If you are editing core encyclopaedic articles and adding references from newspapers, blogs and other web sources, please stop, you are not helping as we all deserve better quality sources. Here are some places where reliable sources can be found. Remember to try Google scholar as well as web searches with "site:archive.org". Try WP:RX for requesting inaccessible journal papers. WP:RX has some truly unsung heroes of Wikipedia, librarians who make a big difference to parts of the world where the idea of public libraries never took root.
I am happy to help anyone with research content on some areas such as Indian birds and can access nearly all of the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society issues. I currently have access to some resources on the incredible Wikipedia Library and if you are a regular editor here you too will be able to access some of the resources there. I will be happy to provide content from these sources if I can see that you are working on specific Wikipedia articles.
Free digital resources
edit- http://www.abhilekh-patal.in National archives of India [Needs registration - is free - also digitize on demand]
To download the PDF file search URL for "bitstream" in source - use Chrome to remove PDF security(Hack no longer works)
- Chennai Museum
- Bodleian / Oxford
- http://www.archive.org - The Internet Archive (the motherlode of digital content on the Internet, quite a lot of historic material)
- http://biodiversitylibrary.org/ Biodiversity heritage library (fauna, flora, J. Asiatic Society, old J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. ...) - all content also via IA
- http://www.medicalheritage.org/ Medicine related scanned works
- http://www.dli.ernet.in/ - useful content - site seems to be down after copyright issues - much has been mirrored to the Internet Archive -
has apparently moved to https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ - http://nsdl.niscair.res.in/ (Science specific, scholarship of a very low quality, plagiarised, poorly cited etc.)
- http://ignca.nic.in/dgt_0001.htm (IGNCA arts and culture - some low quality images, paid option for research resources)
- Alternate PDF link - http://www.ignca.nic.in/asp/searchResults.asp?page=477&searchOption&searchTerm
- http://dspace.cusat.ac.in/jspui/ CUSAT - some recent material, internal reports etc. mainly engineering, law
- http://dspace.gipe.ac.in/jspui/ GIPE Pune - some very interesting historic material (mainly history, law, culture)
- http://cslrepository.nvli.in CS library Calcutta
- http://www.isec.ac.in/digitalLibrarybookcollection.html ISEC - some interesting material but mainly duplication of content on the Internet Archive
- http://pahar.in - Himalayas related material, some amazing historic material, maps, books (some duplicated from elsewhere) but lots of original resources
- http://dspace.wbpublibnet.gov.in:8080/jspui/ West Bengal public libraries - some interesting material in Bangla
- http://statelibrary.kerala.gov.in/rarebooks/ Kerala state "rarebooks"
- http://www.panjabdigilib.org Panjab digital library
- http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/ = Krishikosh - ICAR digital library - when it works, some excellent material related to biology, agriculture etc. - the bookreader is irritating - if you want the actual PDF - reformat the link to match /bitstream/1/XXXXX/1/XXXXX.pdf
- http://dsr.nii.ac.jp/toyobunko/language/en.html.en Silk route - some Himalayas related material
- http://www.digitalhimalaya.com/collections/index.php Digital Himalayas
- http://dsal.uchicago.edu/ Digital South Asia
- http://oudl.osmania.ac.in/ Osmania University (interesting collection, a lot of it contributed already to the Internet Archive)
- http://nationallibrary.gov.in/ National Library, no material yet (Nov. 2014)
- http://oaob.nitrkl.ac.in/view/subjects/ Content in Oriya
- http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper Australian newspaper archive - searchable and free
- http://eprints.uni-mysore.ac.in/ Mysore University
- http://soinakshe.uk.gov.in/ Survey of India Maps - needs Aadhaar and your registered mobile for authentication! https://indiamaps.gov.in/soiapp/ has a vector version of old survey maps that is useful for checking old place names (the search function is unusable though)
- Birbal Sahni Institute archives
- Asia
- https://www.qdl.qa/en Qatar digital library
- SE Asia
- http://myrepositori.pnm.gov.my/
- http://blsea.nus.edu.sg/en/home NUS Singapore, biodiversity collections
- European digital archives
- https://fbc.pionier.net.pl/search https://polona.pl Poland
- https://rcin.org.pl/dlibra Poland
- https://www.nb.no - Norway
- http://www.zobodat.at/ Zobodat - Austria - natural history archives
- http://нэб.рф/ Russian digital library
- http://docnum.u-strasbg.fr/cdm/
- http://pbc.gda.pl/dlibra
- https://digital.onb.ac.at Austria
- https://www.digitalniknihovna.cz/
- http://www.slub-dresden.de/en/search/
- http://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/
- http://digital.indologica.de/ Digital Indology site (lists content on other archives)
- http://gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/en/gdz/ Center for Retrospective Digitization, Göttingen
- http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/digitue/southasia/ University of Tübingen - digital South Asia
- http://www.savifa.uni-hd.de/digital_coll/literature_southasia.html Heidelberg collection
- http://gallica.bnf.fr/?lang=EN Digital library of France (can have surprises)
- http://www.europeana.eu Europeana (portal that federates other collections including British Library)
- http://www.e-corpus.org/search/index.php
- http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/home
- http://www.muenchener-digitalisierungszentrum.de/index.html?c=suchen&ab=&kl=&l=en http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/index.php (mostly just the catalogue)
- http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es Spain (has some Goa/Portuguese related material)
- http://digitarq.arquivos.pt Portugal
- http://mbc.malopolska.pl/dlibra Poland
- http://www.dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/ Poland
- Has all Nature journals until 1943 - http://www.dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/publication?id=40533&tab=3
- North American archives
- Specialist sources
- http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace/ American Museum of Natural History
- http://digital.nls.uk/indiapapers/about.html Medical history
- http://palaeontologicalsociety.in/publication.php Paleontological Society
Catalogues only
edit- http://connemara.tnopac.gov.in/ TN Public Libraries
- http://nsl.niscair.res.in/opac.jsp National Science Library
- http://egranth.ac.in/?q=node/186 List of ICAR node OPACs
- http://libraryopac.ignou.ac.in:8080/opac/html/SearchForm IGNOU
- http://libsys.nal.res.in:8080/opac/ NAL
- http://library.tifrbng.res.in:8080/opac/ TIFR
- http://opac.cusat.ac.in/ CUSAT
- http://resourcecentre.daiict.ac.in/catalog/rccatalog.html A catalogue of catalogues
Paid services
edit- https://borilib.com/repository Bhandarkar Oriental Institute Library
- https://granthsanjeevani.com Asiatic Society of Mumbai
- http://www.niscair.res.in/ActivitiesandServices/Services/services.htm#dcss
- http://www.southasiaarchive.com
- http://books2ebooks.eu/en Electronic on Demand