User:TennaRhiger/The Spotted Wobblepig

The Spotted Wobblepig The Spotted Wobblepig is a fictional creature created by the Danish playwrite, actor and author Tenna Rhiger. It started out as a character in a children's theatre, but soon developed into a creature determined to tell its own story.

The story goes that way back when God created the world and all the living things in it, he also made a tiny little creature, that not many people have heard about. He created it as the very last thing, and named it the Wobblepig. Because the Wobblepig was created last, all the other animals had already found their place in Paradise, and there was no room left for the little grey creature. It looked everywhere; under the bush, by the sea, and it even tried to learn how to fly, so that it could live with the birds. But everyone turned it down. God saw that the Wobblepig was in trouble, and he showed a tree that no one was allowed to eat from or even touch. No one, except the Wobblepig, who lived in the tree for a very long time. Although the Wobblepig was happy in the tree, it got lonely, as no one could talk to it, because they couldn't get close enough. The only one who dared get close and speak with the Wobblepig, except from God, was the snake. And that was how it came to be that the Wobblebig thought of the snake as its' only friend in the world. But then one day something happened that would change the Wobblepigs' life forever...

It is the story of friendship, of how to treat each other and of how you should always do what is right for you because you have a special place in the world.

  • The Story About How The Spotted Wobblepig Got Its Spots [1]