


SHO Phase Space Volume

The time evolution of phase space for the simple harmonic oscillator (SHO). Here we have taken   and are considering the region  .

Consider an   particle system in three dimensions, and focus on only the evolution of   particles. Within phase space, these   particles occupy an infinitesimal volume given by


We want   to remain the same throughout time, so that   is constant along the trajectories of the system. If we allow our particles to evolve by an infinitesimal time step  , we see that each particle phase space location changes as


where   and   denote   and   respectively, and we have only kept terms linear in  . Extending this to our infinitesimal hypercube  , the side lengths change as


To find the new infinitesimal phase space volume  , need the product of the above quantities. To first order in  , we get the following.


So far, we have yet to make any specifications about our system. Let us now specialize to the case of    -dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillators. That is, each particle in our ensemble can be treated as a simple harmonic oscillator. The Hamiltonian for this system is given by


By using Hamilton's equations with the above Hamiltonian we find that the term in parentheses above is identically zero, thus yielding


From this we can find the infinitesimal volume of phase space.


Thus we have ultimately found that the infinitesimal phase space volume is unchanged, yielding


demonstrating Liouville's Theorem holds for this system.[1]

The question remains of how the phase space volume actually evolves in time. Above we have shown that the total volume is conserved, but said nothing about what it looks like. For a single particle we can see that its trajectory in phase space is given by the ellipse of constant  . Explicitly, one can solve Hamilton's equations for the system and find


where   and   denote the initial position and momentum of the   particle. For a system of multiple particles, each one will have a phase space trajectory that traces out an ellipse corresponding to the particle's energy. The frequency at which the ellipse is traced is given by the   in the Hamiltonian, independent of any differences in energy. As a result a region of phase space will simply rotate about the point   with frequency dependent on   [2]. This can be seen in the animation above.

Damped Harmonic Oscillator

The evolution of phase space volume for the damped harmonic oscillator. The same values of parameters are used as in the SHO case, with  .

One of the foundational assumptions of Liouville's Theorem is that the system obeys the conservation of energy. In the context of phase space, this is to say that   is constant on phase space surfaces of constant energy  . If we break this requirement by considering a system in which energy is not conserved, we find that   also fails to be constant.

As an example of this, consider again the system of   particles each in a  -dimensional isotropic harmonic potential, the Hamiltonian for which is given in the previous example. This time, we add the condition that each particle experiences a frictional force. As this is a non-conservative force, we need to extend Hamilton's equations as


where   is a positive constant dictating the amount of friction. Following a very similar procedure to the undamped harmonic oscillator case, we arrive again at


Plugging in our modified Hamilton's equations, we find


Calculating our new infinitesimal phase space volume, and keeping only first order in   we find the following result.


We have found that the infinitesimal phase space volume is no longer constant, and thus the phase space density is not conserved. As can be seen from the equation as time increases, we expect our phase space volume to decrease to zero as friction affects the system.

As for how the phase space volume evolves in time, we will still have the constant rotation as in the undamped case. However, the damping will introduce a steady decrease in the radii of each ellipse. Again we can solve for the trajectories explicitly using Hamilton's equations, taking care to use the modified ones above. Letting   for convenience, we find


where the values   and   denote the initial position and momentum of the   particle. As the system evolves the total phase space volume will spiral in to the origin. This can be seen in the figure above.

Symplectic Geometry


We can also formulate Liouville's Theorem in terms of symplectic geometry. For a given system, we can consider the phase space   of a particular Hamiltonian   as a manifold   endowed with a symplectic 2-form


The volume form of our manifold is the top exterior power of the symplectic 2-form, and is just another representation of the measure on the phase space described above.

On our phase space symplectic manifold we can define a Hamiltonian vector field generated by a function   as


Specifically, when the generating function is the Hamiltonian itself,  , we get


where we utilized Hamilton's equations of motion and the definition of the chain rule.[3]

In this formalism, Liouville's Theorem states that the Lie derivative of the volume form is zero along the flow generated by  . That is, for   a 2n-dimensional symplectic manifold,


In fact, the symplectic structure   itself is preserved, not only its top exterior power. That is, Liouville's Theorem also gives [4]



  1. ^ Kardar, Mehran (2007). Statistical Physics of Particles. University of Cambridge Press. pp. 59–60. ISBN 978-0-521-87342-0.
  2. ^ Eastman, Peter (2014–2015). "Evolution of Phase Space Probabilities".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  3. ^ Nakahara, Mikio (2003). Geometry, Topology, and Physics (2 ed.). Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 201–204. ISBN 978-0-7503-0606-5.
  4. ^ Nash, Oliver (8 January 2015). "Liouville's theorem for pedants" (PDF).