User:Steven roylance/2 Friends a most unusual gallery

2 Friends a most unusual gallery Located in Anchorage Alaska 341 East Benson Blvd "2 Friends is an art gallery that sells both new and pre-owned pieces of art hand crafted by artists from around the world. Artwork is usualy made from wood, glass, ceramics, metal and fiber. The owners of the business are Jacqui Ertischek and Georgia Blue. For artwork sold, 2 Friends will pay the consignee 45% of the retail price. 10% goes to a nonprofit organization that changes every month. Payment is mailed on the 15th of the month after artwork is sold. The consignment period lasts 3 months unless agreed upon by 2 Friends. If work is not sold the consignee must pick up artwork within 2 weeks of the consignment time or else it becomes the property of 2 Friends.

About the Owners


Jacqui Ertischek


Jacqui first Studied art at Boston University and while in Anchorage she completed a degree in Art Psychology and Educaton. She also was a counselor at a local high school with the indian education program for almost twenty years. As an artist Jacqui worked in polymer clay and had a jewelry and print business where she showed her work at the Buyers Market of American Crafts as well as the Museum Store Association Expo. She also made products for the Anchorage Museum and the Alaska Native Heritage Center.

Georgia Blue


Georgia received her education at the University ofWashington in Art History. She moved to Alaska in 1976 and ran two galleries: Art Inc.and The Stoningto Gallery. She also been worked at the Alaska State Council for the Arts and for the past 20 years has been the Enterprise Director at the Anchorage Museum at theRasmuson Center creating one of the finest museum shops in the country....

