Syph The Awesome One
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Hello, I am Syph, I am a 13 year old male Contributer to Wikipedia. I work with Dudemeister1234 , for we go to the same school. I also work with Shard The Magnificent on a webcomic called Haven. If anyone is interested in this, Message me and I will answer any and all questions . Haven will be posted on this user page, and possibly other hosting sites. 800px.jpg
WEWY This user is a player in the Reapers' Game
Aura is with this user.
This user knows that PKMN does not mean Pikmin , Pink Monkey , or any other silly, worthless thing that you can think of. It only has one true meaning .
#151 This user is a Pokémon Evolutionist and believes that Mew is the origin.
Gmr This user knows that gaming isnt just a hobby, its a way of life
This user prefers the Wii .
Miyamoto This user worships Shigeru Miyamoto as if he were a god, because he is
Nin>Mic+Sony This user knows that Nintendo is better than Microsoft and Sony put together
Double Kill This user doesn't get double-kill or anything above it often when playing Halo .
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