Hi, I'm Superalienrobosaurus. I joined Wikipedia as an editor in 2005 (with the username "QQQ"), and I was moderately active for a few years, then I went inactive. But I still really care about Wikipedia, and I have believed for a long time that Wikipedia is the best website on the Internet. So now I'm thinking about getting active again and getting better at contributing to Wikipedia. I had my username changed to "Superalienrobosaurus" in 2023.

I Like:


and other things.

Image Contribution


My first Wikipedia image contribution: 22/7 Circle. 22/7 ≠ π.

Network of social acquaintances


Respectfully, I believe Wikipedia is not not a social network. Of course, I have become acquainted with many Wikipedia policies as I have prepared to reactivate my editing practices, and I respect Wikipedia's goal of prioritizing contributions and improvements to its encyclopedic content over the purposes that social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. have, but networking with the sociality of contributors is a fundamental part of what makes Wikipedia grow. So in compatibility with Wikipedia policy, I consider Wikipedia a social network.

I want to cooperate and collaborate with you in making Wikipedia a better place, and with the knowledge contributed and shared, in making the world a better place with it. If you are a Wikipedian, and I know you or you know me personally, then put your Wikipedia username on this list: