The Azrael Angel (real name unknown), is somewhat of an enigma. His mindset, one of a combination of old school values and new world experimentation, gives him the ability to separate the differences between emotional thought and physical action. In essence, he can shut off his emotions. With this ability, he is able to view the world in a different light, and explore the more obscure aspects of life.

From a young age however, he was under a constant strain of bullying and institutional harassment. Ear-marked as an under achiever at primary school, he was constantly segregated from his peers in order to 'improve his abilities. In actual fact the opposite was true, he was known by his peers as someone who had all the answers to all the questions, and if he didn't know, he knew how to find out. Unfortunately, there were those who didn't like this, and targeted him for humiliation. Many tried to get at him, whether through physical violence, or mental and emotional trauma. It didn't phase him, as his mindset could not be warped by his peers. The institution though, it had other ideas. It forced him many a time to rebel against it in order to live the life he wanted, which was one of learning and adventure.

Secondary school, however, was a different ball game. Without anyone he knew around him, he was considered a loner by his peers, which in turn opened the floodgates to more and more bullying. Without his safety net, Azrael sank deeper within his mind, finding solace in literature and fantasy gaming. With this he managed to passively make his way through life for the next two years, until halfway through his ninth year at school, where an Irish traveller, who had recently joined the school, attacked him in a Design and Technology lesson with a mallet. He responded by putting the boy's face in a circular sander, while it was active. He was expelled, of course, but it made him realise he can not allow himself, or anyone he cared for, to be abused again, so he vowed to defend himself at every attack, and help any friends he sees being abused. This vow in turn, changed his outlook on life, where before, he ignored the filth in life for what little beauty there was, into a darker, more twisted mind.

His second shot at high school went by quite colourfully. Within two days of arriving, a fight broke out between him and another member of the school. Azrael fought the guy, who tried to steal from him, out of self defence, as his opponent threw a plate. Azrael beat the boy down, much to the shock of his peers, who considered him an easy meal to the more aggressive side of the school. Now, with some standing, he was left alone for the most part, until he took on one of the most well known bullies in his year.