Just a heads-up: This page is EXTREMELY outdated for me. (Considering it says that I'm 16 when in fact I'm getting pretty close to 19 now...!). I just don't have time to update it. Most of the things listed here are still factual (at least as far as referring to me), however, keep in mind that this page is NOT entirely accurate. Hopefully I'll get a chance (soon!) to fix this page up a bit.

Yo, all! My name is Isaiah (sometimes also refered to as "Izzy"), and I've just registered here at Wikipedia. I've used this place multiple times for multiple different reasons ranging from school help to info on TV shows. One day while doing some random research, I noticed the "Register" link at the top of the screen. (I know, I'm a bit slow =P). So now here I am.

A little about me

My name (as I've kind'a half-mentioned already) is Isaiah Schultz, and I'm from the United States and currently reside in the state of Minnesota. I was born on July 25, 1990 here in Minnesota, somewhere around 11:00 PM (or 23:00), for those of you who care =P. As of today, 05:58, Saturday, October 5, 2024 (UTC), I am sixteen (16).

Hobbies & Interests

Some things I like to do for fun include messing around on the computer doing graphics--in fact I do a lot of computer graphics work. Sadly it's technically not my job, so I don't get paid for it, but it's fun to do anyhow. I also enjoy writing stories. There was one particular novel that I started when I was around 10 that I still like a lot to this day, but the only issue with writting in general that I have now, is that I don't have the time to sit down and write any more. I also extremely enjoy things like space and theories about excistance. Though I really don't know a lot of the details on most of the "Theories of Life" (eg: the String Theory, Big Bang, etc.), but I like to pretend I do! lol. Along with all that nerdy stuff, I'll just top it off by telling you all that I also like Math and Science. My current math teacher kind'a sucks, so it takes a bit longer to learn the stuff, but other than that I'm a pretty fast study and like math. When I say I like science, I mean that I kind'a like the more theoretical end of science, like theoretical Astrophysics. I also like physics, chemestry and those kind of things; not so much human sciences like biology and anatomy.
Also, I thoroughly enjoy Message Boards. As of now I am running a message board of my own with a friend of mine called the "Da Bomb!" Board. All graphics there are done by yours truely, so if you'd like to check out some of my work, just stop on by. Once I get some other works done that aren't so "Da Bomb!" related, I'll put some up here so you can see them a little easier. But we're always looking for some more members at the "Da Bomb!" Board to join in all of our fun, so go ahead and stop by. We have topics there for every kind ranging from TV to Music, and Books to Sports.


Some of my all time favorites in life include:

My Works

I really don't have much to put up now, as I've already said. But as I get some more stuff done, this is where they'll go.

Yours truely,