An unimportant policy statement
Writes the editor, everlasting
Policy, he writes to fellows
Must be simple, must be simple
Must be common sense, he says
Writes he policy, everlasting
Everlasting, to the ages
To the ages, he doth write them
That his name shall be preserved
(Well, not his name, his alias
But even that shall be preserved)
That the ranks of men shall wonder
Wheneer his alias is mentioned
Mentioned in the hallowed halls
Mentioned in the virtual halls
Of whitespace, called Wikipedia
Discussed in discussion pages
In very lengthy, boring pages
On and on, the talk doth flow
Never stops, never stops
Never, ever takes a break
Always editing, always editing
Neer the sun doth ever set
Yet some editor is talking
Talking to his writer peers
Yaking at his writer peers
Screaming at his writer peers
Yet, they ignore him, keep on talking
Like he never wrote at all
"Can they read?" he doth wonder
And he pens it once again
(Not with a pen, but with a keyboard
He doth write in virtual space
"Into vapor," once they called it
Might as well be, might as well be)
On and on the pages flow
Talk of dashes, talk of hyphens
Talk of dragons, talk of gryphons
"Which to use?" a newbie askes.
Doth no good, he gets two answers
One is this way, one is that way
He wished he'd never asked at all
Newbie goes away too soon
Veterans are left to argue
Citing God for all their quotes
Citing God for all their points
"God said this and God said that"
The sacrilegious do demur
"Ignore all rules," they do implore
Shocked believers rush to argue
Rush to argue with these poor
benighted denizens of yore.
Does no good though. Does no good.
Only one is left to wonder
If this poem will ever end
Will it just go on and on?
Written by a deviant troll
Bit by a mutant muse of yore
Admins standing by to see
If he's wounded policy
Can he be blocked? Let us see!
But no, the words keep flowing forth
Bubbling over, running over
Content free, content free
Other writers, humorless
Say "What a moron! What a moron"
"Takes up space. Takes up whitespace.
To say nothing of import!"
"Vandalism! What it is!
Talks our ears off. Goes on and on.
When will he shut up?" they ask.
But the writers hands do falter
Falter over QUERTY keys
Runs out of thoughts (if they be thoughts)
Babbling into virtual space
Blogging into virtual space
Writing on in tom-tom fashion
Types one last line, just one last line
"To be continued (be continued)
---with no thanks to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow!