Solomon Pavliashvili (August 24, 1959, Kakabeti, Sagarejo) - Georgian. Doctor of Economics, Academician of The Georgian National Academy of Sciences (2021), Vice-President of the Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Georgian Technical University. Member of the Parliament of the 5th convocation in 1999-2001 . Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia since 15 December 2017. [[1]]



Solomon Pavliashvili was born on August 24, 1959. In 1982-1986 he studied at the Institute of Economics and Law of the Georgian Academy of Sciences; In 1995-1999 - at the Faculty of Law, at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In 1994 he studied at the Public Sector Management Training Program, the EU Technical Assistance Program (TACIS; Great Britain, Northern Ireland); In 1990-1992 he studied for a doctorate program at the Georgian Technical University. In 1976-1982 he was a student of the Faculty of National Economy Planning at the Tbilisi State University. He is a Doctor of Economics.

From October 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017 he was the Acting Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia. In 2016-2017 he was the First Deputy [of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia|Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia]. In 2016 he was a Chief Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia. In 2011-2016 he was the Rector of Tbilisi Teaching University. In 2003-2004 he was a Deputy Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade of Georgia.

In 2001-2003 he was the Minister of Property Management of Georgia; In 1999-2004 he was a member of the Parliament of Georgia of the 5th convocation (Sagarejo Majoritarian), the First Deputy Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. In 1993-1999 he was a Deputy General Director of the Unified State Social Insurance Fund of Georgia, Head of the Social Insurance Inspection; He is a Teacher of Georgian Technical University since 1986; In 1982-1984 he was an Assistant of the Department of Planning and Management of National Economy, Tbilisi State University.

In 1999 he received the first degree scientific scholarship of the President of Georgia. In 2019 he was awarded the Paata Gugushvili Scientific Prize in the field of economic science for his work - "Georgian Transport Corridor: Problems and Perspectives".

In 2023, he was awarded the "Gold Medal" of the Georgian Technical University for his outstanding services to the university (Resolution of the Academic Council: # 01-05-04/124, July 27, 2023).

In 2023, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the city of Mestia "for the special attention shown to the population of the municipality of Mestia during the [[1]]".

In 2023, he received the certificate of honor of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (in connection with the World Science Day established by UNESCO) "for scientific achievements in the field of economics".[1] In 2024, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Gareji.

He has published 17 monographs and over 100 scientific publications in local and international scientific journals on macroeconomics, agricultural sciences, environment, green economy, circular economy, international economic relations and other thematic issues. He is fluent in Russian and English. He has a wife and four children.

