About me


I'm a running start student at my community college. Being a college student is a lot different than I imagined but I am enjoying the freedom that it brings. My life revolves around the fact that I play premier soccer year round for my club. I've played since I could walk and would not be able to get through life without it. The Pacific Northwest is so beautiful. Each day brings a new adventure, so I'm never quite sure what to expect. I love photography, but I feel like it never fully captures the beauty we see with our own eyes. I'm always interested in chasing adventures and am down for anything. Exploring nature helps me get lost in my thoughts. Simple things in life bring me the most joy because ultimately those are what really count.

My Wikipedia Interests


I would love to be involved within the sports community. I've grown up surrounded by athletes and sports enthusiasts. They always made the games so exciting and I grew to be the same way. I tend to watch a lot of sports in my free time and I would use Wikipedia to help me expand my knowledge about sports that I don't know much about. Wikipedia is so vast that I could find just about any type of sport or athlete that I wanted. It would help me find important things if I needed to know more about it. Since I am debating getting a sports management degree, watching sports like the NFL is a good thing for me to do. Another huge part of my life, one of my favorite things are sloths. They are so fascinating and I just don't get how they manage to move so slow. Ironically I used to wear sloth socks to my basketball games just to be funny because I just happened to be one of the fastest on my team. Sloths remind me that everyone has their own pace, and sometimes you need to slow down to be able to enjoy your life.

Article Evaluation


I've recently started to develop a growing love for country music. The whole music industry surrounding country is huge and compiles millions of songs by various artists. Each song is personal and has a story behind it. If you really listen to what the song is saying, you will connect on some level with it. In July of 2021, Jordan Davis and Luke Bryan came out with a new single called "Buy Dirt." Immediately it became a hit and the streams hit more than 250 million steams on release day. It put my life into perspective. I want my future to include growing old with the one I love, creating a family and everything that comes with that, so I connect with the meaning behind their lyrics. I visited the Buy Dirt article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: its not up to date, the structure is leaving out a key part, and its neutral.

Not Up to Date


The article presented is pretty recent, and since the song is still pretty new (being less than a year old). The article however is still missing new information about the song. Including new concerts or performances of their song would show people that they have been active since its release from their label. Even though the article has been last updated as on January 25, very little information about the song or the meaning behind it has been added to the page, as it feels empty and not fully finished yet. The song has reached new heights, and continues to impact those who listen to it.

The Structure has Missing Pieces


One key thing that was left out of the Wikipedia article was the actual lyrics to "Buy Dirt". Co-creators of this page added the music video and elaborated about how the song was written by both song writers, but they never actually put down the lyrics. This a huge lack to the paper because the lyrics of the song are the biggest part of the reason this Wikipedia article was created in the first place. They might also want to explain what each line means so that they aren't confused. Personally, I would create a new subheading and then insert the full list of lyrics below:

A few days before he turned 80

He was sittin' out back in a rocker

He said, "What you been up to lately?"

I told him, "Chasing a dollar"

And in between sips of coffee

He poured this wisdom out

Said, "If you want my two cents on making a dollar count

Buy dirt

Find the one you can't live without

Get a ring, let your knee hit the ground

Do what you love but call it work

And throw a little money in the plate at church

Send your prayers up and your roots down deep

Add a few limbs to your family tree

And watch their pencil marks

And the grass in the yard all grow up"

'Cause the truth about it is

It all goes by real quick

You can't buy happiness

But you can buy dirt

Before you get caught on that ladder

Let me tell you what it's all about

Find you a few things that matter

That you can put a fence around

And then he laid it out

Buy dirt




Buy Dirt is a song. The song doesn't suggest any relation to political problems or controversial things to worry about. It is simply about a desire for this ideally perfect life of just being happy and settling down with a woman that means the world to him. It remains neutral because the whole page is stating facts about performances and about how the song came to be, the inspiration. Their is no opinion within the piece of writing and it stays impartial throughout. Its a meaningful piece of art that symbolizes country life and the idea of finding the one you love. The article never tries to imply that the song is better or worse than any other song. Neutrality helps keep the paper honest.



I rate this article a 6 out of 10. I think it is pretty good because of how recent it is and how little articles have been written about this topic so far. However, I also believe that there is more to say and more information that can be added to not make the article so unfulfilling while reading it. If they add a few more key points, the article would probably be a lot better.

