
The fighting game series Super Smash Bros. from Nintendo, launched in 1999, features an assortment of video game characters from different franchises. There are 82 playable characters across the series, primarily sourced from Nintendo franchises but also from a number of third-party companies. There are also other non-playable characters that take the form of enemies, bosses, and power-ups.



The original Super Smash Bros., a fighting game developed by HAL Laboratory and released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, features a cast of 12 playable characters from various Nintendo franchises. Eight characters (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, and Pikachu) are available from the start and four (Luigi, Captain Falcon, Ness, and Jigglypuff) can be unlocked by completing challenges. The game initially featured generic original characters, but director Masahiro Sakurai decided it was important to incorporate recognizable characters to establish the atmosphere. Marth, Mewtwo, Bowser, and King Dedede were intended to appear.

List of characters



Fighter 64 Melee Brawl for 3DS and Wii U Ultimate Franchise
Bayonetta       DLC   Bayonetta
Bowser           Super Mario
Bowser Jr.[a]           Super Mario
Captain Falcon           F-Zero
Charizard[b]           Pokémon
Chrom[c]           Fire Emblem
Cloud       DLC   Final Fantasy
Corrin       DLC   Fire Emblem
Daisy[c]           Super Mario
Dark Pit[c]           Kid Icarus
Dark Samus[c]           Metroid
Diddy Kong           Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong           Donkey Kong
Dr. Mario           Super Mario
Duck Hunt[d]           Duck Hunt
Falco           Star Fox
Fox           Star Fox
Ganondorf           The Legend of Zelda
Greninja           Pokémon
Ice Climbers           Ice Climber
Ike           Fire Emblem
Incineroar           Pokémon
Inkling           Splatoon
Isabelle           Animal Crossing
Ivysaur[b]           Pokémon
Jigglypuff           Pokémon
Joker         DLC Persona
Ken[c]           Street Fighter
King Dedede           Kirby
King K. Rool           Donkey Kong
Kirby           Kirby
Link           The Legend of Zelda
Little Mac           Punch-Out!!
Lucario           Pokémon
Lucas       DLC   EarthBound
Lucina[c]           Fire Emblem
Luigi           Super Mario
Mario           Super Mario
Marth           Fire Emblem
Mega Man           Mega Man
Meta Knight           Kirby
Mewtwo       DLC   Pokémon
Mii Brawler[e]           Mii
Mii Swordfighter[e][d]           Mii
Mii Gunner[e]           Mii
Mr. Game & Watch           Game & Watch
Ness           EarthBound
Olimar[f]           Pikmin
Pac-Man           Pac-Man
Palutena           Kid Icarus
Peach           Super Mario
Pichu           Pokémon
Pikachu           Pokémon
Piranha Plant         DLC Super Mario
Pit           Kid Icarus
Richter[c]           Castlevania
Ridley           Metroid
R.O.B.           R.O.B.
Robin           Fire Emblem
Rosalina & Luma           Super Mario
Roy       DLC   Fire Emblem
Ryu       DLC   Street Fighter
Samus[g]           Metroid
Sheik[h]           The Legend of Zelda
Shulk           Xenoblade Chronicles
Simon           Castlevania
Snake           Metal Gear
Sonic           Sonic the Hedgehog
Squirtle[b]           Pokémon
Toon Link           The Legend of Zelda
Villager           Animal Crossing
Wario           Wario
Wii Fit Trainer           Wii Fit
Wolf           Star Fox
Yoshi           Yoshi
Young Link           The Legend of Zelda
Zelda[h]           The Legend of Zelda
Zero Suit Samus[g]           Metroid
Total 12 26 39 51 (+7 DLC) 76 (+2 DLC)[i] Franchise




  1. ^ Bowser Jr.'s seven alternate costumes change the character's name and appearance to be one of the Koopalings: Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, or Ludwig.
  2. ^ a b c In Brawl and Ultimate, this Pokémon is listed with two others under the name "Pokémon Trainer" on the character select screen. The Pokémon Trainer appears in the background while the player takes direct control of Squirtle, Ivysaur, or Charizard, and can switch between them during the battle. In 3DS/Wii U, only Charizard is available as a standalone character.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g In Ultimate, this character is classified as an Echo Fighter.
  4. ^ a b There are slight name variations between NTSC and PAL versions. The NTSC characters "Duck Hunt" and "Mii Swordfighter" are referred to in PAL versions as "Duck Hunt Duo" and "Mii Sword Fighter."
  5. ^ a b c In 3DS/Wii U, Brawler, Swordfighter, and Gunner are under one character slot labeled as Mii Fighters. In Ultimate, they have been separated into their own individual slots.
  6. ^ In 3DS/Wii U and Ultimate, four of Olimar's alternate costumes change his name and appearance to Alph, a character from Pikmin 3.
  7. ^ a b In Brawl, Zero Suit Samus is an alternate form of Samus not displayed on the character select screen; players can switch back and forth between the two by using a specific attack. The two were separated and became independent characters beginning in 3DS/Wii U.
  8. ^ a b In Melee and Brawl, Sheik is an alternate form of Zelda not displayed on the character select screen; players can switch back and forth between the two by using a specific attack. The two were separated and became independent characters beginning in 3DS/Wii U.
  9. ^ Besides the two downloadable fighters listed, Nintendo plans to release four additional fighters as DLC for Ultimate through February 2020.

