Pyramid of the Sun, from the Pyramid of the Moon.
  28. Latin dance and Smooth dance -> Categories of ballroom dancing used in international competitions. It's possible that these categories are separate, as I've seen them both grouped together as well as named the "two major types of ballroom dancing".
  29. Ur-Hu, urhu -> small two stringed Chinese string instrument, played upright with a bow.
  30. White Guelfs, White Guelf, White Guelphs, White Guelph, Black Guelfs, Black Guelf, Black Guelphs, Black Guelph < Guelphs and Ghibellines needs standalone
  31. Los desaparecidos, Disappeared ones -> forced disappearances during Argentina's Dirty War in the 1970s
  32. Ecloga Legum -> Leo III the Isaurian's updated version of Justinian's "Corpus Juris Civilis". See Byzantine_law#Ecloga
  33. Council of Vezelay < setting for Second Crusade mtg
  34. Poipu Bay Golf Course < location of the PGA Grand Slam of Golf, Grand Slam of Golf
  35. Bad Face Band of Oglala Sioux < Ite-citca, Ite-sica, Ite Citca, Ite Sica, Bad Face Band, Bad Face, Oglala Bad Face Band, Bad Face Oglala
  36. Leika I, Leica I < first model released in 1925 by Leica Camera needs standalone
  37. First Order Predicate Logic -> in artificial intelligence, a knowledge representation form that involves objects, relations on those objects (such as brother of or bigger than), and properties on those objects (such as red or round)
  38. Mount San Rafael, Cerro San Rafael -> in Spanish Wikipedia
  39. Percy's Rebellion -> "Named for the family that rebelled against King Henry IV, its primary conflict occurred at Shrewsbury in 1403. Harry Hotspur, a member of that family, joined Owen Glendower at Shrewsbury but was killed by an arrow"
  40. Pop'ables - Recently, my home equity loan was approved, and I could finally afford to take my nieces and nephews to a movie. Identify the treats they wanted, ten each. ... Little Billy wanted these tasty bite sized candies from the good people at Mars. The theater had four varieties – Snickers, Milky Way, Snickers Crunch, and 3 Musketeers. [26]
  41. My Soldier - Program started by Sgt. Juan Salas where people wear red bands who have a personal connection to armed forces overseas
  42. Goo Gone -> household cleaner manufactured by Magic American Corporation of Cleveland
  43. Hooker Furniture -> furniture company; products often appear on the Price is Right
  44. Cherry Merry Muffin - The last group, including Cookie n' Cream, was made in 1990 as a tie-in with Baskin-Robbins; after that Mattel sold their mold to Disney. In Germany the main character had a brother named after Sauerkraut (*). Each was sold with a recipe, a tray of baked goods, and sometimes a "helper" based on her particular flavor. Including Greta Grape, Lily Vanilly, Banancy, and the main character--for 10 points--name this line of dolls, whose delicious aromas distinguished them from Strawberry Shortcake. [27]
  45. Demon-Dream < lucid dream type proposed by Frederik van Eeden
  46. Simon Bolivar's birthday -> holiday observed in Venezuela and Bolivia on July 24
  47. Deductively valid - An argument in which there is no possible world in which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false is deemed to be this. [28]
  48. Deductively sound - An argument is considered to be this if and only if it is valid and all the premises are true in the actual world (meaning the facts as they stand now in the world). [29]
  49. I Have a Future - Give the name of the program Foster founded in order to combat teen pregnancy. [30]
  50. Collection lookup - operation performed by the exclamation mark in visual basic (Given a computer language, identify what the exclamation mark does for ten points each. ... visual basic [31])
  51. Housewife refugee -> term for a woman who starts her own business after her family is grown or after she no longer needs to do household duties.
  52. Thinite period, Theban period, Tanite period - periods of Egyptian history [32]
  53. Pediacare -> consumer brand owned by Johnson & Johnson
  54. Pesky Little Particle < linguistic concept by Joseph Evans Grimes (both merit articles)
  55. Anachorism < in mobility and place theory, a thing out of place or without place entirely, the spatial equivalent to anachronism. Again, to be clear, NOT a misspelling of "anachronism". Just less well known.
  56. The Festival of Izcalli (Ees-Ka-Yee)
  57. Selten's horse < in game theory, a concept by Reinhard Selten
  58. Pat C Rendezvous < record-setting brindle greyhound racing dog aka Rhonda (dog)
  59. JJ Doc Richard < record-setting greyhound racing dog
  60. Fiddle Fever < group formed by Jay Ungar 1977-1982
  61. Global Information Solutions -> UK-based software development company
  62. the Little Brown Church in the Vale Accept Church in the Vale -> disambig needed. Both a famous song, and a church in Iowa.
  63. Majil -> Unicameral legislature found in Turkmenistan
  64. Battle of Ballivian -> Battle during Chaco War. Lasted from March to July 1934
  65. Chapter 77 Movement -> according to the Packet, human rights movement founded by Milan Hlavsa: See Charter 77?
  66. Left Jack, Screw the Dealer, Stick the Dealer, Farmer's Hand - variations of Eucher
  67. Jinas, Arihantas, Kevalis, Vitragis -> types of Tirthankaras
  68. Bohai Strait or Bo Hai Strait -> Strait at the easternmost end of the Bohai Sea in China
  69. Yawata No Kami -> Honorary title in Japan
  70. Public member Private member Protected member, Variable member -> Information hiding
  71. Piggy Palace Good Times Society -> organization registered in Canada in 1996 by Robert Pickton to "organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups.", Although it was considerably more insidious than that.
  72. Walker commission, Walker Commission on Chicago Democratic Convention and the Chicago Police -> commission appointed to investigate the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention. See this document
  73. Casita volcano -> Nicaraguan volcano; site of mudslides during Hurricane Mitch. See this article. Notable?
  74. Non-Saturating -> "ECL and Schottky TTL are both examples of this type of logic family, so named because the transistors are unable to enter a certain mode of operation. Logic families of this type are generally quite fast."
  75. Indian Ring scandal -> In 1876, William Belknap accepted bribes from licensed companies to trade on Native American reservations. During the Grant administration, Secretary of War William Belknap took bribes from companies looking to do business on Native American reservations. quiz bowl answer
  76. Global Information Solutions, Communication Equipment -> AT&T split up into three smaller groups, one still called AT&T
  77. Heart-Mate -> tradename for an implantable pneumatic left-ventricular assist system which, implanted into the body, pumps blood instead of the ailing heart. This device works by assisting the heart's main pumping chamber so that it continues to perform.
  78. Baker scoring system -> bowling scoring system
  79. Futile Game < A game which permits a draw ("tie") when played properly by both players
  80. Device-status table < contains entry for each I/O device indicating its type, address, and state.
  81. Cassini I < famed Holsteiner stallion
  82. Fish Gate < gate into Jerusalem
  83. (I'm Gonna Get You) Sukkah, Sukkah
  84. Intrepid class ship
  85. Shouldered arch - a type of arch. Described in the Arch article

Problem child

  1. After the Bath, Woman Drying her Feet - Painting by Degas. There seem to be a number of portraits with similar titles
  2. Apollo and the Muses -> 1674 work by Claude Lorrain at the J. Paul Getty Museum. There are two different paintings: one called "Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helicon" and one called "Landscape with Apollo and the Muses"
  3. Berlin Street Scene < series of 14 works by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner esp. this Berliner Straßenszene. 14 works, ugh.