Blackshear Paranormal Investigations


Blackshear Paranormal Investigations (more commonly known as BPI) is a paranormal research group founded in mid 2006 by co-founders Jake Barrett and Tra' Williams.


-Digital Cameras
-Video cameras
-EVP recorders
-EMF readers
-The human eye



BPI belives the paranormal is here living with us today. They believe that the reason a ghost is a certain place is because of some kind of relationship to the place, unfinished buisness, or there for a loved one to give them comfort. BPI is different from other paranormal groups, because instead of trying to find the ghosts, they try to debunk them. They look for every explination why a certain "somthing" is happening (example: Cold Spots- the look for drafts in the windows, walls, as well to see it the AC is on) and if they cant find any explination, then they consider that to be haunted. Tra' Williams once said to his fellow member that "we do not go out looking for ghosts, but we go out looking for the truth."



BPI is heavily critisized by some as having "fake personal encounters." though the third party has no clue what did or have went on, yet a person who has a personal encounter can deliver no proof that it had actually happened. also, being a group full of "teens", some adults say BPI is a group who belives they have satanic beliefs. However, Jake Barret has commented on this, saying "You get what life throws at you. We DO NOT belive in satanism, and we DO NOT support it." also, they have been heavily critisized by christians. Some christians feel that this somthing that you shouldnt fool around with, and that all ghosts are demons, or demons in disguise. Tra' Williams commented on this, saying " I am a born again christian. Nobody or anything will shake my faith. Yes, it does say in the bible to be absent from the body is to be present with lord. I believe this, yet i do not take it fully literal. I believe it means you can either be physical present, or mentaly. See, when i'm in prayer, in a way i am absent from the body and present with the Lord. also in the bible God says remove yourself away from the flesh, meaning dont fall into sin. i also do not belive that when it says to be absent from the body is to be present with Lord that it strictly means after you die. there is also people saying that the bible only has two acounts of ghosts apearing (moses and elijah), and thats it...well in the bible it also doesnt give the story of Jesus from the time of him being 12 years old to 30, so does that mean he jumped from 12 to 30 years old in a day? no. i stand by my belief and in the long run, believing this certain subject is not what matters."

BPI "certified haunted places"

Ramah Church
Shiloh Church
Blackshear Cemetary
Blackshear private home
Jake Barretts house


Jake Barrett- Co-founder/Investigator
Tra' Williams- Co-founder/Investigator
Rick Duncan- Technical analysis
AJ Sinclair- Investigator
Jonathon Dowling- Investigator/Camera man
Troy Allen- Investigator
Josh Williams- Investigator
