User:Ssimsjones/NMAC 5108 Journal

Adding and editing on Wikipedia seems very different for me. I'm sure it will be a great learning experience. I'm excited about this course and the material that is yet to come.

March 10, 2019: Chapter 1 Exercise 1.1


Chapter 1 is full of great information about how writing has evolved over time. It gives helpful insight about the history of writing in different cultures and at different times.

Exercise 1.1 - P. 6

I decided to try this exercise because I like how lengthy the sentences are and how much I was able to condense them.

People should not succumb to a fear of anything except being fearful in the first place, and we should stick together on this so we can't be defeated.

We should stick together so we don't fear anything in the first place.

The male gender is so different from the female gender that it is almost as if the two genders are from completely different planets.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Goodreads. Retrieved March 10, 2019.

There were two different footpaths in the forest, one that had been cleared by foot traffic and another that obviously fewer people had used. I decided to take the one that fewer people had used, and it really made a big difference.

I decided to take the road less traveled and that has made all the difference.

Ssimsjones (talk) 01:42, 10 March 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: Hi, I'm Dana, nice to meet you. I would like to add a quote to your page by Henry Ford. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”[1]

File:Https:// You Inspire Me (Dmcgonagill (talk) 20:54, 11 March 2019 (UTC))
@Dmcgonagill:: Hi Dana, nice to meet you as well. Thank You for the lovely quote. Ssimsjones (talk) 09:58, 12 March 2019 (UTC)

March 12, 2019: Chapter 1 Exercise 1.2


Exercise 1.1 - P. 7

The book is correct. This was a fun exercise and took me a short time to come up with it.

Studied hard: Stayed patient, Graduated School.Ssimsjones (talk) 10:18, 12 March 2019 (UTC)
@Ssimsjones: I like it! [[1]] (Dmcgonagill (talk) 23:27, 16 March 2019 (UTC))

March 13, 2019 Wikipedia Webinar


I tried logging onto the webinar today but realized I had no email for the link or the attachments. I checked my emails a few times and the only one I received was one from Eventbrite informing me about my reservation number from my registration. I also checked my spam folder to make sure I didn't miss the additional email that was referenced on the webinar's registration page. I'm a little disappointed because I missed this webinar and really thought it would be very helpful. I did send an email to the event organizer but have not heard anything back.Ssimsjones (talk) 01:36, 13 March 2019 (UTC)

Hello, I am Sandy, a new classmate. What webinar were you trying to access? I was unaware there was a webinar we could access as I need all the help in this class I can get. Often I feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off! I plan to persevere because I like a challenge. The exercises in the book are a great help in learning to write in a digital world and here's to wishing you all the best. ~~~~Dillbug
@Nowiki:: Hi Sandy, Welcome aboard. The webinar was on March 13 and I had to register for it but never received the online link or attachments for it so I didn't get to participate. I too am struggling with this. As I work through these page links, I will be sure to send you tips that I find. The good thing is I read your post without a problem so you have the communication using special characters piece down really well. Kudos. :-) I am a little confused but really trying to understand all of this. I think it's safe to say, I'm feeling intimidated by Wikipedia right now.Ssimsjones (talk) 03:24, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

March 16, 2019 Really working hard to understand all that is needed in this course


I am not sure about anyone else but I am starting to think that I am having a hard time in figuring out the discussions in this course. I click each link listed on each week to make sure I am completing the accurate information and read the chapters. However, I am trying to work on the discussion post and the evaluation information for this week.I will keep at it until I get this. Challenge Accepted. Ssimsjones (talk) 03:23, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

March 16, 2019 Norris Church Mailer Entry Evaluation Review


Norman Church Mailer seems to have led a very interesting life. However, there seems to be many missing parts of her life journey based on the limited information in the requested evaluation entry. [1] The titles and content seem to be a little out of order to me. I would think her personal life before being married to Norman Mailer would be listed first and then remaining parts of her life would fall into sequential order. Her personal life talks about the jobs she worked and her first husband which seem to include at least half of her life span. I would then think her life with Norman Mailer would be listed based on the date and life experiences entered. The first novel and memoir should then be listed since it includes her writing successes based on life with Norman Mailer. It would also be a good idea to add some important points from her first novel that made it noticeable instead of stating how many pages were written. The Health Issues, References, and Bibliography seem to be in proper order. I also wonder about some of the sources used to create this entry. From my training material on Wikipedia, I believe I remember seeing something to the effect of not using magazine articles as a source. New York Times Magazine seem to be one used. I am very new to Wikipedia so I hope this is somewhat close to what I should be doing for this entry.Ssimsjones (talk) 04:16, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: Sherita, I think you hit the nail on the head entirely. I agree with you that the order of information seems odd, although I forgot about the Wikipedia training material and thought the sources were fine--I definitely appreciated your reminder about that! JVbird (talk) 14:52, 17 March 2019 (UTC) talk

