

Hi fellow Wikipedians. I am Shipster24, and I am really a newbie in Wikipedia. So far all the contributions I have made was only a short stub article, HMS Scourge (1910), and a few edits in other articles. I am just now learning all of the tips and tricks of Wikipedia. I have solved my problem of not being able to insert images and infoboxes.

My Edits Number Quality What I did to it
HMS Scourge (1910) 1 Stub Helped create it
Romania 2 C-Class Edited it
SS City of London 3 Stub Edited it
My article 4 Stub Created & edited it
MS Vulcania 5 Start-class Edited it
HMHS Britannic 6 C-Class Edited it
HS Elektra 7 Stub Created & edited it
List of hospital ships sunk in World War I 8 List-class Edited it