The following topics need work. Those that are redirects or that are red, need to be created, and the rest need further development. If you do or intend to do major work on any of these, please let me know on my talk page. I'd be very interested in taking a look.

  • Awareness – especially the types of awareness
  • Decision (the noun), distinct from decision making (the verb or activity). Currently there is just a redirect.
  • Goal and goal setting - there's nothing about goal evaluation or goal setting methods:
    • generating/gathering options
    • goal selection, or selection criteria, or choice applied to available goals
    • the philosophical issues pertaining to goal worthiness (how virtues and values affect goals and goal selection)
    • goal setting as an essential step in decision making and planning
    • goals as decisions
  • Field of awareness – especially how multiple awareness fields interact and interfere with each other
  • Field restriction – of awareness fields, especially the currently engaged field of awareness
  • Personal development – this article is very listy, and needs to be converted to the standard MOS heading/paragraph format.
  • Self-development (the self-help article has the connotation of "self-treatment"). Currently just a redirect.
  • Self-management (in general, not the handicapped connotation)

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