#Operational scripts

About scripts


About scripts on WP


Operational scripts


Script development


Below is a list of my scripts (actual and planned; links are to their talk/workshop pages). I use the scripts' talk pages as their workshops/instruction manuals. The discussion (talk page) portion of those pages is at the end of each.

For the script talk page template, see: User talk:The Transhumanist/Template.js

To insert starter workshop page, copy and paste this: {{subst:User talk:The Transhumanist/Template.js|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}

To insert starter script, copy and paste this: {{subst:User:The Transhumanist/Template.js}}

Bold italic indicates those that are at least partially operational.

Italic indicates those of high priority in the task queue.

Group one

  1. SearchSuite.js – suite of search features. Replaces/obsoletes the StripSearch scripts.
  2. StripSearch.js – strips search results down to bare pagenames.
  3. StripSearchSimple.js – original StripSearch program. No on/off menu item. But the source code is very easy to learn from.
  4. StripSearchInWikicode.js – strips search results down to bare pagenames, and presents as bullet list with pagenames enclosed in double square bracket link delimiters (just like in wikicode). Redirected entries are also removed.
  5. StripSearchSorted.js – strips search results down to bare pagenames, sorted alphabetically.
  6. RedlinksRemover.js – remove or delink red linked list items from outlines and lists, as appropriate. Ideal for removing redlinks from new outlines created by template.
  7. StripSearchFilter.js – narrow down search results.
  8. StripSearchWithHeadings.js – strips search results down to bare pagenames, and presents as bullet list with pagenames enclosed in double square bracket link delimiters (just like in wikicode), with letters of the alphabet inserted as level 2 wiki headings, ready for copying and pasting.
  9. SearchResultsIntoTabs.js – load search results into tabs (limit 20)
  10. LoadNextPage.js – load next page from the load list.
  11. NewLoadList.js – make new load list for use with LoadNextPage.
  12. OutlineAnnotator.js – add an annotation for all the list items in the current outline that do not already have one
  13. AnnotateListItem.js – add an annotation to the highlighted (linked) list item
  14. AnnotationEdit.js – annotation editor (edit the annotation for a specified list item)
  15. OutlineMain2LI.js – convert main links in outline to list items.
  16. Prioritize.js – user picks order. Works on marked range of bullet items if highlighted, works on first contiguous bullet list in section if no highlight; preserves tree structure if any
  17. UserSortBySubject.js – user sorts a list of items by entering numbers corresponding to sorting destinations.
  18. OutlineMapper.js – assists in matching outline sections to entry sources (e.g., within cattree, or wherever), for import.
  19. OutlineDedupeHolding.js – remove duplicate list items from the outline's holding sections (See also, holding bin, place these, general concepts, and list section). That is, it will remove from each of these sections, in turn, all topics that exist anywhere else in the body of the page (not in templates).
  20. TopicPlacerFromBin.js – Topic placer (loads topics from holding bin into an array, then assists in placing each one). For use on lists and outlines.

Group two

  1. ViewAsOutline.js – provides menu item that applies and turns on/off the methods from various ViewAsOutline scripts.
  2. ViewAsOutline-AllPagesWithPrefix.js – converts page to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines and lists.
  3. ViewAsOutline-Article.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  4. ViewAsOutline-Book.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  5. ViewAsOutline-Category.js – converts page to list format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines and lists.
  6. ViewAsOutline-CategoryTree.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines and lists.
  7. ViewAsOutline-Glossary.js – convert to list format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines and lists.
  8. ViewAsOutline-Index.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  9. ViewAsOutline-InfoBox.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  10. ViewAsOutline-InfoBoxCity.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  11. ViewAsOutline-InfoBoxCountry.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  12. ViewAsOutline-InfoBoxCounty.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  13. ViewAsOutline-InfoBoxProvince.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  14. ViewAsOutline-Portal.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  15. ViewAsOutline-PortalContentsSubjectPage.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  16. ViewAsOutline-PortalTopics.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  17. ViewAsOutline-Table.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  18. ViewAsOutline-Templates.js – provides menu item to convert navboxes and sidebar boxes to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  19. ViewAsOutline-WhatLinksHere.js – convert to outline format on screen, sorted, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.
  20. ViewAsOutline-WikiProjTopicsList.js – convert to outline format on screen, with wikicodes for easy copy-and-paste into outlines.

