Rzhev Memorial is a public initiative


Rzhev Memorial to Soviet Soldier

The memorial complex in memory of all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War was built on the site of the bloody battles near Rzhev in 1942-1943, it was created on the initiative of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, those who fought here, who kept back and weakend the forces of the Nazi army group Center.

Vladimir Medinsky the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federarion (06.06.2017):

« The area of Rzev is a special, one of the bloodiest battles in the world history. I would like to emphasize that the creation of the memorial is a public initiative... It should be as great as Treptow Park in Berlin, the monument to our Soviet soldiers-defenders and liberators in Vienna, Bulgaria, Brest».

Battle of Rzhev 1942-1943

Fierce bloody battles along the perimeter of the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge lasted for 14 months. The offensive and defensive operations carried out by the troops of the Western and Kalinin Fronts were of great strategic importance in achieving a turning point in favor of the Red Army on the entire Soviet-German front.

Our memory

Every inhabitant of Russia has the opportunity to tell about his relative who took part in the battles near Rzhev during the Great Patriotic War. You can apply for participation in the on-line campaign "Our Memory". To do this, you must fill in a questionnaire, indicate the data on the battle route of a closed one and attach his photo. The action is timed to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The bank of Russia has issued a commemorative coin «Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier»

The coin with a denomination of 3 rubles of the highest 925th grade of silver, with a diameter of 39 millimeters, weighs 31.1 grams. On one of the sides, on the mirrored field of the disc, there is a relief image of the Soviet Soldier in the central part of the memorial complex. The coin is issued in a limited edition of three thousand pieces.