Stephen C. Rose
Born in New York City, May 10, 1936. attended Oberlin & Trinity Schools, then Exeter and Williams (Phi Beta Kappa 1958).
Worked with the Reverend James Robinson, finished Union Theological Seminary in NYC (1961).
Joined Student Interracial Ministry in Nashville summer 1961.
Founded and was editor of Renewal Magazine in Chicago, 1962-1970. Served The Christian Century and Christianity Crisis magazines as a writer and editor. Covered civil rights in Oxford, Birmingham and Selma. Interviewed Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X.
My book The Grass Roots Church (1966) had impact on the ecumenical movement.
Have authored some 15 books including Who's Killing The Church?, Alarms and Visions, Sermons Not Preached in the White House, Jesus and Jim Jones, the Development Apocalypse, Abba's Way and Beyond Creed: From Religion to Spirituality.
Have written published music choral and popular.
Most recently (1998-2002) I served in UN agencies including UNICEF in NYC and edited CHOICES which was the flagship magazine of UNDP.