Keith Stattenfield, born in July 1966, works at Apple Computer in Mac OS X Software Engineering.  Previously, he was the lead engineer on Mac OS 9.1, Mac OS 9.0, the lead for Netbooting of Mac OS 8.6 and later, and before that worked as an engineer on the Macintosh Operating system back to Mac OS 7.5 in 1995.  He started at Apple Computer in 1989 in the Information Systems & Technology group.

Keith attended college at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, graduating in 1988 with degrees in Computer Science and Philosophy.  While there he was a core member of a student political party "The Bob Kasten School of Driving", often knows an BKSOD.  In his senior year he served as Senior Class Treasurer and head of the Student Financial Advisory Committee ( SUFAC ).  Keith later attended Stanford University and received a Masters of Science in Computer Science in 1994.

Keith graduated from Washington Park High School in 1984.  While there he worked on the yearbook, "Kipikawi" and founded several student organizations.

Keith can be reached at [email protected]