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This is Regex rule for testing WP:WPCleaner. Activated via own configuration file.
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<Typo word="Scot(land/s/sman/swoman/tish)" find="\bscot?(lands?|s(?:(?:wo)?m[ae]ns?)?|tish)\b(?![^\s\.]*\.\w)(?<!\.[^\s\.]{0,999})" replace="Scot$1"/>
<Typo word="Corresponde(nt/ce)" find="\b([Cc])orr[ei]spondan(ts?|ces?|cy)\b(?!\s+[Dd]es?\b)(?<!\b(?:[Ll]a|[Ll]es|des?|et)\s+\b([Cc])orr[ei]spondan(ts?|ces?|cy)\b(?!\s+[Dd]es?\b))" replace="$1orresponden$2" />
<!-- avoid French word correspondance(s) via lookaround for French articles -->