edit>5:45 am Every weekday, Daf Yomi, Khal Sas Regen. Zoom ID 852 136 429 07
edit9:45 am ▶️West Side Kollel: Rosh HaKollel's learning Meseches RH with an eye towards Halacha, Sugya of Seder HaTekiyos, ID: 878 2259 2016, code: 437194, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87822592016?pwd=eUxyb2Fod1AvazR1bFRuN2s2Rk0zQT09
5:00 pm: Beth El class, shmirat halashon ID: 847 136 1163, code: 443730, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8471361163
8:00 pm
•Sephardic Synagogue shiur 8:30 pm •LSS: Rambam's Introduction to Mishnah, with Tzvi Benoff. ID: 465-268-1403 code: Shiur; https://zoom.us/j/4652681403?pwd=ZEFvek5hRXVxcWwxZGtJdU5CS1hwdz09; 10:00 pm •Thriving around Complicated People. Workshop with Mordachi Weinberger LCSW. by phone, dial: 929-205-6099 then enter ID: 645572066##, •https://us02web.zoom.us/j/645572066
editPhone Link: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
- 8:00 pm
>Beth El weekly class Torah Class, ID: 712 062 3808, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7120623808 8:30 pm
>LSS Class, Rabbi Robinson, on Talmud, Sanhedrin. ID: 916 3915 9514, https://zoom.us/j/91639159514
edit- 2:00 pm
>Shimon Noik; Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, 8 pm-10 pm SA (South Africa) 2-4PM EDT. ID: 870 9986 7405, code: 097481 , https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87099867405?pwd=TWF5elNhRlF6UDZ1UWhNRUlrZGx2QT09
- 7:30
>OZNY Tuesday learning: Joel Goldman, ID: 843 0934 1938, Code: 195529, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84309341938?pwd=d3hUcGk0c1ZxdVFwWGF6b1Ewb2RjUT09
- 8:00 pm
- Yavneh weekly class: ID: 896 7179 3621, Password: 532174, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89671793621?pwd=UG9yUURDSlREdmpsYUpuSVBNSzA4Zz09
- 8:20 pm
- West Side Kollel: Navi shiur, ID: 819 5713 3839, code: 767602, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81957133839?pwd=YVZ4NW9aa0lpYXNQbklWaGN1cHpLQT09
- 8:30 pm
- Lighthouse Torah Project : Michael Benmeleh, Rabbi Nachman’s Likutei Moharan: Chapter 19, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3702757411 (password is 613);
- 9:00 pm
- Beth El: Introduction to Sefer Shmuel ID: 847 136 1163, code: 443730, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8471361163?pwd=TFJDeWsraEZBNlFBNEl0R3RleURmUT09
edit- 6:30pm
>OZNY class: Discover Jewish Concepts ID: 880 6191 9549, code: 502897, https://www.ozny.org/event/Concepts2021, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88061919549?pwd=ME9zek9ZY2xBK0JyMEROVnJJRloydz09
- 8:00 pm
- Yavneh weekly class; I
- LSS class. Jewish History Course: Some Great Jewish Families led by Paul Shaviv: ID: 914 1219 4324 code: 790939, https://zoom.us/j/91412194324?pwd=d2hBcEhWMjNaZEJaQytxK3dtcTY5UT09#success
- 8:30 pm
- Lighthouse Torah Project, Rabbi Nachman’s Likutei Moharan: Section II CH 2, 8:30 PM, code 613 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3702757411
- 9:00 pm
- Beth El shul: Sefer Shmuel, ch.17, ID: 847 136 1163, code: 443730, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8471361163?pwd=TFJDeWsraEZBNlFBNEl0R3RleURmUT09
edit- 6:30 pm
- 6:30pm-7:30pm - LSS: Jacob Adler Parsha Class given by Rabbi Shaul Robinson.ID: 912-657-888, https://zoom.us/j/912657888#success
- 8:15 pm
- LSS: Parshat HaShuva led by Dr. Moshe Sokolow. ID: 846 701 6968 ·
- 9:30 pm
- Chulent event (start time may vary). https://zoom.us/j/5548332900
editno listings for Friday yet.
Links to lists of classes, events
edit- Events lists
- list of weekly classes
- Men’s Daf Yomi WhatsApp Group:
Basic info
edit- template for zoom links:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/12345678 [Use Meeting ID number]
- Dial in number, New York:
- 1-929-205-6099
- Previous weekly classes
- sample previous class