Shalin Henry is a smart kid with a huge heart She writes stories on her iPad and once wrote a story for a high school project As a 12 year old her goals are huge and one day hopes to be famous. She is also well known to be a unicorn 🦄 and is currently looking into becoming a unicorn. Shalin was born on August 23rd 2005 and her favourite color is purple.

Growing up Even though she has not grown for long she has a huge obsession with riverdale and the muppets She is currently being raised My her mother Vanessa Henry and father Jason Henry she has 4 other siblings who are older than her. When she grows she would like to become a actress and pursue her dreams in becoming a unicorn and being on Disney Channel.

Shalin’s favorites Her favourite food is tacos Her favorite color is purple Her favourite name is Helen Her favourite animal is turtles Her favourite season is Summer Her favourite candy is is Everything Her favourite drink is orange juice Her favourite singer is Justin Bieber Her favourite song is Purpose by Justin Bieber Her favourite Movie is The hunger games Her favourite show is riverdale Her favorite youtuber is Jake Paul