1121 dispute - additional references?


Srokowski (1945)

  • per VM ([1]): "This source states (my translation) "under Boleslaw Krzywousy's rule when we (Poland) reached past Wolin, Szczecin and Stralsund and even established ourselves on Rugen""
  • Full citation: Srokowski S (1945): Prusy Wschodnie. Studium geograficzne, gospodarcze i społeczne [East Prussia. Geographic, economic and social study], Biuro Ziem Zachodnich przy Ministerstwie Administracji Publicznej, p. 283.

Besides not mentioning 1121 at all and focussing on East Prussia rather than (westernmost) Pomerania, this reference must be discarded as a strongly biased propaganda piece. It was published by the Biuro Ziem Zachodnich przy Ministerstwie Administracji Publicznej, i.e. the Office for Western Lands at the [Polish] Ministry of Public Administration in 1945, when Poland was in the process of annexing its "Western Lands" - i.e. pre-war Eastern Germany up to the Oder-Neisse line - including the bulk of pre-war German Pomerania as far as the Oder estuary with Wollin, part of Usedom, and Stettin/Szczecin. War-time Polish plans (when it was clear that Nazi Germany was going to be defeated) included even more far-reaching aims such as post-war Polish presence on Rügen and other Baltic islands, cf. e.g. Terry S.M.: Sikorski and Poland's western borders, in Keith Sword (ed.): Sikorski. Soldier and statesman, London 1990, pp. 139- 145. The "under-Boleslaw-all-this-belonged-to-us-..."-language of this work, published by a government agency involved with the annexation, speaks for itself. I don't think VM did himself a favor by presenting such a reference here, and we should discard it right away. Skäpperöd (talk) 08:21, 29 April 2013 (UTC)