The Monkey Wrench Gang shines a light on humanity's contradictory role on Earth. As creatures that inhabit the planet, we strive for survival in the best and most efficient way possible. That strive has led us to today's modern industrialization and technological advancements. On the other hand, as conscious beings, we are aware of the destruction left in the wake of the pursuit of this industrialization. Our recent industrialization has now become contradictory to the pursuit of survival, as the very planet we live on is becoming inhospitable by humanity's "modernization." Not only has this become hazardous for us as humans, but it has also become hazardous for other species and for the planet itself. We have exceeded our limits in our pursuit of survival and that pursuit has become counterproductive. As inhabitants of the Earth, and the direct cause for its destruction, The Monkey Wrench Gang makes us as humans feel the obligation to take an environmentally friendly stand.

The counterproductive ways of industrialization have led to an environmental awakening. Society has become aware of its destructive ways. This has caused a difference of opinion on what is important to humanity. The destruction of the environment has split the world between people striving towards more industrialization by any means necessary for capitalistic advancement, and people trying to preserve what little of the natural environment is left. These environmentally driven people are no different than those in The Monkey Wrench Gang, feeling an obligation and responsibility to protect the environment because humanity is the cause of it in the first place. The Monkey Wrench Gang has been noted as a direct and indirect influence on many organizations striving to protect the environment.

Earth First Logo
Earth First logo

The Monkey Wrench Gang is said to have inspired,"[T] the formation of the real-life environmental group Earth First!, which impedes the progress of developers and loggers by sabotaging bulldozers and booby-trapping trees with chainsaw-destroying spikes. Their term for such tactics: monkey-wrenching." The Earth First movement also used a club and a monkey wrench logo. Their methods of environmental protection were similar if not identical to many of the methods in The Monkey Wrench Gang novel. Earth First! felt an obligation to react to the environmental destruction by industrialists and capitalists. An obligation that is heavily stressed in The Monkey Wrench Gang. The Earth First! the movement still exists today, The link below provides an example of their gatherings and actions.

Edward Abbey's novel was not just a story of a group of radicals aiming toward the destruction of hyper-industrialization. Its obligation to the land wasn't only depicted in the destruction of capitalist property but the careful details of the natural environment. The Gang found themselves more at peace when in nature. The importance of these passages where the main characters were in nature enjoying the environment, almost blind to the destruction around it, was to shine on the necessity of the natural environment for humanity as well. When Abbey wrote about the characters in society, there was always a sense of disgust and a lack of belonging. However, when in nature, the group lost these feelings and felt the oneness of the natural environment and their place in it. It was written to mean that we are not only obligated to protect the environment for other species or for the sake of the planet itself but our sake as well.

In The Monkey Wrench Gang, the group’s actions are quite significant. Each member had their reason for joining in on the antics, but they all in some way felt “obligated” to do so. People sometimes feel “obligated” to make things right after something goes wrong. If you run into someone and they drop something, you sometimes feel ”obligated” to pick it up for them, if someone is coming in a door behind you, you may feel “obligated” to hold to door for them. An obligation is, “an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.” Now, why is this word so significant? Because in the past 100 years or so our society's rapid advancement has caused a lot of great things to happen, and a lot of not-so-great things to happen. The world has become more advanced, people have become more connected, and people have gotten further and further away from the environment. In the Monkey Wrench Gang the groups trying to stop society from ruining the environment and themselves in the process because they all feel “obligated” to do so. Doc Sarvis is trying to stop the spread of sickness from pollution, Seldom Seen Smith is trying to preserve the land that he grew up in and works in, George Hayduke is putting his destructive skills to use, and Bonnie Azzbug is trying to help out Doc any way she really can. Everyone has a reason for coming together the try and preserve this wonderful land.