Shajada Syed Saifuddin Ahmad Maizbhandari

Shajada Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Maizbhandari is the 31st descendant of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him). He is the eldest son of Shaikhul Islam Syed Mainuddin Ahmed Al-HasaniWal Hossaini Al Maizbhandari(Quadda SallahuSirrahul Aziz). During his eminent father’s lifetime, Saifuddin was a diligent workhorse in the national and international arena as a religious leader and social worker as well as being proficiently well-versed in Sufi & Islamic Ideology. He accompanied his father in the United Nations Millennium Peace Summit in 2000, he introduced the Charter of Medina to the summit and urged the summit to build a world based on it. According to succession, he has been given the responsibility to preserve and represent the Maizbhandari Order. Recently, Saifuddin Ahmed has displayed the Maizbhandari Order in the Maghribi Sufi Conference in Fes, Morocco. He emphasised on the importance of following the lifestyle of the Prophet (SW) and building a society in accordance to the one built and governed by the Prophet (SW). As Imam of the Tariqa, he strives to create a society based on peace and harmony among people all over the world. A society which eschews jealousy, hostility, conflict, militant activity, and domination of each other. He has regularly remarked that such a society is possible only by realising true Sufism, so he has been preaching the message of Sufism and the implementation of it at home and abroad. He attended the World Sufi Conference in India on the 17th of March 2016, where he lectured on Anti-Terrorism. He played a leading role in spreading the message of the Bengali culture and harmony on behalf of Bangladesh. He has familiarised the Maizbhandari order & its humanitarian activities to individuals of high regard throughout the workd such as Presidents, Scientist, philosophers, other religious leaders & social workers. To further the cause, he participated in “Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL)” in South Korea on the 19th of September 2014. At the conference, the Sheikh presented his lecture in a gathering that consisted of former world leaders and representatives from all major religions. He has also established inter-religious peace forums in Bangladesh. At a time when there were conflicts between religions in the country, Syed Saifuddin Ahmed proudly stood for inter-religious peace. The Sufi Sheikh’s struggle for a peaceful society led him to participate in the Interfaith Peace Symposium in Uzbekistan. As a Sufi personality, the Imam is recognized as the representative of Bangladesh in the international arena. He is a founding member of the International Association of Sufism (IAS) in the United States of America. He is making every effort to motivate people of all levels, specifically with the youth to resolve the drug and militancy issue. In Bangladesh, the Sheikh held the first Sufi Conference in 2017 where delegates from all over the world were invited. They all participated in the historic peace rally and performed Mauliddin Nabi (SW). He founded ‘Hazrat Syed Mainuddin Ahmed Maizbhandari Trust’ after the name of his respected father. About fifty education and social institutions (School, Madrasa, Charitable dispensary, Technical Training Centre) have been established in public welfare. He has also formed a political party named ’Bangladesh Supreme Party’ (BSP) with the hope of establishing a peaceful society. He is also the chairman of this party along with other non-political and socio-religious organizations such as ‘(SUFIS) Sufi Unity for International Solidarity’, Parliament of World Sufis, World Sufi Forum Bangladesh, Anjuman -E Rahmania Mainia Maizbhandaria, Mainia Youth Forum, Mainia Childrens Fair, Ahle-Sunnat Supreme Council, Mainia Womens Forum and many others to motivate people in different ways to peace & love. To this day he travels all over the world to spread the message of love and harmony among all, he regularly visits Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, Ghana, Algeria, Indonesia, United Kingdom, United States every year to convey the message of Sufism.


Tarikah-E-Maizbhandaria was established by Gausul Azam Hazrat Maulana Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (R) in the middle of 19th century A.D. This Tarikah was furnished and consolidated by his nephew and chief Khalifa Gausul Azam Hazrat Maulana Syed Gulamur Rahaman Baba Bhandari (R). Since 1962 great ambassador of peace and Islam, Shaikhul Islam Baba Syed Mainuddin Ahmed Al-Hasani Wal Hossaini (R) has been preaching the religion of Islam and enhancing the Tarikah-E- Maizbhandaria with utmost efforts both at home and abroad. He has made his legitimate successor Shahjada Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Al-Hasani wal Husaini Maizbhandari (M.J.A.). Shahjada Syed Saifuddin Ahmed was born in 1967 on 24th February. From the vary beginning of his boyhood he is gentle, pious and who hearted devotee of God. After completion of graduation his Murshid Qiblah endowed him the responsibility of conducting the Darbar Sharif. He was entrusted with Khilafat. Syed Saifuddin has thousands of disciples both at home and abroad. He loves and appreciates his disciples very much. He is the honourable President of Anjuman-E-Rahmania Mainia Maizbhandaria. Anjuman-E-Rahmania Mainia Maizbhandaria  Shajada syed Saifuddin ahmed Al-Hasani wal Husaini maizbhandari (M.J.A.) founded the `Mainia Foundation’. Its head office is situated in the Capital city of Bangladesh. It’s a non political but a socio-religious organization. The foundation distributed a large number rickshaws among the rickshaw pullers. It lends money to the poor, widows, orphans and indigents without any interest. The foundation does not keep it self silent at the time of any natural calamities in any part of the country. It always rushes to the affected areas with alms and food. The president himself takes care of the victim and extends his ability. The foundation is always associated with all humanitarian programs. Foundation also founding Tube wells for Arsenic free pure drinking water. Every year the Foundation takes the plantation program headed by the president in various parts of the country every year in the rainy season.  Shahjada syed Saifuddin ahmed Al-Hasani wal Hossaini Maizbhandari (M.J.A.) is always busy with socio-religious works. Now he is the leader of Darbar-E-Gausul Azam Maizbhandari to preach Sufism & tarika with tasauf in home & abroad.  We wish him success in every spheres of life. May Allah bless him.

Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Maizbhandari Social Acitivites:

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Nasabnama (Family Historical Genealogical Chart)

Shajada Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Al-Hasani Wal-Hossaini (M. J. A.)