User:Shkedi/Torah and science

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Torah and Science - Facts, Theories, and Fiction

Dr. Zvi Shkedi, September 2007

Human imagination and speculative theories are often misrepresented as scientific facts. The controversy involving contradictions between Torah and science is a consequence of such misrepresentations. Not everything called "science" is science, and not everything called "Torah" is Torah. There is never a contradiction between real Torah and real science. Apparent contradictions are only a result of misrepresentations of Torah, misrepresentations of science, or both. Understanding the misrepresentations resolves the conflicts and shows that Torah and science are in perfect harmony.

In this article we present one side of the debate - “Not everything called 'science' is science”. To read the article, click on the following link: ”Torah and Science – Facts, Theories, and Fiction”

The other side of the debate, "Not everything called 'Torah' is Torah" is presented in ”Torah, Science, and Greek Philosophy”