Save your eyes. Press TAB five time from this edit section and then ENTER to see previews, and one tab from that preview screen to get back here! :-)

I always wondered how to do pics with captions

How about a SingleEqual header


Hmm, nice, I now have enough headers to autocreate a table of contents.



A really small subsection


Yes, I see.

A place for Images

How this SVG markup appears in a capable viewer

SVG is an application of XML. An SVG file is therefore a simple text file, which can be viewed and edited as with any other markup.

No One Expects The Horizontal Line Avenger


Use Sparingly!

Have a great day!

-The Horizontal Line Avenger

test this image

And some text.



hi there
Practicing Tables
header 1 header 2 header 3
Week 27 apple row 1, cell 3
週 6 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3

Wiki markup


Howard is picking on

Peter Gabriel right now. (Actually it's an old conversation). A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box. A block of text created to see how it hangs with the info box.