
Wikipedia is a great resource for information, but it is important to be aware of some safety warnings when using the site:

1. Not all information on Wikipedia is accurate or reliable. Anyone can edit Wikipedia pages, so it is possible for misinformation or biased information to be introduced.

2. Be cautious of information that lacks citations or sources. Always look for references to verify the accuracy of the information presented.

3. Some Wikipedia pages may contain inappropriate or offensive content. It is recommended to use caution and discretion when browsing unfamiliar or sensitive topics.

4. Be wary of phishing scams or malicious links on Wikipedia. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or providing personal information on the site.

5. Be mindful of the date of the information presented on Wikipedia. Some articles may be outdated or no longer relevant.

Overall, Wikipedia can be a valuable resource for information, but it is important to approach it with a critical eye and verify information through reputable sources when possible.