About Me


My name is Can. I was born in Belgium to a German mother and Turkish father, but we moved to the UK three months later, meaning I’m quite Anglicized (though I would still call myself Turkish or German rather than English, despite the fact that my grasp of Turkish is tenuous to say the least...). My life is focused around several interests, especially martial arts: I teach at Artemis BJJ in Bristol. The other major focus is of course my girlfriend.

I'm a keen martial artist, and have experience in various styles. From 1999-2006, my main training was in Zhuan Shu Kuan, a striking style. I finally started BJJ in November 2006, here, receiving my blue belt in February 2008, then my purple belt from Roger Gracie in March 2011. You'll find me babbling on various martial art sites, especially slideyfoot.com. Some of my other interests are music, film (like many martial art geeks, I'm especially fond of anime), history, art and travel.



Seems everyone sticks one of these on their profile, so I might as well too.



In order of composition:

Zhuan Shu Kuan, Hitomi Akano, Olga Bakalopoulos, Shayna Baszler, Amanda Buckner, Marloes Coenen, Debi Purcell, Kelly Kobold-Gavin, Becky Levi, Roxanne Modafferi, Jennifer Howe, Zyvonzek Vjesalicu, Mayra Conde, Yves Edwards, Mark Weir, Matt Hume

Significant Contribution


Erin Toughill, Laura D'Auguste, List of female mixed martial artists, Don Frye


slideyfoot.com | bjj resources

Bullshido (best martial arts forum on the net)

Wikipedia Tutorial

As Many Userboxes As I Can Fit

  This user supports the legalization of same sex marriage.
PC This user is pro-choice.
4This user thinks BBC Radio 4 is worth the licence fee alone.
UKThis user uses British English.
BAThis user has a Bachelor of Arts degree.
MAThis user has a Master of Arts degree.
 This user eats cheese.
 This user is interested in the Brights movement.
 This user enjoys reading poetry.
 This user is skeptical of the Zodiac.
 This user is a feminist.
 This user is or was a student of the University of Warwick.