Shakalot High Entertainment is a publishing company created by Ashaki Boelter in 2001. It began in Portland, Oregon and now operates in Central Oregon. Shakalot High was created to entertain all people through a variety of books dealing with common sense and moral, for young teens to seniors. With street savy and old school upbringings, Ashaki's heartfelt desire is to reach everybody, even those who'd rather not read any literature. With a zany twist, a chaotic plot, an Afro-centric point-of-view, and faith in which America was created and currently struggles with, Ashaki intends to change lives with his off-beat humor in his inspirational books.

Some of Ashaki's books include: Destined to Win, the All-4-Love Series: Distant Lover, In the Name of Love, and (to be announced/final book), Rob Me Tonight, Hate Begets Hate, Witch Momma: Dummy for Hire, Boiling Blood, Diaries of the Doomed, The Nok, and Supa Dupa Man: The Next Morning. Shakalot High also owns a men's basketball team in Central oregon and a youth basketball team.