User:The Emperor's New Spy/Sandbox/List of Consorts of Hispania

This is a list of the Consorts of Hispania, the wives of many man throughout history that either had a serious claim to and ruled all of Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula, including Spain and Portugal) or were claimant to such a title. Included are the Queens of All Hispania, also known as the Queen of the Visigoths (584-721), dating from the Visigothic conquest of the Suebic Kingdom of Galicia. Although the Visigoth conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula, there remain small fractions of the Basque people that held out Pyrenees. After the Umayyad conquest of Hispania, the Muslim took over, ending the Visigothic monarchy. They were followed by the Hispanic Empresses whose husband claimed the title of Emperor of Hispania, only in name, though, and these claims ended in 1157.

Notice that before the emergence of the modern country of Spain (beginning with the union of Castile and Aragon in 1492), the Latin word Hispania, in any of the Iberian Romance languages, either in singular or plural forms (in English: Spain or Spains), was used to refer to the whole of the Iberian Peninsula, and not exclusively, as in modern usage, to the country of Spain, thus excluding Portugal.

Visigothic Queen of All Hispania

Picture Name Father Birth Marriage Became Queen Ceased to be Queen Death Spouse
  Goiswintha of the Visigoths Amalaric
530 after 567 584
consolidation of most of Hispania
21 April 586
husband's death
589 Liuvigild
Ingund of Austrasia Sigebert I
567 579 580
husband's ascession as sub-king in Baetica
13 April 585
husband's martyrdom
586 Hermenegild
  Bauda ? ? ? 580
husband's ascession as sub-king in Baetica
? Reccared I
Chlodoswintha of Austrasia Sigebert I
569 594 December 601
husband's death
The names or identities of the queens during the reigns of Liuva II (601–603) and Witteric (603–610) are not known.
  Hildoara ? ? ? April 610
husband's ascession
February/March 612
husband's death
? Gundemar
  ? First wife of Sisebut and mother of Theodora, Suintila's queen. She may or may not have died before her husband's accession Sisebut
  ? Second wife of Sisebut and mother of Reccared II. She was the bastard daughter of Reccared I by Floresinda, by whom he had a son Reccared II.
Reccared II's wife isn't mention, and it isn't known if he had a wife or not.
  Theodora of the Visigoths Sisebut 590 ? March 621
husband's ascession
26 March 631
husband's deposition
? Suintila
The names or identities of the queens during the reigns of Sisenand (631–636), Chintila (636–640), and Tulga (640–641) are not known.
  Recciberga ? ? ? 642
husband's ascession
before 30 September 653 Chindasuinth
The names or identities of the queens during the reigns of Recceswinth (649–672) and Wamba (672–680) are not known.
  Liuvigoto of the Visigoths Suintila 620 ? 21 October 680
husband's ascession
15 November 687
husband's abdication
after 690 Erwig
  Cixilo of the Visigoths Erwig ? 670 15 November 687
husband's ascession
late 687
? Erwig
The names or identities of the queens during the reigns of Egica (687–702) and Wittiza (694–710) are not known.
  Egilona ? 659 ? 710
husband's ascession
husband's death
718 Roderic
The names or identities of the queens during the reigns of Agila II (711–714) and Ardo (714–721) are not known.
Picture Name Father Birth Marriage Became Queen Ceased to be Queen Death Spouse

Empress of Hispania

Picture Name Father Birth Marriage Became Empress Ceased to be Empress Death Spouse
Mayor of Castile Sancho García, Count of Castile
c. 995 c. 1010 c. 1035
husband's ascession as Emperor
18 October 1035
husband's death
1032 or after 1066[1] Sancho
  Sancha of León Alfonso V of León
(Beni Alfons)
? c. 1032 1056
husband's coronation as Emperor
24 June 1065
husband's death
27 November 1067 Ferdinand
Agnes of Aquitaine William VIII, Duke of Aquitaine
? c. 1069 1077
husband's ascension as Emperor
after May 1077
death or divorce
Constance of Burgundy Robert I, Duke of Burgundy
? 8 May 1080 c. 1093
Bertha ? ? April 1095 late 1099
? ? May 1100 mid-1107
Beatrice ? ? May 1108 1 July 1109
husband's death
  Urraca of León and Castile Alfonso the Brave
c. 1078 October 1109 1114
marriage annulled
8 March 1126 Alfonso
  Berenguela of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona
? November 1128 1135
husband's ascension as Emperor
15 January 1149 Alfonso
Richeza of Poland Władysław II the Exile
? c. 1152 21 August 1157
husband's death
16 June 1185
Picture Name Father Birth Marriage Became Consort Ceased to be Consort Death Spouse


  1. ^
  2. ^ Either she was of French origins (perhaps Burgundian), she was Zaida of Seville, or there were two successive queens named Isabel, first, French, second Zaida.

See also


Outside the Iberian Peninsula.



Consorts Hispania Hispania, queen consorts Hispania, queen consorts Hispania, queen consorts