Group three

  1. OutlineViewConventional.js – change the viewed formatting of the current outline into that of a conventionally indented outline, without headings.
  2. OutlineViewAnnotationToggler.js – turns annotations off and on, across all pages.
  3. OutlineViewTOCToggler.js – toggle the TOC off/on for outlines
  4. OutlineViewImageToggler.js – turns images off and on, across all outlines.
  5. OutlineViewPrefix.js – changes the item prefixing (bullets) of the current outline to the standard alphanumeric prefix system (I.A.1.a.i.)
  6. OutlineViewPrefixNumeric.js – changes the item prefixing (bullets) of the current outline to the standard numeric prefix system (
  7. OutlineViewLevelChoose.js – collapse or expand the viewed levels of the outline.
  8. OutlineViewLevelCollapse.js – collapse the number of levels viewed by one
  9. OutlineViewLevelExpand.js – expand the number of levels viewed by one
  10. OutlineViewCompact.js – columnize branch ends (forces annotation toggler to hide mode)
  11. OutlineViewMindMap.js – view outline as a mind map
  12. OutlineViewTree.js – view outline as a tree
  13. ExtractListFromTable.js – extract list from table; prompts for where to put the list. If existing article, formats it as section. If new article, formats the whole page.
  14. FixDoubleRedirects.js – finds and fixes double redirects on the page.
  15. ListWishListAddTo.js – prompts for title, if title does not exist as article or draft, add it to wish list
  16. ListWishListUpdater.js – removes titles that have been created (as drafts or articles)
  17. MakeInsertList.js – make/insert list; akin to AWB's make list
  18. ReplaceDabLinks.js – interactively assists in fixing dablinks. (See:User:Splarka/dabfinder.js)
  19. ReplaceOrRemoveRedLinks.js – finds a page or section for each redlink to point to. Removes those for which it cannot.
  20. TopicSender.js – prompts for parent topic (outline), then checks if is already there, if it isn't, then it sends it to the receiving section of that outline)

Group four

  1. CheckTopic.js – check to see if topic is placed in any outline.
  2. Fetch.js – fetches lead (for annotation), external links, and mapped sections to the current outline, if they aren't already there. For the mapped sections, dedupes and sorts.
  3. FetchCategory.js – import category to present location.
  4. FetchSection.js – import section to present location.
  5. FetchLead.js – import portion of lead as annotation for lead entry in current outline.
  6. FetchExtLinks.js – import external links to external links section of current outline.
  7. SortTree.js – sorts structured list, without disrupting the parent/offspring relationships. Recursive, to sort all levels.
  8. InsertTopic.js – insert topic (pop up editor) before, after, or under the current topic.
  9. InsertHeading.js
  10. LinkifyListItems.js – checks if topic exists, and if it does, linkifies it. Aka LinkifyOutlineEntries
  11. PlaceCategory.js
  12. PlaceListSection.js
  13. RandomArticleWithinSubject.js
  14. RemoveDupesAtTargetPage.js – compares 2 pages, nukes dupes, leaves the rest of target page intact (copy to sandbox first)
  15. TargetOutline.js – specify target outline, and save in localstorage, for use by other scripts.
  16. TargetSection.js – specify target section, and save in localstorage, for use by other scripts.
  17. TopicPointer.js – topic mode. When engaged, topic scripts will work, in relation to the pointer.
  18. OutlineGapFinder.js – find gaps in coverage of current outline.
  19. OutlineMaintainer.js – identifies and fixes problems in an outline, updates items, and adds missing topics.
  20. OutlineWizard.js – takes the user step-by-step through outline creation or outline maintenance.

Group five

  1. AnalyzeSubjectForOL.js – builds profile and rates subject's suitability for an outline
  2. CleanUpSeeAlso.js – clean up the see also section of a regular article, by sending the links to the corresponding outline's receiving section, and adding links for corresponding overview, outline, index, book, and glossary
  3. GatherTaggedTitles.js – via What links here, finds all WikiProject-tagged article titles for a given subject, and copies them to the corresponding outline's receiving section
  4. PopulateOutlineExternalLinksSection.js – goes to corresponding root and section mains, and copies external links to external link section of current outline
  5. RemoveDupesUponCompare.js – remove duplicates from one page that are already on another specific page (for use in processing topics lists)
  6. RemoveProblemsFromOutline.js – remove problems
  7. SortSection.js – sort bullet lists in the section, while preserving their tree structures, if any
  8. SortOutline.js – sort all bullet lists on the page, while preserving their tree structures, if any
  9. TopicClassifier.js – determines what classifications (types) a topic belongs to. This might include recording such classifications in WikiData and/or a custom database
  10. TopicPlacerNavSystem.js – places a chosen topic (link) into the appropriate outlines and lists, in the appropriate locations
  11. PlaceOutlineLinks.js – place links leading to current or specified outline, in all relevant locations. Provide appropriate access and direct appropriate traffic to the outline
  12. Outline2Index.js – convert outline to index
  13. NavSysManager.js – outline-list navigation system manager (top-down and bottom up development and maintenance of outlines)
  14. OutlineImagePopulator.js – find images and insert them into outline (supporting the outline fully with images)
  15. Outliner.js – outline editor
  16. DragDropListItem.js – drag/drop list item to new location on page
  17. DragDropParagraph.js – drag/drop paragraph to new location on page
  18. DragDropSection.js – drag/drop section to new location on page
  19. GetPut.js – get/put topic (in edit mode)
  20. GatherPut.js – gather/put (in edit mode)

Group six

  1. AddLinksToIndex.js – add links to index
  2. AlphaHeadings.js – insert letter headings in an alphabetical list, and {{CompactTOC}} above
  3. SendToIndex – sends highlighted link to index specified (or pick from a list), and places it in the proper order in the list.
  4. Cat2List.js – copy and convert category to a list
  5. DisplayBareLinkList.js – show all the links on the page as bulleted list, minus links in templates and image captions
  6. FindJSProgrammers.js – looks at js page edit histories, gadget edit histories, userboxes, etc.
  7. SlideShow.js – shows items from a list, one at a time, advancing to next one upon a key press, or after a predetermined amount of time for each, at user's option.
  8. SlideShowManual.js – shows items from a list, one at a time, advancing to next one upon a key press.
  9. SlideShowAuto.js – shows items from a list, one at a time, advancing to next one after a predetermined amount of time for each.
  10. ArticleExpander.js – maintains and expands an article.
  11. ListArticleMaintainer – maintains and expands a list article.
  12. Outline2Glossary – convert outline to glossary.
  13. OutlineSortList.js – sort highlighted list in current section of current outline.
  14. OutlineFixOLLinks.js – apply article (outline) pairs for all entries that have a corresponding outline
  15. OutlineLeafExpansion – make leaf bullets triangular; clicking on triangle pulls in TOC from link; with further triangles. Directory tree style. Explain in interface somewhere.
  16. TemplateToggle.js – toggles display of templates off/on. Helps limit link capture.
  17. EmbeddedLinksToggle – toggles link status of embedded links off/on. Linkified list entries not affected. Helps limit link capture.
  18. TopicProfiler.js – topic profiler
  19. OutlineWishListAddTo.js – prompts for title, if title does not exist as article or draft, add it to wish list
  20. OutlineWishListUpdater.js – removes titles that have been created (as drafts or articles)

Group seven

  1. HarvestAll.js – prompts for subject, then applies all the harvest methods below to that subject.
  2. HarvestAllPagesWithPrefix.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  3. HarvestArticle.js – extract topics that actually belong to the subject, including headings, linkify them, and then copy them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  4. HarvestBook.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  5. HarvestCategory.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  6. HarvestCategoryTree.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  7. HarvestCityInfoBox.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  8. HarvestCountryInfoBox.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  9. HarvestEmbeddedLists.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  10. HarvestGlossary.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline
  11. HarvestIndex.js – Extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  12. HarvestInfoBox.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  13. HarvestListOfTopics.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  14. HarvestNavBox.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  15. HarvestPortal.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  16. HarvestPortalContentsSubjectPage.js – extract and convert links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  17. HarvestPortalTopics.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  18. HarvestSeriesBox.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  19. HarvestSidebar.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  20. HarvestWikiProjTopicsList.js – extract links, then add them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.

Group eight

  1. ConvertAllToOutline.js – prompts for subject, then applies all the "convert to outline" methods below to that subject.
  2. ConvertAllPagesWithPrefixToOutline.js – copy and convert WikiProject articles by quality category tree to outline.
  3. ConvertArticleToOutline.js – gather from article, topics that actually belong to the subject, including headings, and then linkify them and copy them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  4. ConvertBookToOutline.js – copy and convert book to outline.
  5. ConvertCategoryToOutline.js – copy and convert (general) category to outline (using subcategory names).
  6. ConvertCategoryTreeToOutline.js – copy and convert selected category tree to outline.
  7. ConvertCityInfoBoxToOutline.js – copy and convert city infobox to outline
  8. ConvertCountryInfoBoxToOutline.js – copy and convert country infobox to outline (for sandbox purposes)
  9. ConvertEmbeddedListsToOutline.js – copy embedded lists from current page, and send to holding section of corresponding outline.
  10. ConvertGlossaryToOutline.js – copy and convert glossary to outline.
  11. ConvertIndexToOutline.js – ???
  12. ConvertInfoBoxToOutline.js – copy and convert infobox to outline
  13. ConvertListOfTopicsToOutline.js – copy and convert topics list to outline.
  14. ConvertNavBoxToOutline.js – copy and convert navigation footer to outline.
  15. ConvertPortalToOutline.js – like ConvertPortalTopics, but processing the whole portal.
  16. ConvertPortalContentsSubjectPage.js – copy and convert to outline (for sandbox purposes)
  17. ConvertPortalTopicsToOutline.js – process portal topics page (copy to sandbox?, strip of duplicates, integrate into outline, or convert 2 OL if there isn't already one; see list in sandbox35)
  18. ConvertSeriesBoxToOutline.js – copy and convert series box to outline.
  19. ConvertSidebarToOutline.js – copy and convert sidebar to outline.
  20. ConvertWikiProjTopicsListToOutline.js – copy and convert WikiProject topic list to outline.

Group nine

  1. IntegrateAll.js – prompt for subject, apply all methods from integration scripts below to it.
  2. IntegrateAllPagesWithPrefix.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  3. IntegrateArticle.js – gather from article, topics that actually belong to the subject, including headings, and then linkify them and copy them to the receiving section of the corresponding outline.
  4. IntegrateBook.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  5. IntegrateCategory.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates
  6. IntegrateCategoryTree.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  7. IntegrateCityInfoBox.js – integrate country infobox into country outline (can be used for updating too)
  8. IntegrateCountryInfoBox.js – integrate city infobox into country outline (can be used for updating too)
  9. IntegrateEmbeddedLists.js – integrate embedded lists from current page, discarding duplicates.
  10. IntegrateIndex.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  11. IntegrateInfoBox.js – integrate infobox into outline (can be used for updating too)
  12. IntegrateGlossary.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates
  13. IntegrateListOfTopics.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  14. IntegrateNavBox.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  15. IntegratePortal.js – like IntegratePortalTopics, but processing the whole portal.
  16. IntegratePortalContentsSubjectPage.js – determine which topics from this page are not yet covered in the corresponding outline, and then integrate them into it (for updating purposes).
  17. IntegratePortalTopics.js – process portal topics page (copy to sandbox?, strip of duplicates, integrate into outline, or convert 2 OL if there isn't already one; see list in sandbox35)
  18. IntegrateSeriesBox.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  19. IntegrateSideBar.js – integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.
  20. IntegrateWikiProjTopicsList.js – Integrate into corresponding outline, discarding duplicates.

Group ten

  1. OutlineSplitter.js – split off section to new outline.
  2. OutlineSystemGapFinder.js – find gaps in the outline system
  3. OutlineUpdaterCity.js – checks against template for missing items, and if items exist (as blue links), add them
  4. OutlineUpdaterCounty.js – checks against creation template for missing items, and if items exist (as blue links), add them
  5. OutlineUpdaterProvince.js – checks against creation template for missing items, and if items exist (as blue links), add them
  6. OutlineUpdaterState.js – checks against creation template for missing items, and if items exist (as blue links), add them
  7. OutlineUpdaterUSState.js – checks against creation template for missing items, and if items exist (as blue links), add them
  8. RealTimeJS.js – show edits to scripts in near real time (like Lupin)
  9. PopupBig.js
  10. MultiTabLoader.js
  11. TopicPlacerPointClick.js – same as TopicPlacerKeyPress but with point & click.
  12. TopicPlacerDragDrop.js – similar to TopicPlacerKeyPress but with drag & drop. The difference is not limited to placing the top item from the list. Drag & drop any item from the source list.
  13. TopicPlacerKeyPress.js – assigns headings of target page to 0-9 & A-Z keys, and shows the headings in a list. Once activated, press a key and the top topic at the current location will be sent to the corresponding section.
  14. SectionRearranger.js – presents all an article's headings in a box (like the TOC), then the user rearranges them in the box, and then upon processing, the script rearranges all those sections in the article to match their order in the box.
  15. HarvestArticleTitles.js
  16. HarvestListTitles.js – gathers all list titles (list of, lists of, timeline of, glossary of, outline of, etc.)
  17. ManageArticleTitles.js
  18. ManageListTitles.js
  19. SectionRearranger-AD.js – section rearranger for administrative division articles (cities, counties, departments, provinces, states, etc.)
  20. SectionRearranger-City.js – section rearranger for city articles.

Group eleven

  1. PortalTool.js – functions for working on portals.
  2. P-link.js – place portal links on root article, category, and navbox footer.
  3. FetchCat.js – import members of a category, as list items, to current page.
  4. .js
  5. .js
  6. .js
  7. .js
  8. .js
  9. .js
  10. .js
  11. .js
  12. .js
  13. .js
  14. .js
  15. .js
  16. .js
  17. .js
  18. .js
  19. .js
  20. .js


  1. .js

Planned forks




WikiProject Outlines support


Main WPOOK shortcuts

  • WP:2 – Portal:Contents/Outlines
  • WP:WPOOK – WikiProject Outlines
  • WP:OOKDISC – List of discussions concerning outlines
  • WP:OOKDIR – directory of WikiProject Outlines pages, including all shortcuts

Work pages






process below

User page subpages
