Tasceaie "TC" Alexander (born December 20) is an American stand-up comedian and actor who has performed on stages worldwide. TC was born and raised in California, and her real name is pronounced "TA-C-YA". Tasceaie is a family name derived from Navajo Indian. TC's great grandmother lived on an Indian reservation in Oklahoma and she was the first Tasceaie (TC's Grandmother). TC was the last to receive the first name, and she also keep the name in the family by making her daughter middle name Tasceaie.

In 2021, TC wrote, produced, and directed in her first feature film called The Mission (2021). TC also had a successful radio show called PussyCat Sundays. TC is the CEO/Founder for APAC and its sister company APAC-LA LLClocated in Los Angeles California.

Early Career


TC began acting at 18 and started out by doing extra work in commercials. Her writing talent was not able to be showcased doing extra work, and that's when she was introduced to Spoken Word. Her first open-mic was her way of introducing herself as a performing artist. She came back the venue once called "333rd" once owned by the singer "Prince" the following week and she excelled tremendously as a poet.

In 2005 her poetry was published and this allowed more doors to open.

In 2013, TC was already known and she took her hidden talents to the Richard Pryor "Maverick Flats" comedy club. She entered her first comedy competition and won, but she didn't stop there. She won every competition that year, and began to make her name in Comedy. This was how Comedian TC was started.

TC honed her comic delivery by performing her routine in clubs nationwide. By 2015, TC had become an established comic, appearing on stage at the likes of The Jspot, The Comedy Store, Haha Comedy Club, Flappers, The Improv, The Comedy Club, The Ice House, The Laugh Factory, and many more. Most notably she's won many awards for her comedy, including female of the year in 2018.

In 2021, TC took a chance on herself and released her first independent movie which she entitled The Mission (2021). TC worked with many VOD platforms to get her film pubished, and within 5 months of the films release, the movie had immediate success and established over 800k downloads/streams. This was the catalyst for confirming TC as a mainstream comedian.

Film and television




TC established APAC in 2017 and intended for this to be a peforming arts company that catered to the independent artist who cant affford the normal industry costs. The company offers the same industry-media services that artists need such as photography & videography, but the only difference is the cost. TC has taken pride in cutting those Hollywood prices in half, and offering the same quality to artists.

In 2020, APAC-LA LLC was established. This is the sister company, and now main HUB for APAC. APAC-LA is the production side of the corporation. This company was established for so that TC could make her first feature film in house without outsourcing.

In 2021, APAC-LA LLC released its first movie worldwide The Mission (2021). Now streaming on Prime Video, Tubi, Vimeo, Xumo, VuzzleTV, FilmHub, AlleyOp Television, and more to come.

Personal life


TC is Christian and has never lost faith in GOD despite what some people may think about her sexual orientation. [1]

TC has one biological daughter that she gave birth to. Her biological daughter, Marina is a high school volleyball star based out of Los Angeles. She has appeared on her moms Youtube Channel TC Comedian and acted out in different sketch comedy videos called "Workout Girl".

TC also gave her mother Barbara Bertrand a starring role in her first movie The Mission (2021)

  1. ^ My faith in GOD reminds me that I'm the only one that can complete and finish the jobs related to my passion. I had to learn how to stop looking for someone else to cover for me.