User:Sulaima sajid khan/Sajid Shahbaz Khan

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Sajid Hameed (REAL NAME SAJID SHAHBAZ KHAN)-(born: October 10, 1965) is the Head of Department of Islamic Studies and an Associate Professor at the University of Central Punjab.

He has decades of experience of teaching in renowned institutions of Lahore. HE appears off and on in television talk-shows on religious and social issues. He has delivered hundreds of lectures in workshops of Islamic learning in the major cities of Pakistan.

He did his MA in Urdu and Islamic Studies from the University of Punjab. He started his religious education after graduation under his brother Mr Talib Mohsin. He learnt the holy Qur’an from Mr Muhammad Sabiq, a Deobandi scholar.

He learnt Muwatta of Imam Malik, the celebrated hadith compilation and Nuzhah al-Fikrthe famous work on Hadith criticism from Hafiz Ata Arahman, an erudite Ahl alhadith scholar.

For advanced studies in religion he has associated himself with Mr Javed Ahmad Ghamidi from 1987.

He has learnt Qur’an,Hadith, Arabic literature and other religious disciplines from him. He is still under the generous tutelage of Mr Ghamidi.

He also learnt from Mawlana Amin Ahsan Islahi who taught him him the first six surahs of the holy Qur’an. He also taught him the chapter Kitab al-Jami’ a part of Muwatta of Imam Malik and Sahih Bukhari up to Kitab al-Buyu’ (Book of Sales).

Sajid Hameed worked in Al-Mawrid as Assistant Director of Education Department.He edited Monthly Tazkeer for more than a year.

  His major works include: 

Nuskhah Ha’ey Na Tamam (Incomplete Prescriptions);Badgumani Kiya Hey is Sey Kaysay Bachain (What is imagining negatively about others and how to avoid falling into its trap);Sabar Kiya Hay Isey Kesey Hasil Karayn (What is Perseverance and how to Cultivate it); Hum per Mushkalain kion ati hain (Why do adversities fall on us);



(personal interview)