March 27, 2019


I have had so much go on in the past couple of weeks. It's been absolutely insane. I am now looking at articles and hope to find one very soon. I'm very interested in seeing how the article will turn out.Ssimsjones (talk) 23:05, 27 March 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: I hope everything is okay! I think you only need to grab one from the Google Drive at this point and using the link from the syllabus in week two that says "this essay" as a model really helped doing the formatting for the editing.(Dmcgonagill (talk) 13:58, 30 March 2019 (UTC))

@Dmcgonagill: It has truly been hectic lately but it's as good as it's going to get for now. Thank You very much for the kinds words and the update on this information.Ssimsjones (talk) 03:23, 31 March 2019 (UTC)

March 31, 2019


Yay. I have finally chosen my article. I'm so excited and ready to get started on it. I still can't believe the article I selected but I participated in an Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser at work this past week and am excited to say that it was the source of my article selection because I love their products so much. The current article seems to have left me quite a bit of work to do which makes me very excited about learning more about the company and products.Ssimsjones (talk) 05:22, 31 March 2019 (UTC)

March 31, 2019-Project Contributions


I would be happy to Post word count table as subpage (Appendix IV.doc) in Priority 1 if this is okay with everyone.Ssimsjones (talk) 20:07, 31 March 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: Hi Sherita, absolutely--I think we just have to type our name in on the to do list to claim our "prize"! JVbird (talk) 19:44, 7 April 2019 (UTC)
@JVbird: Awesome. Thank You Josef. I have already done it and did a strike through on it. ssimsjones

(talk) 20:15, 7 April 2019 (UTC)

April 1, 2019-References for Assigned Article


I assigned myself an article but may do a different one because I can only find one really good reference source for Otis Spunkmeyer. I'm thinking many good reference sources are needed to produce a really good Wikipedia article. Ssimsjones (talk) 00:12, 3 April 2019 (UTC)

April 6, 2019-Interesting information is Chapter 6


Chapter 6, talks about the differences between ethical imperatives and moral values.[2] I thought they were about the same but happy to see the chapter describe the differences of being more than just knowing and doing right from wrong. The 10 steps listed in the chapter are also very enlightening in creating a process to aid ethical writing while focusing on a great plan to reach your target audience. Ssimsjones (talk) 21:47, 6 April 2019 (UTC)

April 10, 2019-Chapter 7 Blogging Steps


I was really surprised to read the great tips on blogging in Chapter 7. I have always thought it would be easy to sign up for a blog site and just chat about various topics a few times a week. I figured the hard part would be attracting people to the blog. This chapter gave great insight on actually having a plan about blogging and the Ten steps were more than helpful. I'm very happy to have read this chapter because I would not have thought about breaking up the text or writing every single daySsimsjones (talk) 00:01, 11 April 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: I have found Carroll to offer information that is effective and useful. I plan on keeping the book as I am highlighting and tagging pertinent information throughout the book. I agree, the 10 steps are more than helpful and as a result of the learning, I am gaining confidence in my having the ability to start a blog. I have long wanted to start a blog about caring for special needs children with chromosome deletions as each child faces different issues. I know well the struggles with finding useful information about children with disabilities and think I could be a resource for other people in similar situations. Dillbug (talk) 22:10, 11 April 2019 (UTC)
@Dillbug: Funny enough, I always wanted to start a blog as well but am not sure what I want it to be about yet. Yours is an excellent idea. This book will definitely come in handy. (talk) 01:56, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

April 11, 2019-Otis Spunkmeyer Article


I'm a little frustrated. I can't believe how well known this company is but how such limited information is available about them. I was hoping to add my own personal pictures of the Otis Spunkmeyer goods to my article but have had no luck so far. I went to three stores that apparently used to carry their products, but no longer do. I was hoping to add pictures without the copyright issue so I guess I will not add any. I actually emailed the company about a week and half ago asking where to find more information about their company and haven't heard back. I'm a little disappointed because I envisioned the article a certain way and now feel somewhat limited. Ssimsjones (talk) 02:17, 12 April 2019 (UTC)

:{{reply to|Ssimsjones}} You have tried as much as you can, but sometimes our visions are in need of changing. You have done a fantastic job so far, this will still be done well. You have been diligent and well typed in your work and personal journal. I know i'm not doing well in this classes work load, but stay diligent and you'll be fine. There is little that gets in our way, but ourselves. now, if i could just get out of my way.... Namir Riptide (talk) 22:15, 13 April 2019 (UTC)

@Namir Riptide:Thank You very much because I was starting to get very concerned. You still have time to get out of your own way. You can do this. A few weeks ago I was debating on dropping this course but decided to put everything to the side for a moment and focus on grasping it. Please let me know if I can be of a assistance with anything because I do feel much better about this course now than I did a few weeks ago. My email is if you need to contact me.Ssimsjones (talk) 22:20, 13 April 2019 (UTC)
@Ssimsjones: @Namir Riptide: I have struggled with the work load in this class and had at one point considered dropping the class. As Namir commented, I was definitely in my own way and had I not taken spring break to regroup, I would not be here in the class today. The thought of giving up was abhorrent to me. I am so glad I stuck with the class. I have learned a lot and have a much greater appreciation for the Wikipedia editors and their dedication to making Wikipedia an excellent source of information. If I can be of any help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. My email is (talk) 14:48, 14 April 2019 (UTC)
@Namir Riptide: @Dillbug: So happy to see we all stuck it out and were able to push ourselves beyond our limits. Thank You for the contact info also. 16:30, 14 April 2019 (UTC)Ssimsjones (talk)

April 14, 2019-Chapter 8 information


I was really surprised to see the two best questions that reporters ask in this chapter on p. 202. How do you know that and What do you mean? These questions seem so basic when you think about them but after working with Wikipedia these past few weeks, I realize exactly why they are used. They are small questions that pack a lot of relevant and reliable information if answered properly. Given the source training material we have had on Wikipedia these questions are the perfect questions to assist with cite sourcing. Ssimsjones (talk) 23:43, 14 April 2019 (UTC)

April 14, 2019-Peer Reviews


I submitted my peer reviews to Namir @ Namir and Jennifer @ (talk) 00:34, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

April 18, 2019-Chapter 9


Interesting enough, I have never seen Facebook and Twitter as blogging platforms. I always just thought of them a social media and a way for everyone to keep abreast of things. I use Facebook off and on and am very familiar with the like button, friends, and photos. I have a Twitter account but never use it. For some unknown reason, I'm more drawn to Facebook than Twitter but it could just be because I'm more familiar with it and find it easier to use. Ssimsjones (talk) 00:11, 19 April 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: I used to love Facebook until I had a situation with a friend that made me feel weird, disconnected since. I can see the benefit of it though, especially when you have friends or family that live far away. Twitter I have yet to experiment much with either. (Dmcgonagill (talk) 01:58, 20 April 2019 (UTC))
@Dmcgonagill: Wow. It sounds like it was best to disconnect. It is beneficial for family and friends far away but that's also what phone numbers, email, and skype are for. You definitely have the best idea.
@Ssimsjones: Me either, Sherita. I guess Carroll's definition here just puts FB and Twitter into context but they do seem like separate things than blogs, right? I have a friend who recently got a new job as a curator of a small museum in Alabama, and she has increased their ticket sales and contributions by using FB and Twitter every day, so they both obviously have great potential. JVbird (talk) 13:45, 21 April 2019 (UTC)
@JVbird:Yes, they definitely seem like something other than blogs. Wow, just hearing what your friend did is very enlightening. Looks like it's boosting marketing and advertising to the max as well. This is also something I never really thought about them doing. Sounds like it's best to think beyond the like and unlike button.Ssimsjones (talk) 21:47, 21 April 2019 (UTC)

April 23, 2019-Reflective Essay


I have never been a huge research fan when it comes to Wikipedia. This course has taught me a lot about Wikipedia and how important it is to have accurate information and proper citations for the articles. I now see that Wikipedia can be used if reliable and valid sources are used to create the articles. I chose to edit the Otis Spunkmeyer article because I had just participated in one of their school fundraisers during the time we were to select an article in this course. I also wanted to select an article that I had physical knowledge of because I felt the research would help subdue any bias opinions I had about the company or its products. The original article had very limited information that was only about the history of the company. As I continued to research this topic, I started to understand why such limited information was submitted in the original article. Research was a little more difficult than I thought it should have been due to limited information. I also set up a meeting with the librarian to assist me in finding more research about the company and she found it surprising to see how limited the available information was, of course this made me feel a little better, because I thought it was just me.

