
Khanqah E Hyderi is a spiritual and social institution meant for propagating the spiritual as well as social ethos and values of Islam. Khanqah is basically derived from a Persian word khand gah which means a place where one studies and contemplates upon the deeper spiritual issues and khanqah e Hyderi as an institution is meant for propagating the spiritual, social, ethical, and moral values of Islam in the backdrop of the teachings of the Ahlul Bayat عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام that is the household of prophet ﷺ. Prophet ﷺ in his parting sermon at Ghadeer E Khum said, ‘’O people I am passing down upon you to things as legacy first and foremost is the book of Allah Al-Quran ul Kareem and another legacy is Ahlul Bayat عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام my household my progeny and whosoever holds both of them steadfastly he will never go astray and with an eye towards propagating the teaching of holy Quran within the paradigm of Ahlul Bayat عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام is the first and foremost responsibility and duty of Khanqah E Hyderi. Basically, this Khanqah has been named upon the name of Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام who’s one of the epithets is Hyder and based upon this epithet Hyder this khanqah is named as khanqah e Hyderi. Hazrat Ali as has been eulogized in the prophetic traditions as the gateway of the prophets city of knowledge and also Hazrat Ali عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام is the pioneer of Islamic spirituality and sainthood as has been passed down upon him by his master holy prophet ﷺ and that is why within the spiritual circles of Islam Hazrat Ali ibn Ali Talib عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام is know as Shah E Wilayat that is the king of the sainthood and in fact all the Silsilas and lineages of Islamic Sufism, Spirituality or Mysticism culminate in the personality of Hazrat Shah e wilayat Ali عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام. This khanqah tries to propagate the Sufism which is thoroughly imbued with the connotations of sainthood as has been propagated by the household progeny of Prophet ﷺ, so far as the basic functioning of this khanqah is concerned, this Khanqah e Hyderi often holds Majalis or religious gatherings upon the various occasions most particularly related to the sians of the household of prophet ﷺ. Further, so in order to enhance and elevate the inmates of the Khanqah spiritually some informal gatherings are also convened at the Khanqah where in the inmates of the khanqah form the Zawiyas and Halqas of Zikr and they meditate and jointly hold prayer sessions for the remembrance of Almighty Allah. Further, this Khanqah believes in an interfaith and intra-faith dialogue as regards the interfaith dialogue people from various hues and ideologies within the communities of Muslims come to Khanqah and each and every community with its own ideological interpretations is engaged in a healthy discussion in Khanqah where in various confusions and misconceptions occurring among various sects of Islam against each other are solved and various historical and spiritual issues are discussed threadbare with an eye towards uniting Muslims and Muslim ummah upon the ideology of Tawheed (oneness of Allah) and prophethood of prophet Muhammad ﷺ and wilaya (sainthood) of Hazart Ali عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام and his progeny. This khanqah believes in holding healthy discussions and dialogues with an eye towards developing a sense of brotherhood among Muslims and as regards inter faith dialogue we believe in holding dialogue with the people from other religions also so as to make them aware about the spiritual and humanitarian values of Islam and so as to promote communal harmony within area of influence. This Khanqah also believes in the social work and very often holds various medical camps separately for men as well as women and pediatric medical camps for children occasionally and inmates of Khanqah pool their resources to provide free medicine to those who are examined in those medical camps. Further the volunteers of Khanqah often donate blood and they do live blood donating sessions on call whenever anybody in distress approaches Khanqah for blood donation, the volunteers of Khanqah try to fulfill the need and the blood donars association of Khanqah have registered themselves as a trust known as Fatima Al-Zehra سلام الله عليه blood bank. Further this khanqah shareef often tries to cooperate with other institutions government, semi-government or private mostly the education institutions and students from other education institutions come to Khanqah and here they interacts with the inmates of khanqah and people are mostly student community is made aware about the khanqah E Nizaam which prevailed in Kashmir right from the times of Hazrat Mir Syed Ali Hamdani رحمتہ اللہ علیہ. The patron saint of Kashmir who came from Hamdan and who is credited to build first ever Khanqah in Kashmir know as Khanqah E Mualla, although a Khanqah of Bulbul Shah at Bulbul Lanker is still existed prior to Khanqah E Mualla but the vibrant Khanqah culture which flourished in Kashmir, its origins can be traced back to khanqah e Mualla of Mir Syed Ali Hamadi رحمتہ اللہ علیہ