Shafqat Khatana is a Swedish lawyer and runs a law firm and has been working as a lawyer for over 12 years. (

Shafqat has also been politically active in Sweden since childhood, he is a member of the Social Democratic party and a municipal councilor in Sweden and has also been a county councilor. (

He is also vice president of a Swedish company Söderenergi AB that produces heating and hot water to most of the Stockholm. (

He has also been president of a Swedish organization ABF Botkyrka-Salem for 6 years and through ABF led a project in Palestine for Palestinian youth, funded by Olof Palme Center in Sweden. Shafqat has also visited Palestine and has been active in Palestinian cause.

Shafqat is also a social worker, speaker and has organized and participated in many events for the Kashmir cause. For example, he organized an event in august 2019 when the Indian government revoked the article 370, the event was organized in Stockholm and members of Swedish parliament and European parliament participated in the event. In September 2019 organized Shafqat one more outdoor manifestation to show solidarity with people of Kashmir, this manifestation is one of the biggest events in Scandinavian countries for Kashmir cause. In November 2019 Shafqat participated in a Kashmir conference in Athens, Greece,

Shafqat has also participated in and arranged other events in Sweden, given lecture on law, human rights and so on