Dear uploader: The media file you just uploaded have been listed for speedy deletion because you indicated that it is used by permission for Wikipedia only or for non-commercial use only. While it might seem reasonable to asume that such images can be freely used on Wikipedia, a non-profit website, this is in fact not the case.

All Wikipedia content have to be available under terms that are compatible with (though not nessesarily identical with) the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL for short) that Wikipedia license it's content under. This means that all content on Wikipedia have to allow:

  • anyone to use it (not just Wikipedia itself)
  • modifications or derivative works to be made
  • anyone to use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Provided that the other terms of the license is followed (crediting previous editors and so forth). Any content with a license that does not permit these things are therefore considered unfree and needs to be deleted[1].

Please do not upload any more files with this kind of restriction on them. If you wish for the media to be included in Wikipedia try contacting the copyright holder and request that they make the media available under a GFDL compatable license, or make an assertion that the use of the media qualify as fair use under US copyright law and Wikipedia fair use policy (wich is far more strict and narrow than what the law permits).

If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you.


Category:Candidates for speedy deletion