Based on the limited information I found, I decided to still contribute to the article but brainstorm the best way to give insight about their products which is something the original article did not list. I figured that providing some type of education on the company’s products was a great way to contribute to the article. As I searched the company’s website, I found the ingredients and nutritional facts about their products. I listed the company’s products in a table format at first and after meeting with the librarian decided to change the tables into ordered lists. This made the page look more professional and read much better. When you visit the company’s website it gives basically a time line of the company’s history but nothing more expanded about it. The company’s website also doesn’t provide a timeline of when or how each specific product came to be created. Based on the information I found, I decided to focus the article more toward the ingredients of each product and the nutritional facts for the health-conscious consumer. I used the ordered list to create links about each product from the company’s webpage.

The funny thing is, had I known what I know now, I would have taken pictures of the fundraiser packet before it was turned in to assist with giving me images for my article. This would have allowed me to somewhat fully create the article I envisioned without having to worry about copyright issues for images. I also entertained adding more history about the company because a foreign company called Aryzta took over Otis Spunkmeyer but as I researched this company it seemed like gaps of history were missing because it doesn’t really say how the take over happened or when. Of course, since there is no reliable or valid source information available about this, I did not include it in the article. I still feel like this article came out great and gave as much insight as possible based on the limited information that could be found about the company.

I have not received feedback from other Wikipedia Editors, except from Dr. Lucas and my classmates. I do see that I was added to the Wikipedia Student Editor list. I’m still not sure how this happened because I searched for my classmates names on this list as well.

Some things were not as simple to work with on Wikipedia as I thought they should be. For instance, if you’re signed in to Wikipedia, my thought was your signed in to every page regarding Wikipedia. Since I’m such an organized person, I found it difficult to keep up with too many Wikipedia pages at once. I had to get used to the fact that if I’m signed into one page, it doesn’t mean I’m signed into others. I found myself having to save pages to my favorites just to keep up with all pages that needed to be accessed because I could never go back and find the specific pages I was looking for unless I opened the syllabus again and accessed the link from there. This really tried my patience. It was also frustrating when pages would open over others versus opening in a new tab which is what really made me start relying on my favorites.

Overall, I now have a much better appreciation for Wikipedia. The contributions I made, remind me a lot of external website coding to help create a beautiful html page. I also have a better appreciation for how simple the cite button is to use and ensure you reference your research properly versus making a mistake by creating it manually. Creating a table was very simple and adding links were much easier than I thought they would be. I felt very proud of myself when I created so many on my article page. I also love the fact that when you sign your posts, you can see the dates and times of the last edits and contributions. This is an awesome feature because I now know that I can update article information if I run into an article in the future that has been edited some years ago. Over time, I'm sure it’s a great possibility that some things have changed that need to be added or updated to an article ie, a company merger, as long as you have valid and reliable sources to contribute to it.

I have taken many courses over time and this one is by far the most different one. It does compare a little to my website development courses due to coding. However, it is much simpler to use when it comes to just clicking a specific button to add cite sources, table, headers, etc. Most of my web development courses required these things to be done manually. I have never had to access so many digital pages at once in one course. I am a rare user of my favorites page, but this course made me rely on my favorites page just to keep up with my multitasking abilities.

@Ssimsjones: Sherita, this class has been quite different, I agree. I think it helps if you are comfortable with coding. It'll be interesting to see how Wikipedia evolves as technology improves. Well done on all you've accomplished in class. Hope to "see" you around! Mango Masala 00:38, 25 April 2019 (UTC)

@Ssimsjones: And thank you so very much, Sherita, for your tremendous help with the process for creating a sub page. You were a life saver! Josef JVbird (talk) 11:15, 26 April 2019 (UTC)



  1. ^
  2. ^ Carroll, Brian. Writing and Editing for Digital Media. p. 164. ISBN 9781138636033. {{cite book}}: More than one of |pages= and |page= specified (help)