
Short People Time

Being aware of what time it is without having to check a clock is a very interesting skill. Every one can learn how to do it. However, this is a little different for people 5’0 or shorter. Their bodies may think it is later than it actually is. If the shorter people can remember how to tell time without a clock, their brain may think it’s, say, 2:30 pm, but their body will think it is 3:41. This is very strange, and to this day we still don’t know why short people time is 1 hour and 11 minutes fast.

The telling of age is just as weird. In “tall people” time, if someone is a year older than you, in short people time, they are actually 2 years older than you. There are 2 main reasons this is possible. Either they split a year in half, or they take the number of years in “tall people” time and multiply by 2. This is still up for debate.

To put it simply, short people time is very, very strange. Whether it be time of age, it is always fast. Further research is being conducted.