The Smithsonian Party

Founded:July 25th 2020

Founders:Two Men from North Carolina

The Smithsonian party beliefs-

1.)Environmental care

•Protecting Federal Waters-The Smithsonian party stands to protect water from dangerous emissions.

•Carbon Emissions-The Smithsonian Party looks to help limit Carbon Emissions in the air, as well as fining companies that violate the emissions cap, as well as tax breaks for companies who follow the carbon emissions act.

•Protection of Endangered species-This party looks to follow in the footsteps of the Great Teddy Roosevelt- therefore we will be protecting endangered species as well as funding/preserving national parks by preserving them then looking forward to further funding them as we believe they're important to the life of this country.

2.)Small(er) federal government

•Departure of Departments-Federal departments in recent years have been causing issues based on where they're located, so the party believes strongly in moving the Departments to better fit areas based on state(ex.Texas for energy).

•Term Limits-The Smithsonian Party strongly believes in Terms as to avoid people in constant power as this defies the wishes of our founding fathers. Senators, the Senators in the United States under the Smithsonian's would be a Term limit of 2, each one spanning 6 years. House Of Representatives, House members are an important part of our system as we know, but it's also very corruptible which is why the Smithsonian's believe in 4 terms spanning 2 years. SCOTUS, Since this position is balanced and appointed by a sitting president it will not be touched or affected. Presidency, this seat will not be affected as there are already term limits.

•Encouragement of multiple parties-The Smithsonian Party firmly believes that for better representation we'll first need a multi-party system, that way people won't be forced to pick, "right or left", or "Conservative or Liberal" but rather pick candidate instead of party.

3.)Stronger state government •Less to no Federal punishment(ex.Increased tax, limitation of Federal aid) based off of the Justified right of the state to pass it's own laws.

4.)Civil Liberties guaranteed •Justice/Prison Reform-The Smithsonian Party was founded at a time when 45th President of United States Donald Trump was working on Federal Justice and Prison reform; so we firmly believe that to be truly free then you must be in a system with equal and fair justice. •Legalization Of Harmless Crime-The Smithsonian's believe that with these civil liberties we must first legalize things like Marijuana, and other harmless drugs that are backed by research and science.

5.)Un-needed foreign intervention

•Shutting Down of Bases in Allied Nations-The Smithsonian Party wants to bring home our Troops, as well as selling the base to the nation of residence and cutting military funding(now that we don't have to run them); we will now spend this money on things like Free School Lunch and further school funding etc.

•Staying out of Foreign conflict-The Smithsonian Party firmly believes that unless it ultimately affects the nation then there is no need to poke our nose where it doesn't belong(also it saves your money $).

6.)Stronger Free Market Economy

•De-Regulate on Small Business- •Federal Loans-The Smithsonian's wish to make it easier for small businesses to apply for Federal loans.

•Gov't bailouts-Abolishment of Federal Bailout for corporate companies(unless ABSOLUTELY necessary)

•Tax Breaks for Lower/Middle class-The Smithsonian's wish to give Middle and Lower class better tax breaks.

7.)2nd Amendment rights

•Gun Rights-The Smithsonian Party believes in the idea

8.)Limited Welfare

•Safety Nets-The Smithsonian Party wishes to model it's economic safety nets after the Danish.

•Cutting Welfare-The Smithsonian Party has found that cutting welfare programs makes people more economically successful; therefore we will slowly strip away welfare programs unless absolutely needed by an impoverished family.

9.)Historical Preservation

•Increase of Funding of Library's-The Smithsonian Party looks to increase funding of public libraries to help keep better track of records.

•Statues-The Smithsonian Party protects all federal historical property, including statues, documentations, and historical sights.

•Increase Funding to Smithsonian Museum-The Smithsonian Party love is to preserve historical documents and property at the Smithsonian Museum.

10.)Equality for all

•Free and Fair Liberties-The Smithsonian Party wants to make sure ALL citizens of the United States has equal treatment and their fair civil liberties.

Still under progress!

11.)Immigration Policies

•Rights for all-The Smithsonian Party believes in rights for all people, however not those who are alienated; we understand that it is difficult to become documented in the United States but we wants rights for legal citizens. We say this with a truthful meaning, the fact is millions of undocumented immigrants are being taken advantage of by people who don't wish for their well being, this is our parties main reason of concern for getting documented immigrants; not to keep them out but to bring them in safely.

12.)Privatized/Capital insurance

•Insurance Policies-The Smithsonian party believes in the well-being for people of the United States and with these beliefs in mind we have decided to bring up the idea of Capital and Privatized insurance. The Smithsonian Party firmly believes everyone should have healthcare and not be left with piles of bills after an accident;our party currently is still discussing how we will come up with this plan but it will be done for the people of the United States!

13.)Centralized Reserve Banking

•Emergency Spending-The Party NEVER wants to see fellow Americans struggle so we will put a central banking system in place to prevent something like a crash, recession or even a disaster from happening; for example if the country was hit hard by poverty, disasters or an act of terror the Central Reserve would then be enacted making these disasters less of a disaster if you will.

14.)Standardized Tax Bracket

•Re-doing the Bracket-The Smithsonian Party is well aware of the situation in the tax bracket, roping in the 1% with the 0.01% is just not fair so we believe in fixing or re-doing the bracket to make it more flexible and better for everyone.

15.) Privatized healthcare(with regulations)

•Privately Owned Healthcare-The Smithsonian Party believes that Privatized healthcare is something of true importance but sometimes isn't held in check which is why we would seek to put regulations on these private healthcare businesses.