Is this how this is supposed to work? Take it down or something if not. I am an idiot. Disclaimer: This user is not a snake, nor are they from Greenland.

SnakeGreenlanD (Pronounced "Snake Greenland") is the username for an account that serves no purpose. The account was created due to the article "West Island School" having an unusual edit in the Facilities section at 12:55, 18 August 2020. The owner wanted to say a word about it, yet did not want to reveal their IP address. They do not know if they can talk about it, but they will try. Here is the unusual edit that had been added:

"West Island School, for the last decade and a half has been an object class: safe-meter SCP facility. This facility has been used to house SCPs such as SCP 999 to 999j. The schools principal is actually an object class: thaumiel SCP. He is used to contain the largest SCP at the site's largest SCP that being the school itself. The school was reported to go missing from Victoria rd (it’s default location) from time to time and on even rarer instances, has been reported by students to have witnessed the school hovering outside their window. All witnesses were obviously debriefed by the foundation. The O5 council have specifically demanded termination of the anomalous building but on all instances, the school was absent from the site and reports of it terrorizing students came again. It is theorized by foundation staff that this SCP in particular leaves the site in advance when it knows of its threatened destruction. Because of the student-stalking that always ensues after the destruction attempts, all termination testing has been put on hold by the foundation."

More will be added later. I do not plan on using this account for longer, but I might.