
About me


I live Washington state and I work as a lifeguard. I have been doing competitive swim and was able to go and compete at the State Championship For Boys Highschool Swim and Dive. I am doing the running start program with Everett Community College and am working towards becoming an engineer in the future. I love to learn about random information and about people around the world. I love animals and own a mutt and a calico cat.

My Wikipedia Interests


My goals on Wikipedia is to hopefully contribute to this website as it has helped me many times over my school years. Bias and Misinformation is something I would hopefully like to help the wiki remove.

Article Evaluation


I've been doing swim and dive for a long time and at the pool I swim at and work at as a lifeguard we have a Masters Swimming Program. I just wanted to see if my knowledge with the masters programs is present or accurate. I visited the Masters Swimming article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the citations, the age, and structure of the article.



In total there are only 8 citations for the entire article. In addition there are external links to the respective Masters swimming organization across the world but they are not referenced in the article. The most recent information is the 2015-2017 official rule book, the link to the official rule book is also a dead link. The General Masters rules link is also a dead link. All other citations are all 7+ years out of date added before 2015. There is also no reference to the information provided in the first paragraph in the description section.

In the history section of the Wikipedia page the last major update was in December of 2017 and consisted of an update of to the World Masters Champion location Chart. In the update no new information was added it was just a "for looks" update. All other recent updates have been an alteration to the language used or adding external links. Also as previously stated all the references are 7 years old or even older.



One section that should be added is a notable Masters swimmers section. None of the winners from the World Champions are mentioned nor others athletes who were apart of a masters program. One example that could be added to this section is athlete Sarah Thomas, the first person to complete 4 consecutive crossings of the English Channel. Not to mention how small the "Rules" section of the article, only one example is provided on how the rules are different even though the language says "nearly the same" and makes it seem that their are more changes but not listed.



The Largest issue with the article is the outdated references and the dead links. I don't think there is much to do in order to improve the overall article. This article is just fine for people who want quick links to other pages but if they are looking for the most reliable information it would be better to look at the offical Masters website for their specific country.

